Gender- SLT Flashcards
How does social learning theory state that masculine and feminine behaviour
-Is learned by observation and imitation of same-sex role models
-through reinforcement for gender-appropriate behaviour
What is direct reinforcement? (In relation to gender)
-Child is directly rewarded for gender appropriate behaviour whether positive or negative
Give an example of direct reinforcement?
-Boy praised for being assertive
-Girl praised for being passive and kind
What is indirect (vicarious reinforcement?
-Child looks at the consequences that another child receives
-Individual chooses to copy/not copy behaviour based on punishment received for a specific gender related behaviour
Define identification?
-The social learning theory of gender development is when a child internalises and adopts behaviours or attitudes shown by a role model of the same gender
What is modelling?
describes observational learning
How do mediational processes link to gendered behaviour?
1.Attention-child observes behaviour of same sex role model
2.Retention-the models behaviour is rembered
3.Reproduction-child has to be physically/cognitively capable to imitate the behaviour the behaviour
4.Motivation-the child wants to be the same as the role model as they identify with them
What is direct tution?
When the child receives explicit instruction about behaviour
When does direct tuition begin?
When the child acquires linguistic skills
What is the function of direct tuition?
Who proposed reciprocal determinsim?
What is reciprocal determinism?
-People are not just shaped by environmental forces but also have capacity to direct themselves
When does self direction occur?
-Once children have internalised appropriate behaviours (as behaviour is not dependent on external rewards or punishments)
What is self direction?
Direction of own behaviour, children play an active role in observational learning
What is a role model?
Children identify with role models who they perceive to be like them or somebody they want to be
Give some examples of where a child finds a role model?
-In their immediate environment (parents, siblings, teachers)
-Attractive/high status
Which side of the nature nurture approach is this on?
What is differential reinforcement?
Boys and girls are encouraged to show distinct gender appropriate behaviour
Give an evaluation point (parental influence)
-Research evidence to suggest that parents have some influence in gender development
-Boys positively reinforced more for imitating behaviours that reflect independence, self-reliance and emotional control
-Girls are reinforced for dependence, nurturance, empathy and emotional expression
- reinforce gender roles in children, through direct and indirect learning
Give an evaluation point (peers influence)
-Research evidence
-Archer+ cloud
-3 year olds were playing with opposite sex games and were shunned and ridiculed by peers
-Supports the idea that peers poilice gender roles
-Suggests SLT can explain why males females acquire different genders and have an understanding of gender roles of steroetypes
Give an evaluation point (determinism)
- gender development is an example of soft determinism
- does acknowledge that children can choose to some extent whether or not they imitate behaviour
-depending on the reinforcement they receive or observe, which will affect their motivation.
-Their gender behaviour is not completely environmentally determined but is mediated by their cognition
Give an evaluation point (Comaprison to psychodynamic approach)
-Advantage= lacks gender bias
-Psychodynamic argues that our unconcious and early childhood experinces influence our gender devolpment
-Electra and oedipus complexes have to resolved in oder for gender to devolp as we have to overcome these in the psychosexual stages
- However the Electra complex was an afterthought and was not actually devolped by freud, the evidence for the theory is also based on a case study of a little boy (little hans)
-On the other hand SLt acknowleges the effect of role models on both male and females