Gender + Subject Choice Flashcards
Browne + Ross
Gender Domains
Childhood beliefs surrounding stereotypes are shaped through early adult interaction with toys, activities and clothes
Building confidence through doing certain tasks within gender domain
Browne + Ross
Gender Domains
Childhood beliefs surrounding stereotypes are shaped through early adult interaction with toys, activities and clothes
Building confidence through doing certain tasks within gender domain
Gendered subject images
-Science teachers male
-Examples with boys
-Monopolise apparatus
Gender + vocational choice
WC pupils chose vocational courses based on values aligning with habitus, conforming to realistic expectations
Experiences arise form work placements
Double Standards
Hegemonic masculinity reinforced through boasting sexual exploits whilst suppressing girls sexual interests
Patriarchal ideology justifying male power as a form of social control
Verbal Abuse
Dominant gender and sexual identities reinforced through a ‘rich vovabulary of abuse’
Mac an Ghaill
Male Gaze
Social control via a visual aspect
male teachers + students look at students, objectifying and judging
Survelience, devuaing femininity reinforcing control among mae groups
Policing identity
Wc welsh girl groups
Popularity was crucial, transition from frenship to dating group
Face tension between feminine and sexualised identity
Trade off between slut and frigid shaming
Askew + Ross
Teachers + Discipline
Male teacher behaviour reinforces messages surrounding gender
Protective attitude towards female teachers
Reinforces idea women can’t cope alone