Attributes Of God - Philosophy Flashcards
Anselm’s ontological analysis of God
‘That which nothing greater can be conceived’
What does it mean if God already knows the future
That it is fixed and when it gets to the moment of choice, one doesn’t really choose as a choice necessarily requires there are alternative possibilities and that one is able to decide which possibility to pursue
What does omniscience seem to necessitate
Foreknowledge (knowledge of future)
What does it mean if God knows the future
That my future is fixed and God’s knowledge seems to restrict my freedom
What does Calvinism rely upon
The assumption Adam and Eve were free, but if they weren’t then the fall wasn’t our fault and so God seems evil
What happens to the Elect in Calvinism
They are remade in the image of Adam to get free will
What state does Augustine believe we are made to be able to be
Did Calvin believe in the importance of Free Will
Did Augustine believe in the importance of Free Will
Initially, but switched up out of humility following the Pelagian Controversy, leading to the Doctrine of OG sin
Adam and Eve eating from Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
God must’ve known so He would’ve just let it happen, unless he wasn’t omniscient
Schleiermacher Christian Faith 1831
‘In the same way, we estimate the **intimacy between two persons **by the foreknowledge one has of the actions of the other, without supposing that in either case the one or the other’s freedom is thereby endangered.
So even the divine foreknowledge cannot endanger freedom’
Evaluation of Schleiermacher
He is being disanologous - people might change and people can lie, so we might be incorrect; we don’t truly know but can make an educated guess. God truly knows
A definition of knowledge
True belief
Implication of knowledge = true belief
God can hold no false beliefs
All beliefs God holds are true
Simply by knowing it, he makes it so
What is an analysis of God’s beliefs becoming true
That He cannot hold beliefs, as all His beliefs become knowledge
What happens when God thinks about the future
It becomes the reality we must endure because God cannot be wrong about the future as He can hold no false beliefs; an Omniscient being cannot be wrong, by believing it what it believes must be true
Weak challenge to God determining the futrure
There are possibly no facts about the future and so may not count as knowledge
Counter to the challenge of the future holding no facts
God would at least hold a belief about the future or guess about it and due to his Omniscience, it must be true and so would transpire the way He believed it to be
Issue created by God’s creation of the future
He knew exactly what would happen over the course of the existence of the world - it seems He is the author of the world (not just limiting freedom by passively knowing the future), had he made the world differently from the outset, different events would occur. Therefore, He chose this world to unfold and so is responsible for all good and bad things that ever happen.
Kind of like God writing a script for a film and then sending it off to be made - the characters make choices, but their choices were already made for them.
Our lives thus seem futile
‘Nothing in all creation is…
… hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account’ - Hebrews 4:13
‘That which is now judged most…
… equitable, the punishment of the wicked and the reward of the good will be seen to be the most unjust of all; for men are driven to good or evil not by their own will but by the fixed necessity of what is to be’ - Boethius
Analysis of Boethius’ quote
People are not deciding what happens by themselves but merely acting in a way to fulfil the fixed necessity.
We think of God’s judgement as being the most fair thing (judged most equitable), but if we believe in God’s omniscience then it becomes the most unfair thing
Solution to the issue of God’s Omniscience posited by Aquinas and Augustine
Atemporality - God is outside of time (atemporal)
Immutability - He does not change