General Exam 3 Flashcards
How many jumpers can you have on a CASA?
14 Hollywood
12 combat equipt
What does SKE stand for?
Station Keeping Equipment
What does CARP stand for?
Computed Air Release Point
What personnel should all JM teams include
A senior or master rated jm for mentor ship and safety
What does MACO stand for?
Marshaling area control officer
What method does the safety use to take the static line from a jumper?
Pull, pass, push
When does the PJ and AJ check their equipment?
After all jumpers movement has ceased and gives that thumbs up to the other JM
How do jumpers exit a CH-47
Walk the ramp at a 45 degree angle towards the port side and square up before exiting
How many safeties do you need when jumping USAF air-craft?
1 per in use door
The safety will conduct an inspection of every jumper in the chalk by doing what?
Inspecting the USL attachment
Inspecting jumpers bite/grip
Inspecting the routing of the USL throughout its length
What should always be conducted by the JM before SAT?
What commands does the JM give when practicing PLFs? (3)
Get ready
Prepare to land
What must be rehearsed/explained during mock door rehearsals?
*In flight rigging (if applicable)
*Actions during each time warning
*Jump commands that are given
*Procedure for door bundle ejection (if applicable)
*In flight emergency signals and procedures
What portion of the USL do jumpers NOT touch when forming their bite?
The double sewn portion. It is for the safety
What does 6 short rings of the alarm bell indicate?
A crash landing
What are the criteria and components of SAT?
MACO brief
Pre jump
SERJTE and Mock doors appropriate to the aircraft