Gender Identity Flashcards
What is the primary focus of Oakley’s (1981) concept of gender role socialization?
Perpetuation of traditional stereotypes and inequalities by reinforcing distinct expectations and behaviours for each gender.
Can however limit individual freedom and maintain gender based discrimination
How do children’s family stories contribute to gender role socialization?
Reinforce traditional roles and sanction behavior
What does the term ‘Organic Analogy’ refer to in the context of functionalism?
A view of society as a complex system with interrelated parts who are responsible for different roles that work together as a whole.
Name three traditional female roles often portrayed in media.
- Housewife
- Nurse
- Childcare provider
Name three traditional male roles often portrayed in media.
- Construction worker
- Police officer
- Business owner
What is meant by ‘estrangement’ in the context of gender roles?
Rejection of individuals based on certain characteristics
How are men’s family roles typically tied to their occupational roles?
Men are often seen as responsible for the living standards of their family
Play the instrumental role (act as the breadwinner/ provider)
What is the gender pay gap?
The disparity in earnings between men and women
What is primary socialization?
The process where children learn the cultural patterns of behavior expected of their gender
When does gender stereotyping typically begin?
Before the child is born
What do Pomerleau et al.’s studies highlight about children’s rooms?
Gendered colors and toys reinforce gender stereotypes
What is the impact of a patriarchal society on characteristics and stereotypes?
Society chooses characteristics through stereotypes passed through generations
How does religious text, like the Bible, contribute to gender roles?
Created by men for men, used to establish male authority over women
What is a common trait of many religions in terms of gender roles?
Patriarchal nature where men hold power and authority
What role do peer groups play in shaping gender identity?
Encouragement of toughness and social skills in males, while females may occupy supporting roles
What does ‘internalization of norms’ refer to in the context of gender roles?
The process of adopting societal expectations and behaviors as one’s own
Mead (1935)
Reinforced how gender roles are socially constructed. Studied tribes in Papua New Guinea and found their gender roles were reversed to those in America. The women dominated men showing that gender is socially constructed
Termed by Oakley, it refers to parents encouraging behaviours seen as stereotypically acceptable and discourage behaviours not seen as norms to their children
Termed by Oakley, it is where parents guide their children’s interests towards gender appropriate activities, toys, games etc.
E.g. boys: trucks, girls: dolls
Gender Identity
Through socialisation, children learn the cultural patterns of behaviour expected of their gender which teaches them how to behave
Oakley (1981)
Gender role socialisation in family perpetuates traditional stereotypes and inequalities by reinforcing distinct expectations and behaviours based on gender. Can therefore limit individual freedom and maintain gender- based discrimination