General Handling Flashcards
When levelling off, when should you decrease power to 75%?
Once IAS is passing through 135 kts.
Stay outside the yellow arc on the ASI when it’s turbulent. At what speed does the yellow arc start?
151 kts
When doing general handling, we aim to operate at slow cruise between manoeuvres. What speed is that?
120 kts
Avoidance manoeuvres require steep turns. How do you carry normal and slow cruise steep turns?
Execute the entry from cruise (75% Power). No power addition required.
Slow Cruise:
Execute from slow cruise (50%). Add power as appropriate to maintain entry speed (+3-5%).
Add power at 30° AoB and back pressure at 45° AoB.
HEIGHT: Sufficient to recover by 2000 feet AGL.
AIRFRAME: Clean for full clean stall.
For base turn and final approach stall: speed check below 188 knots, gear down.
SECURITY: Seatbelts adjusted & no dangerous loose articles.
ENGINE: Check the Engine T´s & P´s within limits / Fuel balanced.
LOCATION: Out of any:
Active Airfields / Built up areas / Controlled Zones or Clouds / Danger, Restricted & Prohibited areas
LOOKOUT: Either a 180° turn or two 90° turns
Vref for stalls
Clean stall 86 kts
Base stall (flaps) 84 kts
What rudder is required when increasing/decreasing speed (e.g: levelling off from Vy 90 kts to Cruise 145 kts)?
Increasing speed will require left rudder whilst decreasing speed will require right rudder.
How to calculate TOD?
4 nm per 1000 ft.
(Altitude to loose in 1000s) x 4 = TOC