gender and theology Flashcards
what did daly argue about the maleness of god
because god was male power was a male thing
daly and false spirituality
christian idea of maleness of god invention of patriachal mindset to justify it having power
daly quote about male and god
if god is male then male is god
association between masculinity and divinity for daly
has a function of making male supremacy seem like a fact of the universe which cannot be challenged
dalys solution to use god as a verb
refer to god as she
-change from noun to verb so god as be-ing rather than being since verbs beyond masculine/feminine description
benefits of thinking of god as a verb
introduces flexibility required for person to see unjust state of being not fixed and can be changed
1 cornithians 14 as dalys source of biiblical misogyny
the women should keep silent in the churches for they are not permitted to speak but should be in submission as the law says
1 timothy 14 as source of misogyny for daly
i do not permit woman to teach or assume authority over man she must be quiet
-adam was formed first then eve
-but women will be saved through childbearing
ephesians 5 22-33 as source of biblical misogyny for daly
wives submit to your husbands as you do the lord for husband head of wife as christ head of church and husbands love your wives as christ loves church
eve as source of sin as biblical misogyny for daly
story of fall has been used to oppress women by portraying them as source of sin
-claimed women had internalised feelings of guilt and inferiority and had to recognise this to take first step to liberation
the unholy trinity as source of biblical misogyny for daly
rape genocide war
-result of patriarchal world
-christianity has legitimated male dominance which reinforces patriarchy
-christianity complicit in evil
moses as source of biblical misogyny for daly
kill all male children and kill women who have slept with a man
-spare the lives of young girls who have not slept with a man and take them for yourselves
liberal and symbolic view of bible as criticism of daly
take a more symbolic view of the bible because they regard it as only having literal relevance for time it was produced in and often admit human authors patriarchy had role in bible not god
-christianity redeemable if reinterpreted to fit more modern times by ignoring maleness god in bible
dalys response to liberal christianity criticism
fewer people take bible literally christians are still influenced to view women as inferior by it
daphne hampson support of daly
rejects liberal christianity divorced enough from sexism of traditional christianity
-liberal christians saddled with weight of ancient tradition because despite different approaches they read bible as scripture
-as subconscious level sexist paradigms and themes of bible will affect them so long as they continue to read it
whats the sisterhood of feminism
women liberating themselves from their divisions
example of sisterhood feminism
protestant woman and catholic woman releasing unity as sexual caste in order to live in future that we are fighting for
what does daly argue about consequences of old sexist ways
feeding on the bodies and minds of woman sapping energy at expense of female death
dalys argument about womans abilities and knowledge
superior to men
-women should therefore have power over men as society would be more peaceful and better for the environment
-patriarchal oppression of women has prevented their growth
female supermacy as argument against daily
just as sexist as male supremacy
-dangerous and anti-feminist as not about equality
-advocation for seperation between men and women seen as radical impractical and too similar to segregationism which has been associated throughout history and bigotry