Christian moral principles Flashcards
whats heteronomy
moral authority that comes from combination of church, bible and reason
-typically catholic view
whats theonomy
moral authority that comes from god
how do we access theonomy
we access through gods revelation in bible
-often involves suggesting church has less authority than the bible
-protestant view
whats autonomy
individual people have to figure out whats wrong and right for themselves
apostolic succession
basis on which catholic church claims to be authoratative source of christian moral principles
what do catholic believe about the beginning of apostolic succession
-christ began apostolic tradition where he commanded his disciples to make disciples of all nations
-created social institution with a mission
how did Jesus give apostles authority
he said whoever hears you hears me and whoever rejects you rejects me
what did Jesus command Peter to do
watch over his people
how does Jesus give church authority to create its own teachings
-teachings disciples would give on service of mission from what they learned from Christs words
-Catechism interprets this as Christ telling then to preach what they had learned from Jesus
apostolic succession
apostles left bishops as successors to their own positions of teaching authority
church tradition
traditions of how Christian life in communities works, in worship and moral life as reflection of church tradition handed down over time
sacred tradition
-idea that revelation of Jesus Christ communicated in 2 ways
-in addition to scripture, through apostolic and authority of Church councils and Pope
sacred tradition and Church teachings
Church transmits its own moral teachings through tradition
-sacred tradition created by apostles and their successors
what links sacred tradition and sacred
-same source god
-scripture word of god in writing by power of Holy spirit
-tradition transmits word of that that Christ and Holy spirit have entrusted to apostles which transmits to their successors so they can preach it
Magisterium on apostolic succession
-both scripture and Church viewed with same sentiment and devotion
-claim apostolic succession means it alone can interpret word of god and its servant of word of god
-teach only what has been handed on to it
second vatican councils document Dei verbum on sacred scripture
-sacred scripture if word of god as it was written under inspiration of divine spirit and takes word of god entrusted by Christ and Holy spirit to apostles
-successors can preserve and explain it
Dei verbum on the bible
-bible written by humans but inspired by God via Holy spirit and without error and contains truth which god wanted put into sacred writings
catholic church corrupt sale of indulgences against having right to make own teachings
-protestants suggest church is corrupt dont act with HS
-sale of indulgences where church accepts money in return for forgiveness
Luther criticism of sale of indulgences
-fabricated by goblins
-what is this new piety of god and the pope that for money they allow a man who is impious to buy out purgatory the pious soul of a friend of god
-invention of purgatory for sales
-church abuses power and makes false doctrines for money
catholics response to Luther
-church would sin because made up of humans
-Christ knew this yet wanted them to be source of moral authority
-cant use human flaws as evidence Jesus didnt want humans to have this role
ethical principles CC follows
natural theology
-natural law ethics
-views that humans can use god given reason to figure our ethical precepts
why to Luther Calvin and Barth reject natural theology
claim human reason was corrupted by the fall and not able to be a source for Christian moral principles
aquinas believe of human reason
human reason could never know or understand god
-proponent of natural theology through reason which could support faith in god
what can human reason gain knowledge of
-gods existence through design and Cos arguments
-gods natural moral law through ability of reason to know synderesis and PP
-gods nature by analogy, analogy of attribution and proportion
why does aquinas accept design and Cos argument but reject ontological
-reason could never provide absolute proof of god, makes revelation and faith useless
-design and cos only inductive evidence for god and support faith in god
karl barth argument against aquinas natural law
overreliance on reason
-it humans able to know gods morality through own efforts- revelation useless
-finite has no capacity for infinite
-whatever human discover through reason not divine so like idolatry
-only faith in gods revelation in bible valid
Tillich defence of Aquinas
-to deny our conscience can discover is claiming gap between potentuality and actuality
-having awareness of gap is to have conscience of fallen state
-contradictory to deny natural law
-going back in direction of right
sola scriptura
form of theonomy
-bible alone source of christian moral principles not church
sola scriptura and Luther
-return to bible method for placing god at centre of religion and ethics again
priesthood of all believers doctrine by Luther
all people have status of priest
-aim to counteract catholic view that priests have special spiritual status acting as mediator between people and god
1 Timothy 2:5
Jesus only mediator between God and humanity
John 14: 26-27 for Bible authority
HS whom father will send in my name will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you
what does bible say about divine inspiration of written bible
bible says Ru- ah - gods breath breathed into authors of bible directly inspiring them
sola scriptura is not in the bible argument
quotes suggest bible should be source of christian moral principles but dont claim its only source nor speak against other sources
-self contradictory to believe all religious knowledge should come from sola scriptura when itself cannot be derived from scripture