Gender 30marker Flashcards
Browne + Ross
Gender Domains
Childhood beliefs surrounding stereotypes are shaped through early adult interaction with toys, activities and clothes
Building confidence through doing certain tasks within gender domain
Leonard (2006)- single sex schooling eliminates gender differences
SC link to Browne + Ross
Gendered subject images
-Science teachers male
-Examples with boys
-Monopolise apparatus
Mitsos + Browne
Boys underachievement
Globalisation + Moral panic
-Since 1980s significant decline in traditional mens jobs
-Leading to a crisis in masculinity due to many boys believing they have little prospect of getting a job
-Undermines motivation + self esteem
-Further amplified by moral panic of failing boys creating an unemployed underclass
Deindustrialisation of factory jobs not requiring qualifications
Boys underachievement
Feminisation of education
School has become feminised as they don’t nurture the masuline traits of competitiveness and leadership
-Sees coursework as a major cause in achievement
-Furthermore lack of male role models
Francis (2008)- 2/3 7-8yr olds didnt think teacher gender mattered
-Lack of male role models both in and outside of school is a major cause of underachievement, 1.5million female headed lone parent families
-42% said having a male made them work harder
Sharpe + McRobbie
Girls Achievement
Changing ambitions
Changes in family + employment show a major shift in the way girls see their future
Amplified by impact of feminism
1974- low aspirations, housewives, success i femininity
1990s-prioritised education and a career
Equal opportunity policies
-Feminist ideas are now a part of mainstream thinking when it comes to policies
-Examples such as GIST and WISE
-Introduction of national curriculum in 1988 ‘removed’ gendered subject choices somewhat
Patriarchy, glass cieling
Mitsos + Browne
Gender gap fairly constant from 1975-1989, introduction of GCSEs caused gap to rise sharply with the root cause being coursework
Girls more successful in coursework because they are more concientious and better organised
Exams have a greater influence over achievement not coursework