Chort Studies Flashcards
What is the purpose of a cohort study?
Studying rare exposure. commonly generates the risk of disease/outcome for each and then a Risk Ratio/Relative RIsk as a measure of Assoc.
May not always describe how groups are allocated
What are the reasons to select a cohort study?
unable to force group allocation (randomize)
Unethical, not feasible
Limited resources - Time/Money/Subjects
Exposure of interest is rare in occurance and little is known about its associations and outcomes
More interested in the actual incidence rates or risks for outcome of interest more than effects of interventions
What are the different routes of a Cohort study?
Prospective, retrospective, ambiderectional
does NOT prove causation !!!!
What is a Prospective Cohort Study?
EXposure group is selected on past or current exposure and both groups are followed INTO THE FUTURE to assess outcomes of interest and compare them
What is a retrospective cohort study?
At the start of the study both exposure and outcome have already occured but groups are still allocated based on past history of exposure
Exposure still has to occur before outcome of interested and group allocation is based on exposure status NOT DIEASE STATUS
What is an ambidirectional Cohort study?
Uses retrospective design to assess past differences (up to present) but also adds future data collected on additonal outcomes prospectively from start of study
looking for otcomes in past, and known in the present but also in the future
What is a cohort?
refers to a group with something in common
Ex: everyone born in kansas city in 2014
What is an inception cohort?
Individuals assembled at a given point based on a some common factor
first responders on 9/11
What is a exposure cohort?
Individuals assembled based on some common exposure
What are the three different types of cohorts sizes ?
Fixed - no more additons but they lose numbers to follow ups
Closed - Fixed cohort but they also can not lose any numbers because there is an extremely short study time
Open (or Dynamic) cohort - New additions and some loss to follow ups
How are group allocations accomplished?
- MAke groups as closed as possible
- selection of exposed study population
- Allocation of subjects based on predefined criteria of exposures is for exposed studied population
- Selecting Unexposed
- should come from the same populations not yet exposed
- should come from 3 sources
- patients from same cohort yet who are unexposed (most similair )
- levels of exposure may result in using lowest esposure group
general populations
- Used as a second choice
comparison cohort
- least acceptible
- attempting to match groups as close as possible on numerous personal charcteristics and cant control for other potentially harmful exposures in comparison cohort )
What are strengths of a cohort study?
- good for assessing mutliple outcomes of one exposures
- when exposures are rare
- calc risks and RR
- less expensive than interventional
- Good ethical issues limit use of interventional
- Retrospective - good for long induction/latent peroids
- Propspective - represents temporality
What weaknesses of Cohort studies
CANT demostrate Causation
hard to control for other exposures if more than one plausible for being associated with an outcome
retrospective cant control for other exposures or potential changes in amount of study exposure during study frame
Prospective not good for long inducton/latent peroids
impacted by unassessed confounders (more so with retrospective)
can be impacted by various biases most importantly selection and recall biases (retro)
Limited by avalible data (Retro)
what are advantages of Prospective cohort Studies
- Can obtain greater amount of study-important information from patients
- follow up/tracking of patients may be easier
- Better at giving answers to temporality
- may look at multiple outcomes from a supposed single exposure
- can calculate incidence and incidence rates
What are the disadvantages of prospective cohort studies?
TIme, expense, and lost to follow ups
Not efficient for rare dieases
not suited for long induction/latency conditions
exposure or its amount may change over time
What assocatied with LTFU or lost to Follow ups?
- Possible with prospective cohorts
- lowers sample size (power)
- Increased risk of type 2 error
- Loss of study participation (follow up) may not be equal b/w groups
What are advantages of retrospective?
Best for long inductions/Latency conditions
Able to study rare exposures
useful if the data already exists
saves time and money compared to prospective studies
What are the disadvantages of retrospective cohort studies ?
- requires access to data base records
- information may not factor or control other exposures to elements
- patients may be LTFU for missing or unfinished data
- expoures may have changed over time
What is matching?
A way to make groups as equal as possible on known/potential confounders
can match on 1:1 or even higher at 1:5 ratio (exposed to unexposed )
What are key biases with cohort studies ?
healthy worker effect
selection bias