General Orders Flashcards
Management Philosophies
Command Accountability
Leadership & Innovation
Organizational Development
Personnel Development
Public Responsibility
GO 0.2
A copy of the Area meeting minutes shall be posted for _______ days in the respective Area office.
GO 1.5
Smoking shall not be permitted within ______ feet of doorways, ground level air intake structures, and operable windows.
GO 6.1
Not permitted in state building or state vehicles. Must be posted at all entrances/exits and other conspicuous places. Must read “nonsmoking building” “smoking not permitted in this building” or the universal nonsmoking symbol. Shall be in English. May be up to two additional languages. Readable from 25’.
GO 6.1
Who is the OPI for determining eligibility for retirement badges, ID cards, service weapon purchases and CCW privileges?
Risk Management Section. Appropriate Assistant Commissioner has final authorization for retiree privileges.
GO 10.16
Is a retired peace officer being involved in an incident which brings discredit or embarrassment to themselves or the Department, sufficient grounds to revoke their retired ID card?
No. But if they do and try to use the card to get special privileges or to harass of intimidate,then it may be revoked.
GO 10.16