Bonhoeffer - Christianity Flashcards
Bonhoeffer early life
Born 1906. Educated at Tübingen uni, valuing academics highly.
Visited Rome on 18th Birthday - taking with St Peter’s Basilica and on Palm Sunday went to mass; he saw people of all races and ethnicities celebrating this Christian moment all together - the universal Church
Nazi Christians who pushed for a Nazified version of the Church (Reichskirche), full of nationalist ideals
Draws attention to how tradition leads to absent minded following a halt in questioning
‘The Church is the Church…’
… only when it exists for others’ - Bonhoeffer
The Confessing Church
Founded by Bonhoeffer in response to Hitler’s founding of the German Evangelical Church in 1934
Hitler removed all non-aryan clergy
The Confessing Church made the Barmen declaration, mostly written by Barth, where they rejected governmental interference in the Church and affirmed the Bible as the source of revelation
Where Bonhoeffer held an illegal secret seminary - a form of civil disobedience
He introduced seminarians to his method of daily meditating on the Bible - this shows the individuality of religion
What music did Bonhoeffer introduce to his seminarians
The African American church music he had experience in NYC
Clifford Green remarked on the significance of this that young men trained in rigorous systematic theology ‘encountered for the first time the Social Gospel, the need for moral responsibility in the world’
What did Solidarity mean for Bonhoeffer
It refers to the purpose of Christian life being about relationship to God by living with and for others - this is what convinced him to return to Germany and get involved in resistance, despite his escape to America.
He thought he would have ‘no right’ to help restore Christianity in Germany post-war unless he shared ‘the trials of this time with my people’
What part of the Bible did the Reichskirche try to cut out
The Old Testament, to rid any Jewish remnants
Denying Christianity’s roots of persecution with Jesus himself being a Jew
Religionless Christianity
‘No fluff’ to stop self from being a Christian; a separation from ideology - he thought the Church was an impediment to that
Religion implies we have different labels we apply to ourselves
Bonhoeffer wanted an emphasis on the individual Christian being Christian rather than just associated with the group
He was an inclusivist, but upholds the role of Jesus and doesn’t want to preclude other
No other religions are wrong, but they are just missing out on an important piece of information - Jesus
Only Christianity is right
Costly Discipleship
‘Silence in the face of evil is evil… not to act is to act’ - Bonhoeffer
Asks the question ‘What does Christianity want from me?’ - links to LT; living like a Christian rather than just thinking like one
Bonhoeffer calls Christians who don’t go into harms way ‘self-deluding’ and ‘hypocritical’
Dichotomy between private righteousness versus responsible action
Private righteousness
The Pharisees who do as they’re told and follow tradition to avoid punishment from God
Responsible action
Where you out and go against tradition to make a change and a difference
Biblical evidence of Costly Discipleship
Garden of Gestheminy, where Jesus asked God if there was any way to avoid the crucifixion, but realised it was his destiny
Analogous to Bonhoeffer, who was offered a chance to escape Nazi jail but declined it
How did Finkenwalde ordinands demonstrate costly grace
They were required to meditate for hours
Within Bonhoeffer’s Christocentrism, where did he focus most
The Sermon on the Mount
This preaches humility and sacrifice
His faith is in Jesus specifically
Putting himself in harms way, akin to Jesus, and dies for sacrifice
What did Bonhoeffer call the religion of those who follow traditions blindly
‘Dead religion’
Reminiscent of Nietzsche?
What issue arises from Bonhoeffer’s focus on the Sermon on the Mount
Do we just want Christianity to be the Sermon on the Mount?
The focus on this preach of humility makes his assassination plan for Hitler inconsistent
Jesus would assassinate Hitler
Precedents of war in OT
- Unclear what Jesus thought of this? Is OT still relevant after Jesus?
- Very complicated picture
Liberation Theology - Jesus as a revolutionary
Jesus wouldn’t assassinate Hitler
Jesus’ self sacrifice
Love your enemies
Jesus didn’t directly oppose the Romans
‘Turn the other cheek’
‘It is necessary’ that Christians obey their rulers since the rulers are ‘God’s servant for your good’ - Paul in Romans 13
How did Bonhoeffer adopt some Augustinian ideas
He thought we should listen to our conscience and that scripture should be read personally
**Augustinian Antinomianism
‘Without me you can do nothing’ - Jesus in John 55 - submission to God’s will
Was Bonhoeffer scripturally justified to attempt to assassinate Hitler
No, he contradicts it
His theology is dependent on individual reasoning and so can be a misrepresentation of what God wants (Hans Breivik) - it becomes highly individualistic
It leads us to an Antinomian Christianity that is so individualistic it could lead to any outcome
What is the impact of Bonhoeffer’s theology being inherently anti-authoritarian in an authoritarian world?
Christianity is the norm in the West, so you have to say that Christianity is totally wrong to follow Bonhoeffer’s theory
In addition, it inherently has an enemy because he wants us to live as Jesus did; amongst our enemies. This consequently creates lines and divisions to make an ‘us’ and a ‘them’ for his theology
Raises the question as to whether his theology only works in war time