ARP History Flashcards
National Covenant
- anti-episcopal, pro presbyterian
- called 2nd reformation
Solemn League & Covenant
- Scotland, Ireland, England (English parliament party)
Reign of Charles II (bad king who forced episcopacy on Scotland)
Covenanters slaughtered at Bothwell Bridge
Bloodless Revolution
- William the Orange was King
- Re-established presbyterianism but without reference to Covenants
Discontent with the Church of Scotland over:
- AP was pro Marrow of Modern Divinity (written by Fisher, 1646)
* Marrowmen believed in “free offer of the gospel”
*Marrowmen Ralph & Ebenezer Erskine, Thomas Boston
-AP was anti-patronage (patronage said that largest land owner called pastor, not congregation)
Date Associate Presbytery (Seceders) formed as the “seceded” from Church of Scotland
- 4 men (including Ebenezer Erskine)
- at Gairney Bridge
Burghers & Anti-Burghers Controversy
- Burgher = town councilman
- To be a Burgher, one had to give an oath agreeing to the “true religion presently professed within the realm”
- AP split over whether a Burgher could sign this oath. Was one pledging support of the Church of Scotland?
The Covenanters wanted the King and government to swear by the National and Solemn League Covenants.
Date Reformed Presbytery (Covenanters) formed.
- Two men (Nairn & McMillian)
-Called “Reformed” as it related to the “second reformation”
Associate Presbytery and Reformed Presbytery merged in America to become ARP
- Not all AP and RP agreed to merger
- At King’s Creek, Newberry, SC
- Hence, became separate denomination
* Reasons for separation include distance and “other” reasons.
* Not a hostile split, it was agreed to by the northern ARP Synods
Erskine College & Seminary formed
200th Meeting of the General Synod
What happened to the remaining Reformed Presbytery?
Split into two groups in 1833.
1. RP (Old School) which is now called the RPCNA.
- Includes Geneva College
- Due to covenanter theology, until recently, would not vote bc USA Constitution and Declaration of Independence do not acknowledge Christ as King.
2. RP (New School) joined with Evangelical Presbyterian Church (not current EPC) to form the RPCES
- RPCES owned Covenant College & Seminary
- eventually joined PCA
What happened to the remaining Associate Presbytery?
The remaining AP and the northern ARP joined in 1858 to form the United Presbyterian Church. This group joined the “Northern Presbyterians” (now PCUSA) in 1958.
- The United Presbyterians were much more conservative than the Northern Presbyterians.
- Gerstner was a United Presbyterian.
ARP Synod of the Carolinas formed at Old Brick Church
ARP Synod of the South becomes separate denomination
- at King’s Creek
- Issues were distance and “other” reasons.
Give the Short Form History of the ARP
1733 - Associate Presbytery
- Also called “Seceders”
-Issues were patronage and marrow controversy
-Gairney Bridge
1743 - Reformed Presbytery
- Also called “Covenanters”
-Issue was non-signing of National and Solemn League Covenants
1782 - ARP forms in USA
1803 - ARP Synod of the Carolinas formed at Old Brick Church
1822 - ARP Synod of the South becomes separate denomination
- at King’s Creek
- Issues were distance and “other” reasons.