Cross sectional Flashcards
What is a cross sectional study?
- are observation studies that capture health/diease and exposure status at the same time
- a Prevelence study
- cross sectional studies gather information across a large population in a point or peroid of time without using exposure or diease/out status
- A snap shot
- Focuses on….
- Exposures, diease and population, health status, healtch care utlization or ect
- seeks associations
- generates and tests hypothesis
What are two methods of approaching cross sectional studies ?
Collecting data each member of the population (more freq use on a state/city lvl)
Take a sample and draw inferences (generalize) from the population (more freq US )
WHat are the two approaches to collecting study data or information
- Questionnaires/Surberys (new/exisiting data base)
- Physical assessments which mmigh involve laboratory, clinical or psychological test
What are the strengths for Cross sectional?
- Quciker and easier for the researcher when using data already collected
- Less expensive for researcher
- Can be anayzed like case control or cohort (dependsing on group allocaton)
- usful for estimating prevalence rates
- Answering research questions about multi. exposures and dieases using same data
What are the weaknesses of a cross sectional study?
- Prevalent cases may repersent survivors (fatalisies not repersented)
- difficult to study diease w. low frequency
- unable to generate incidence rate
- probelms with determining temporal relationship b/w cause and effect
what is NHANES
Natinal Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Assesses health and nutrition status of adults and childrens and samples sizes used to repersent the US
Combination of
- Interviews (social econimic, demographic, dietary, healthrelated questions)
- Physical assessment (dental, medical, laboratiory tests, physiological measurement)
What is NHIS?
- Nation HEalth Interview Study
- Source for information on health of civilian and non institionalized population.
- Survey samples repersent US population
- Data collected through personal house hold interview
- Core questions are consistant and relate to current public health concerns.
What is NAMCS
- National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey
- A national survey designed to meet the need for Obj, reliable, info about provision and use of ambulatory (walk in /walk out) medical care services
- Based on sample of visits to noninstitonal, non federal physicians prmarly in direct patient care
What is NHCS>
National Health Care Survey
- Combined national survey designed to describe health care delivery in nonfederal hospital based settings.
- Discharges; visits ot E; out patient departments; ambulator surgery
What are the BRFSS?`
A state based system telephone health surveys that colelcts information on health risk behaviors, preventive health pratices, and health care access primarily realted to chronic disease and injury.
monthyly data collection in all 50 states, DC, Puerto Rico, Us Virgin ISlands, and & guam
Adults ( greater than or eaul to 18) interviewed by telephone
YOuth BRFss conducted by questionaire in schools