Gender inequalities 40 marker SI Flashcards
What do functionalists argue that men and women have different what within society?
Parsons 1956 - sex role differentiation theory
men and women have different roles
- women = expressive roles provide domestic duties
- men = instrumental roles provide economic support
- society runs smoothly
- explains why men and women experience labour market differently
How does Murdock support Parson’s view?
men and women have different roles
His cross-cultural comparison of over 200 societies concuded that the gendered dvision of roles within the nuclear family is the most functional
Davis and Moore - human capital theory
gender pay gap is meritocratic
- men have more human capital than women as they develop skills, knowledge and qualifications
- women have less human capital as more likely to take time off work
- differences in average pay is a legitimate and meritocratic result of human capital
New right
Murray agrees with which viewpoint
New right
What does Murray argue?
conventional nulear families and gender division of roles is desireable and based off of biological differences
New right
What concerns does Murray express?
Recent changes to gender roles such as single-mother families are a concern as children miss out on seeing the fathers roles, thus having a negative impact on the behaviour of the children.
New right
Who has similar views to Murray?
New right
What does Schlafly say?
- disagreed with second wave feminists as it is propaganda
- increase of females entering workforce would have detrimental effect
- marriage and motherhood are most fulfilling roles for women
- reduced nu,ber of women in high paying roles is because of how women choose to prioritise family over work
Liberal feminists view on patriarchy
patriarchy is rooted in the public sphere of education, work and politics
Marxist feminist view on patriarchy
Patriarchy is casued by capitalism as gender inequality benefits the smooth running of the capitalist system
Radical feminist views on patriarchy
Patriarchy is rooted in the private sphere of family life, particularly in marriage and the nuclear family
Postmodern feminists view on patriarchy
patrisrchy can be experiences differently depending on womens class, age and ethnicity
first wave of feminism
- 1800s-1900s
- reforming social and legal inequalities eg right to vote, right to education
- suffragist and suffragette movement
second wave of feminism
- 1960s-90s
- challenged social and cultural norms in society that a woman’s role is domestic
- greater divisions emerging within feminism ie radical feminism
third wave of feminism
There can be no single approach to feminism because women can experience inequality differently eg intersection of gender and ethnicity
fourth wave of feminism
- Existance debatable
- formed in 2008
- using digital communications to build a feminism movement online
gender inequality is mainly as a result of gender role socialisation
Oakly argued that boys and girls are socialised into traditionally girly and boyish things
- manipulation
- canalisation
- domestic activities
- verbal appelations
liberal feminists
What did Mary Wollstonecraft argue?
all men and women are born equL nd should be aworded the same opportunities
liberal feminists
Friedman - ‘The Feminine Mystique’ book
- challenged norms about womens roles
- campaigned for government to aid in women searching for a career eg funding for early year childcare
liberal feminists
McIntosh - ‘career penalty’
- nursing study
- women denied career opportunities because of the stereotypes associated with women vs men
- leads to glass ceiling effect
Liberal feminists believe that patriarchy will be eliminated by what?
the government taking measures to reduce gender inequality in the workplace
Marxist feminism
Benston - traditional gender roles benefit bourgeoisie
patriarchy is caused by capitalism
- if a wife looks after her husband then he is more likely to be productive at work
- thus creating more profit for bourgeoisie
- also less likely to challenge unfair working conditions
marxists feminism
It suits capitalists for large numbers of women to be out of work
- women seen as ‘reserve army labour’ by the ruling elite
- eg spare workforce during ww2
weberian theory
What do Marxist feminists see would cause the destruction of patriarchy?
a revolution to abolish capitalism
What do radical feminists agree that?
workplace inequality is due to the patriarchal structure of society
What do radical feminists argue is the root cause of patriarchy?
The ‘private sphere’ of family life eg nuclear families
How do radical feminists use the term ‘the personal is political’ ?
Express the idea that what happens within the home has wider reprocussions, tending to reinforce the idea of female inferiority
example of ‘the personal is political’
if women do the majority of domestic work, this leaves them less time to persue careers and be economically dependant on their husbands
What is a problem of children being raised in nuclear families?
They may think it’s normal for men to work and for women to stay at home
What do postmodern feminists argue the importance of?
Intersectionality, which means that patriarchy can be experienced differently depending on a woman’s class, age or ethnicity
Why do postmodern feminists critisize other feminists?
for failing to see the wide range of factors leading to gender inequality
bell hooks - women of different ethnicities and classes have been ignored by mainstream feminism
- women have multiple overlapping identities
- generalising female experience is pointless
- eg ‘women of colour’ experience racial and sexual discrimination, which is ignored
Who could be used to support the weberianst view that women are disadvantaged in terms of class and market situation ?
McIntosh - ‘career penalty’
Barron and Norris - dual labour market theory
Who could be used to support the weberianst view that women are disadvantaged in terms of party?
Wilson - lack of access to networking opportunities
old boys network - male dominated eg Bullingdon club
Who could be used to support the weberianst view that women are disadvantaged in terms of status?
Barron and Norris - overrepresentation of women in secondary labour market can lead to percieved lowerd satus
eg 1 woman in supreme court