General Diagnosis- Boards Part II (Chiro Essentials and NBS Notes) Flashcards
What is the significance of absent breath sounds?
Pleural Effusion and Pneumothorax
Absence of nail bed angle or Schamroth space, indicates what?
What significance is asking about “Age”?
DJD= Older Patients
Middle Age= Disc Issues
Young Adults= Sprain/Strain
What significance does “Gender” tell you?
Females= Osteoporosis and more common to have SLE/RA Males= Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
What conditions may obesity contribute to?
DJD, Diabetes and Hypertension
Potential Diagnosis for Taller Patients?
Marfan’s, Klinefelter’s and/or Giantism
What is the significance of “Ethical Background”?
Africans= Sickle Cell Anemia
Ashkenazi Jews= Tay Sachs disease
Classification of “Onset”
Acute: 6 months
What is the mechanism of injury for a rear end collision?
What is the mechanism of injury for a facet problem?
Rotation and Extension
What movements make a disc lesion worse?
During a facet problem what movements make the condition worse?
Lateral bending and Extension
What is determined when there is a decrease with rest AND also no relief with rest?
Decrease in pain with rest= Sprain/Strain
No Decrease in pain at rest= Bone Cancer
If there is no decrease in pain from NSAID’s (previous care), this could tell you ______________? (2)
Potential of some bone tumors
What does the “Quality” of pain tell you? (2)
Burning Pain= Radiculopathy
Deep Dull Ache= Muscular or Bone Pathology
“Radiation” of pain is significant for what? (3)
Loin to Groin= Kidney Stones
Chest to Left Arm= Myocardial Infarction
What is possible if patient states has “Pain worse at night”? (2)
Bone Cancer
What is a possible side effect of both Lipitor and Diuretics?
Lipitor= Muscle Aches Diuretics= Muscle Cramps
What is a possible condition linked to immunizations?
Guillian-Barre Syndrome
What are common “Occupational” hazards? (3)
Sex Workers= HIV/Aids
Asbestosis= Mesothelioma
Miners= Silicosis
What regions of the body can be effected by “Tobacco Use”?
Lung, Bladder, Esophagus
What are three common conditions to effect “Sleep”?
Bone Cancer
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
What conditions are indicated by the following concerns:
Unexplained Weight Loss:_________
Unexplained Weight Loss: Cancer
Fever: Osteomyelitsis
Fatigue: Depression
If a patient has a recurrent infection, they may have______?
Multiple Myeloma (MM) or HIV/AIDS
If a patient has bowel/ bladder control issues, potential for what condition?
Cauda Equina Syndrome
What does Blood in the stool indicate?
What does clay colored stool indicate?
Blood- Colon Cancer
Clay color- Pancreatic Cancer
When conducting a ROS of the Respiratory system, what does blood in the sputum possible indicate?
Lung Cancer or Tuberculosis
What three potential diagnosis can be determined by recurrent sore throats?
Multiple Myeloma (MM)
During a ROS of the Genitourinary system what can be determined by dysuria and vaginal discharge?
Dysuria= Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
Vaginal Discharge= Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
When performing a ROS on the integumentary system what does the following physical conditions relate to: (3)
Silvery Plaques
Butterfly Rash
Red Shin Bumps
Silvery Plaques- Psoriasis
Butterfly Rash-Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (SLE)
Red Shin Bumps- Sarcoidosis
What is one condition where you should be very cautious of adjusting the cervical spine?
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
What is significant when there is chest pain, that has in increase in the trunk with movement?
Cause is musculoskeletal
During a Hematological ROS, what do the following signs help to determine: (3)
Swollen Lymph Nodes
Fatigue: Leukemia
Swollen Lymph Nodes: Lymphoma
Bleeding: Leukemia
What two musculoskeletal conditions should be thought of when a patient complains of multiple aches/pain?
Polymyalgia Rheumatica
When carrying out a endocrine ROS what conditions/disease should be thought of when a patient complains of: (2)
Muscle Cramps
Heat Intolerance
Muscle Cramps: Hypoparathyroidism
Heat Intolerance: Hyperthyroidism
At what level should you call emergency services, when looking at a patient's vital signs? (4) Blood Pressure Respiration Rate Temperature Pulse
Blood Pressure: Greater than 90/60
Respiration Rate: Greater than 28/min.
Temperature: Above 102 F
Pulse: Greater than 120/min
What may cause the body to have a higher than normal temperature? (4)
Fever Greater than 99.5 F Drug Reaction Infection Heat Stroke Lymphoma
What are the adult "Normal Ranges" for the following: (4) Temperature Pulse Respiration Rate Blood Pressure
Temperature: 98.4-99.5 F
Pulse: 60-100/Min
Respiration Rate: 14-20 Breaths/Min
Blood Pressure:140-90/90-60 with less than 10 mm Hg difference between arms
What may cause Tachycardia (More than 100 beats per min)? (5) (Pulse)
Drug Reaction Fever Panic Disorder Hyperthyroidism Severe Anemia
What three things may cause Bradycardia (Less than 60 beats per min)? (Pulse)
Athlete’s Heart Syndrome
Raised Intracranial Pressure
What are potential causes of Tachypena (More than 20 breaths/min)? (Respiration Rate) (7)
Asthma Lung Infection Diabetic Ketoacidosis Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Emphysema Sarcoidosis Panic Disorder
What are two causes of Bradypnea (Less than 14 breaths per min.)? (Respiration Rate)
Drug Reaction
Brain Stem Compression
When is a patient considered to have Hypertension?
After 3 reading of a BP of greater than 14/90
What is normal pulse pressure?
A difference of 30-40 mm Hg
Systolic BP- Diastolic BP
What are some causes of elevated Blood Pressure? (7)
White Coat "Hypertension" Hypertension Cushing's Syndrome Conn's Disease (Primary Aldosteronism) Unilateral Renal Artery Stenosis Hyperthyroidism Pheochromocytoma (Tumor of Adrenal Medulla)
What are four causes of low Blood Pressure?
Maybe Normal for Patient
Addison’s Disease
What is a normal finding when performing Weber’s Test?
Air Conduction is twice as long as Bone Conduction
If Air Conduction and Bone Conduction are both decreased in one ear, what is significant?
Nerve Conduction Deafness
If the finding is that Bone Conduction is greater than Air Conduction during Rinne’s Test, what should be determined?
Serous Otitis Media
What is the significance of bilateral pupils dilating?
Amphetamine Abuse
What does it indicate if the patient has bilateral pinpoint pupils?
Heroin use
If a patient has the finding of bilateral swollen optic discs (papilledema), what are two possible conditions to think about?
Raised Intracranial Pressure
Brain Tumor
What does blue sclera in an infant with many fractures indicate?
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
What is the significant disorder to be thought of when a patient presents with blurred margins of the macula or pigmentation?
Macular Degeneration
What are the classic findings for Hypertensive Retinopathy?
Copper or silver wiring of retinal arterioles
What disease has a finding of a cupped optic disc?
Chronic Glaucoma
What does the finding of Marcroglossia (Enlarged Tongue) indicate?
Hypothyroidism in Infants
In what two conditions would you expect to see Exopthalmosis?
Orbital Tumor
What are finding of Diabetic Retinopathy?
Flame Hemorrhages and Dots (Micro aneurysms)
If a patient has a foul purulent unilateral nasal discharge what may they have?
Foreign Body in the noes
What condition does a patient present with if they have a goiter with brittle dry coarse hair?
Myxedema (Hypothyroidism)
How could you determine if a patient had Grave’s disease?
Goiter with Exopthalmosis
What is a finding for Hyperlipidema?
Grey ring around the cornea (Arcus Senilis)
What condition does a child have if the head is enlarged and the fontanels are not closed?
What condition has a positive finding of a “Lid Lag”?
What two conditions would have an absent red pupil light reflex?
What two disorders may have a positive finding of the lateral one third of the eyebrow missing?
If a patient has a mass at the midline of the neck that moves with the tongue, what may the patient have?
Thyroglossal Cyst
A patient presents with a midline bony mass in the hard palate, what may the patient have?
Torus Palatinus
What condition is suspected if the patient presents with mucopurulent discharge of the ear?
Otitis Media
A patient who has abused cocaine may have what possible finding?
Nasal Septum Perforation