Gender - Boys and Achievement - Laddish Subcultures Flashcards
What did Epstein examine in the school and what does she argue?
Epstein (1998) examined the way masculinity is constructed within school. She argues that the growth of laddish subcultures has contributed to boys’ unerarchievement.
What did Epstein find in her study of masculinity within the school?
Epstein found that working class boys are likely to be harrassed, labelled as sissies and subjected to homophobic verbal abuse if they appear to be ‘swots’.
Who’s study on labelling supports Epstein’s study and what did he find?
Francis’ (2008) study supports Epstein’s study. He found that boys were more concerned that girls about being labelled by peers as swots, because this label is more of a threat to their masculinity that it is to girls’ femininity.
Why are working class boys more concerned about being labelled in schools and how do they view school work?
This is because in working class culture, masculinity is being tough and doing manual work. Non-manual work and school work is seen as effeminate and inferior.
What is the result of working class boys’ fear of being labelled?
As a result, working class boys tend to reject schoolwork to avoid being called ‘gay’.
What does Epstein call this behaviour?
Their behaviour is an example of a laddish subculture and they have a mind-set of ‘real boys don’t work’ (and if they do they get bullied).
What does Francis say about laddish subcultures?
According to Francis, laddish subcultures are becoming increasingly widespread.
What does Francis argue about laddish subcultures?
Francis argues that its becoming more widespread because, as girls move into traditional masculine areas such as careers, boys respond by becoming increasingly laddish in their effort to construct themselves as non-feminine.