General Information - Book Outlines & Contents Flashcards
Outline Genesis
Genesis (creation by God, alienation by sin, differentiation by grace) CFANAIJJ
Primeval History (1-11)
* Creation (1-2)
* The Fall (3)
* The Generations of Adam (4-5)
* The Generations of Noah (6-11)
The Flood (6-9)
The Table of Nations (10)
The Tower of Babel (11)
Patriarchal History (12-50)
* Abraham (12-23)
* Isaac (24-26)
* Jacob (27-36)
* Joseph (37-50)
Outline Exodus
Exodus (Israel called and consecrated acc. to God’s promise) MESCT
Called From Egypt (1-18)
* The Call of Moses (1-6)
* The Call to Egypt (7-12)
Nine Plagues (7-10)
The Final Threat (11)
Passover & Tenth Plague (12)
* The Passage to Sinai (13-18)
Consecrated at Sinai (19-40)
* The Covenant (19-24)
Proclaimed (19)
Summarized: Decalogue (20)
Explained (21-24)
* The Tabernacle (25-40)
Designed (25-31)
Imperiled (32-34)
Erected (35-40)
Outline Leviticus
Leviticus (God’s ceremonial pattern for worship and life until Christ) OMSeCuSaCeR
Ceremonial Worship (1-16)
* Oblation (1-7)
* Mediation (8-10)
* Separation (11-15)
* Culmination: Day of Atonement (16)
Ceremonial Life (17-27)
* Sanctification (17-22)
* Celebration (23-25)
* Ratification (26-27)
Outline Numbers
Numbers (sin grace and survival in the wilderness) SWrgC
Preparing to Leave Sinai (1-10)
In the Wilderness (11-25)
* Rebellions (11-20)
* Grace (21-25)
Preparing to Enter Canaan (26-36)
Outline Deutoronomy
Deuteronomy (God’s gracious treaty with Israel)
What God Has Done (1-3)
What God Requires (4-26)
* In General (4-11)
* In Detail (12-26)
What God Will Do (27-34)
Outline Isaiah
Isaiah (trusting idols or trusting YHWH // exile but final eschatological salvation through Servant)
Book of the Davidic King (1-37)
* The Vineyard & the Branch of Judah (1-6)
* The Coming of Immanuel (7-12)
* The Doom of the Nations (13-23)
* The End of History (24-27)
* The Final Victory (28-37)
Book of Suffering Servant (38-55)
Book of Anointed Conqueror (56-66)
Outline Jeremiah
- Book 1: The Basic Collection (1-25)
- Biographical Interlude: Confronting False Prophets (26-29)
- Book 2: Book of Consolation (30-31)
- Biographical Interlude 2: Political Interventions (32-45)
- Book 3: Oracles against the Nations (46-51)
- Historical Appendix: Fall of Babylon (52)
Outline Ezekiel
Ezekiel (God’s holiness vindicated by death and resurrection of Judah)
* The Death of Judah (1-24)
* Against the Nations (25-32)
* The Watchman: Jerusalem Falls (33)
* The Resurrection of Judah (34-39)
* The Resurrection of Worship (40-48
Outline Daniel
Daniel (God is sovereign over history and empires)
His Narrative: Sovereign over Empire (1-6)
* Nebuchadnezzar’s Transformation (1-4)
* Belshazzar’s Doom (5)
* Darius’ Lions (6)
His Visions: Sovereign over History (7-12)
* Belshazzar’s Reign: 4 Beasts and Ram/Goat (7-8)
* Cyrus’ Reign: 70 years/weeks and End of History (9-12)
Content of Joshua
Israel conquers Canaan acc. to God’s promise
Content of Judges
Apostacy and anarchy in the absence of a king
Content of Ruth
faithfulness provides a King
Content of 1&2 Samuel
God provides a king in Sam, Saul, David but the true king has not arrived
Content of 1&2 Kings
spiritual health is determined by the king; without the true king Israel divides and falls
Content of 1&2 Chronicles
post-exilic hope is provided only by Davidic cov. and temple
Content of Ezra
God restores and reforms his people through temple
Content of Nehemiah
God restores and reforms his people through city
Content of Esther
God works “behind the scenes” to ensure his peoples’ future even outside the land
Content of Job
God is sovereign even through suffering/the breakdown of character-consequence wisdom
Content of Psalm
anatomy of the soul // worship and prayer before God
Content of Proverbs
wisdom comes from the fear of YHWH; basics of life of wisdom
Content of Ecclesiastes
without fear of YHWH “under the sun” leaves us confused by the absurdity of life
Content of Song of Solomon
the joy of lovers – finding fulfillment ultimately in Christ’s love for his bride
Content of Lamentations
mourning the fall of Jerusalem/acknowledging God’s righteous judgement
Content of Hosea
Israel is a whore; God will restore
Content of Joel
The Day of the LORD is coming; desolation or blessing
Content of Amos
Day of the LORD is coming/Israel will not escape; indictment for unjust economic practice
Content of Obadiah
God identifies with his people’s humiliation; Edom will be destroyed
Content of Jonah
God’s undeserved grace to his people and “not his people”
Content of Micah
God’s covenant lawsuit against his people
Content of Nahum
Nineveh will be destroyed; justice for God in Judah
Content of Habakkuk
YHWH will comfort oppressed; Chaldeans are coming but God is still just; wait on the LORD for justice and blessing
Content of Zephaniah
Day of the LORD is near/judgement or salvation is coming for Judah
Content of Haggai
priority of God in the life of his people; rebuild the temple
Content of Zechariah
Revelation of OT showing future glory of Zion culminating in temple/Davidic king
Content of Malachi
disputes, warning God’s people to renew heartfelt faithfulnessThe King is Returning; wait and serve
Content of 1 Thessalonians
The King is Returning; wait and serve
Content of 2 Thessalonians
Do not be Idle; The King is returning
Content of 1 Timothy
instruction for ministry; Godliness in the church; sound doc., holy living, church gov.
Content of 2 Timothy
instruction for ministry; “farewell” letter telling Tim to be faithful and proclaim gospel
Content of Titus
faith and practice are inseparable; good church leaders
Content of Philemon
gospel transforms lives/relationships; Onesimus’ forgiveness and treatment in Xp
Content of James
be doers and not just hearers
Content of 1 Peter
living hope in the risen Lord despite being suffering exiles; eternity awaits
Content of 2 Peter
grow in grace and knowledge; turn from false teaching; 2nd coming is coming
Content of 1 John
reject false teaching (Docetism) and walk in the way of light; loving God
Content of 2 John
reject false teachers i.e., “antichrists”
Content of 3 John
letter to Gaius
Content of Jude
contend for the faith and persevere; also quotes Apocrypha interestingly