General Methodological concepts of Research Flashcards
What is the dfference b.w quantitative and qualitative?
Quanitative use numbers to represent data (age, pain scales like 1- 10 ect)
Qualiltative uses words to represent data ( open ended commentary groups, and ect. )
What is the difference b/w interventional and observational study designs?
Interventional is RESEARCH FORCED allocation into groups
observational is NON FORCED allocation into groups
As interventional studies move from phase 0 to phase 4, what is trend of classification?
its based on increasing evidence so phase 0 whould be the least and phase 4 would be the most
What is a population and sample (study subjects) ?
Populaton are all individuals making up a common group from which a sample can be obtained if desired
Sample is a subset portion of the full or complete population
Ex: all diabetics in the US is a population however a smaller subset of chunk of that group would be a sample
What does exclusiion and inclusion criteria impact?
It affects generalizablity also known as external validity
What is a null hypothesis ?
A research POV that states that there will be NO ( true) differnce b/w groups being compared
most common and conservative
Alternative hypothesis is the opposite: POV states that there will be (true) differenceb/w groups being compared
What are the various stastical perspectives of the researcher?
What is the question asked and null hypothesis of superiority, noninferiority, and equivalency POV of researchers?
- Question asked: I wonder if i am superior
- Null : I will NOT be superior to ________ (placebo)
- Question asked: I wonder if I am not worse
- Null : I am NOT noninferior to ________
- Question asked: I wonder if I am equal
- Null : I am NOT equal to ______
What is probability sampling and its different types?
Every element in population has a known nonzero probability of being included in a sample . “equal oppourtunity “ “denominator = sample size”
- simple random sampling
- systematic random sampling
- stratified simple random sampling
- stratfied disproportionate random sampling
- multi stage random sampling
- cluster-multistage random sampling
What is simple random sampling?
- completely random process reSulting equal chance
- assigning random numbers
- taking randomly selected numbers to get sample size
- sequentially list numbers and take desired sample size from top or bottom of listed numbers
what is systematic random sampling?
take every nth number (predetermined number) until sample size reached
what is stratIfied simple random sampling?
simple sampling based on random selection within each strata desired
what is stratified disproportionate random sampling?
IS used when your current sample is not representative of your baseline population. use of weighted stratified sample to return population back to a repersentative sample
Ex: your sample doesnt include asians or not many, you would give wieght to the ones you have or introduce that strata into the sample
What is multi stage random sampling?
use of multiple simpler random sampling at multiple stages toward patient selection
ex: City, to zip codes, to communities (randomized at each strata)
What is cluster multi-stage random sampling?
B/C hospitals, doctor offices, and ect clustered together w/ in regions sampling will be focused more at that area.
same as multi stage random sampling but all elements are clustered together at any stage are selected for inclusion