Bible Content - Key OT People Flashcards
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
Genesis 1-3
* First man and, therefore, father and representative of mankind.
* Tempted in the Garden, disobeyed God’s commandment, caused Fall
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
Genesis 12-25
* Father of the nation of Israel
* Specifically, the father of Isaac, the promised son given to him and Sarai.
* Covenant made with him and his seed (sign was circumcision)—promise of seed, land and blessing.
Timeline of Abraham’s Life:
* Call of Abraham and covenant with Abraham
* Division of Land with Lot
* Rescue of Lot
* Birth of Ishmael with Hagar the servant
* God’s covenant promises and circumcision enforced
* Sodom and Gomorrah
* Birth of Isaac
* “Sacrifice” of Isaac and Abraham’s faithfulness
* Death of Abraham
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
Genesis 37-50
* 11th son of Jacob and firstborn son of Rachel.
* Sold into slavery by his brothers, God raised him up to be the most powerful man in Egypt next to Pharaoh.
* He later had mercy on his brothers and restored the ‘unity’ of the patriarchs of Israel, the sons of Jacob.
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
Exodus - Deuteronomy
* The deliverer of Israel who was raised up, commissioned, and then sent to Pharaoh to rescue the people out of Egypt and to begin their journey towards the Promised Land.
* He ‘enacted’ the Plagues, the Passover, carried Israel through the Red Sea, led them in the wilderness to Sinai, received the Law of God and the covenant of God (Passover and Sabbath as signs), and interceded for the sins of the people (acting as king, prophet, and priest).
Timeline of Moses’ Life
* Born when Pharaoh is king in Egypt
* Spends childhood in Egypt, raised by Pharaoh’s daughter
* Kills an Egyptian in the field, flees to Midian and becomes a shepherd
* God visits him in a burning bush and calls him to lead Israel out of Egypt
* Goes to Egypt/Pharaoh (with Aaron)
* The Plagues, Passover, and Exodus (Red Sea)
* Leads Israel through the wilderness
* Disobeys God by striking the rock, forbidden from going into Canaan
* Mt. Sinai and the 10 Commandments and Mosaic Covenant
* Golden Calf incident
* Dies in the wilderness; Joshua is named his successor
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
Deuteronomy 31; book of Joshua
* Successor of Moses.
* General of Israel who led the conquest of the Promised Land.
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
Judges 4-5
* Prophetess and judge of Israel who helped deliver her people from Jabin and Sisera
* Condemned Barak for not going out to battle; Jael’s tent peg
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
Judges 6-8
* Great judge of Israel who delivered his people from Midian; fleece, only 300 men etc.
* Given the name Jerubbaal (meaning “contender of Baal”); named his son judge
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
book of Ruth; possibly Proverbs 31
* Moabite daughter-in-law of Naomi and, later, wife of Boaz, her kinsman-redeemer.
* Great grandmother of David and ancestor of Jesus Christ.
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
Book of 1 Samuel
* Prophet and final judge of Israel; grew up in temple, born to Hannah
* He anointed Saul as king, and later David as king.
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
1 Samuel 16 - 1 Kings 2
* The great statesman, general, and king of Israel.
* United the divided tribes of Israel and made preparations for the temple that Solomon later built.
* King of the covenant promise in 2 Samuel 7; Ancestor of Jesus Christ.
Timeline of David’s Life:
* Spent time in the court of Saul
* David and Goliath; Saul’s jealousy of David grows
* David and Jonathan and Saul’s attempts at David’s life
* David becomes king
* Davidic covenant
* Bathsheba and Uriah and consequences
* Absalom’s revolt against David
* David retakes Jerusalem
* David dies; Solomon is king
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
1 Kings 1-11
* Son of David and Bathsheba and king of a united, strong Israel for 40 years.
* Known for his wisdom and his sin; many wives; becomes “pharaoh” figure instead of seed of woman
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
1 Kings 11-14
* Son of Solomon and king of Israel.
* Ten tribes revolted against him, creating the northern kingdom of Israel. He was the first king of southern kingdom of Judah.
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
Jeroboam son of Nebat
1 Kings 11-14
* First king of the northern kingdom of Israel after the division of the kingdom. He reigned 22 years.
* Begins false worship in Israel at Bethel and Dan (political power play)
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
1 Kings 17 - 2 Kings 2
* Strenuously opposed idolatry of Israel led by King Ahab (most evil king of Israel, husband to Jezebel), his primary enemy.
* Taken by a chariot of fire/whirlwind at ‘death’.
Timeline of Elijah’s Life:
* Elijah is called, first act is ceasing the rain
* Fed by the ravens
* Resurrection of widow’s son
* Mt. Carmel and calling fire from heaven; defeating prophets of Baal
* Escape and fleeing from Ahab; prophecy of Jezebel’s death
* Calling fire again from heaven upon the soldiers
* Parting of the Jordan
Taken up in chariot by whirlwind; did not die.
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
1 Kings 19; 2 Kings 2-6
* Disciple and successor of Elijah. Held prophetic office for 55 years.
* Life and ministry mirrored that of Elijah.
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
2 Kings 18-20; Isaiah 36-39
* The 12th king of Judah, “good king Hezekiah”
* Instituted religious reform and improved the prosperity of the nation.
* Destroyed the bronze serpent of Moses, repaired the temple, and reinstituted the Passover.
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
2 Kings 22-23; 2 Chronicles 35
* Godly king of Judah in whose reign the Book of the Law was found.
* Reigned as a young man; died going out to fight Egyptians for no reason at Megiddo (609 BCE)
* Ancestor of Jesus Christ.
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
Book of Jeremiah, esp. chapter 1
* Prophet whose activity covered the reigns of the last 5 kings of Judah.
* He denounced the policies of the nation of Judah; experienced exile/destruction of Jerusalem and was taken forcibly out of the land
* New covenant revealed through him to Israel (Jer 31).
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
Book of Ezekiel, esp. 1:3
* Prophet of a priestly family carried captive to Babylon.
* Prophesied to the exiles of Mesopotamia and is the author of the book bearing his name.
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
Book of Daniel, esp, 1:1-6
* Exiled as a young man; Prophet at the time of Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Darius, kings of Babylon and Cyrus, king of Persia.
* His wisdom, courage and faith earned him a position of esteem under King Nebuchadnezzar and King Darius.
* Lion’s den; end time prophecy (cf. Son of Man in chap. 7)
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
book of Nehemiah
* Governor of Jerusalem after exile.
* Helped rebuild the walls of the fallen city of Jerusalem.
Life & Significance & Book/Chapter for the following:
Book of Malachi, esp. 1:1
* Last of the prophets of the OT.
* Contemporary of Nehemiah.
* Proclaimed the coming “Messenger of the Lord.”