Descriptive Epidemiology & measures of Disease frequency Flashcards
What are The three Ws of desciptive Epidemiology?
What are two ws onf anayltical epidemiology?
Who when where
Why how
Distribution of diseases
Frequencies of disease occurrences and patterns of diseases patterns - 3 aspects person, place, and time
DescriptiveEpidemiology can be used to know if a location is experiencing disease occurrence more frequently _________________ or more than other locations
than usual
What are 3 types of surveillance?
Passive, Active , and Syndromic.
What is passive surveillance system?
Relies on healthcare system to follow regulations on required reportable diseases/conditions
What is active surveillance system?
Public health care officials go into communities to search for new disease/condition cases
What is Syndromic Surveillance system?
A system that looks for pre-defined signs/symptoms of patents related to trackable but rare diseases or conditions
Wha tis an induction (incubation) period?
Time b/w exposure to onset of disease symp. .
What is latenacy peroid?
- Time between Onset of Disease & Disease Detection (symptoms or diagnosis)
Know this?
What do you think is the most criticalelement that must be defined/delineatedBEFOREany of the ‘Who’ of descriptive epidemiology can be acquired?
Case definition
What is Case definition?
A set of uniform criteria used to define a disease/condition for public health surveillance
What is the NNDSS?
CDC’s National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System
List of reportable conditions varies by state, the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) recommends that state health departments report cases of selected diseases to them
What is epidemic?
Occurrence of disease clearly in excess of normal expectancy
What is an outbreak?
An epidemic limited to a localized increase in the occurrence of disease
Sometimes interchanged with ‘Cluster’
What is endemic?
The constant presence of a disease within a given area or population in excess of normal levels in other areas
What is an Emergency of International Concern
An epidemic that alerts the world to the need for high vigilance (pre-pandemic labeling)
What is pandemic?
An epidemic spread world-wide (global health impact)
Multi-national / Multi-continent
What is an epidemic curve?
a graphical repersentation depiction created usingoutbreak/epidemic reflecting the # of cases; by date