Gender And Society - Ethics Flashcards
In Genesis, who was created first?
Adam was created first.
From what part of Adam was Eve created?
His rib
What does Augustine believe about the ‘imago dei’ (image of God) in relation to men and women?
Augustine believes that a man by himself contains the ‘imago dei’, but a woman does not. Only when combined with a husband as his helper can a woman be in the image of God.
Who was the first to fall into sin according to Genesis?
What was Eve’s punishment for her sin?
Eve’s punishment was pain in childbirth and that her husband would ‘rule over you’ (Genesis 3:16).
What does St. Paul say about women’s authority over men?
St. Paul says that women should not have authority over a man and must be quiet (1 Timothy 2:12).
Where does St. Paul state that wives must ‘submit’ to their husbands?
St. Paul states that wives must ‘submit’ to their husbands in Ephesians 5:22-33.
What is the reasoning behind St. Paul’s statement on wives submitting to their husbands?
St. Paul states that the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church and that husbands should love their wives as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:22-33).
What does Aquinas say about the submission of wives to husbands?
Aquinas says that the submission of wives to husbands is for their ‘own benefit and good’ and required for ‘good order’ in the family, since men are wiser and more rational than women.
What is Biblical Patriarchy in feminist biblical criticism?
Biblical Patriarchy is the idea that the Bible is man-made for the purpose of subjugating women.
According to feminist biblical criticism, what is the consequence of the Bible being written by men?
The consequence is that the Bible, or at least the sexist parts of it, are not the perfect word of God but written by men to further the interests of men.
What philosophical observation by Hume is used to explain why men might be drawn to patriarchal ideology?
Hume’s observation that ‘reason is a slave of the passions’ is used to explain why men might be subconsciously drawn to ideology that serves their interests.
How do traditional Christians defend the gender roles prescribed in the Bible?
Traditional Christians argue that the Bible is God’s inspired word and that if God wants men and women to be different, then that’s what God wants.
What analogy do traditional Christians use to describe women who reject biblical passages about gender roles?
They might argue that women who reject these bible passages are acting like Eve did when she disobeyed God.
What is the liberal approach to the Bible?
The liberal approach views the Bible as a product of the human mind, not the perfect word of God.
When did the liberal approach to the Bible begin?
It began during the Enlightenment period.
What types of critique began during the Enlightenment period concerning the Bible?
Scientific, historical, and literary critique.
What kind of errors did critics find in the Bible?
Critics found scientific and historical errors as well as literary evidence of human author influence.
According to the liberal approach, what are the scriptures?
The scriptures are what people took away from witnessing or hearing about divine events, thus they are human records of divine events.
What is the significance of cultural and historical context in the liberal approach?
The Bible reflects the cultural and historical context of its human authors and requires interpretation and continual re-interpretation.
What is the stance of liberal Christians on the Bible?
They view it as not the perfect word of God and believe it needs to be continually updated and improved.
What example do liberal Christians point to from Jesus in support of their stance?
Jesus modified some of the Old Testament laws in the Sermon on the Mount.
Why do liberal Christians believe theology and ethics should be continually updated?
To ensure their relevance and improvement in line with the example set by Jesus.
Ruether’s view on the Bible and gender.
The Bible contains patriarchal verses and verses in favor of equality, making it inconsistent and unable to coherently support the traditional patriarchal view of gender roles.