what are two statistics based on gender and achievement in school:
could be used as an intro for a 30 mark essay
- at GCSE where pupils are judged on 5 a*-c grades, girls hold a 10% advantage over boys
- at key stages 1 to 3 girls do consistently better than boys, especially in English where the gap widens with age
what are the four external factors
- IMAPCT OF FEMINISM: raised womes expectations and self esteem, reflected in the media and its messages
- CHANGES IN THE FAMILY: factors such as increase in divorce, cohabitation and increase in lone parent families are affecting girls achievement
example: lone female parent families give girls a financially independent woman to look up to as their role model, to achieve this: good qualifications - well paid jobs - CHANGES IN WOMENS EMPLOYMENT: allows girls to see their future roles in society in terms of paid work rather than as a housewife, since 1975 the pay gap between men and women has halved: 30%-15%
some women are now breaking through the glass ceiling - GIRLS CHANGING AMBITIONS:
what did McRobbie find in their study and what external factor does it link to
- found in 1970s, girls magazines emphasise the importance of marriage
- now: they consider it more important to publicise images of assertive independent women
- changes in girls ambitions explain their improvement in educational achievement
what did sue Sharpe find in her interviews with girls and what external factor does it link to
- 1970: girls saw their educational success as unfeminine and un attractive. They gave priorities for finding a husband and having children
- 1990s: girls where more likely to find their future as an independent women with a career rather than as dependant on their husband and his income
what does beck say individualism is and what external factor does it link to
where independence is valued much more now then in the past - careers have become part of women’s life projects, promises recognition and economic self-sufficiency
what are the six internal factors
- EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES POLICIES: feminists: policymakers are more aware of gender issues + teachers are more sensitive to avoid stereotypes
- POSITIVE ROLE MODELS IN SCHOOL: increase in proportion of female teachers and heads - act as role model showing women can achieve positions of importance - non traditional goals to aim for also to be a a teacher - need to have undergone lengthy and successful edu
- GCSE AND COURSEWORK: some sociologists: intro of GCSEs in 1989 has created the gender gap
- TEACHER ATTENTION: the way teachers interact with boys and girls
- CHALLENGING STEREOTYPES IN THE CURRICULUM: some sociologists: removal of gender stereotypes from textbooks and other learning materials has removed the barrier to girls achievement
- SELECTION AND LEAGUE TABLES: marketisation policies now mean schools see girls as desirable pupils in a competitive climate
what are two polices that have helped improve gender equality and what internal factor does it link to
1. GIST (girls into science and technology) and WISE ( women into science and engineering) - encouraging girls into careers in no traditional areas
2. the intro of national curriculum in 1988 has made girls and boys study mostly the same subjects
how does mitsos and browne argue that the introductions of GCSEs including coursework has favoured girls, what internal factor does it link to
1. girls are more conscientious and organised
2. girls spend more time on their work
3. girls are better at meeting deadlines
4. girls bring right equipment and materials to lessons
what have francis said about the way teachers treat girls and boys and what internal factor does it link to
Francis found:
- boys where more discipled than boys and felt picked on by teacher who tended to have low expectations of them
- teacher responded more positively to girls as they are more co-operative whilst boys are seen as disruptive
- this may lead to self fulfilling prophecy’s
what has weiner found and what internal factor does it link to
- since 1980s teacher have challenged stereotypes
- sexist images have been removed from learning materials - may have helped girls achievement by presenting them with positive images of what women can do
what does Jackson say and what internal factor does it link to
the intro of league tables means that girls have more opportunities as high achieving girls are seen as attractive and low achieving boys aren’t creating a self fulfilling prophecy meaning girls do well and boys don’t
what are the 4 points regarding boys and achievement
- boys and literacy
- globalisation and the decline of traditional male jobs
- feminisation of education
- shortage of male primary school teachers
what has happened with regards to boys achievement since the late 1980s
it has lagged behind girls and this has created a moral panic about boys achievement
what is the gender gap a result of
boys poor literacy and language skills
what are the two main reasons for boys poor literacy and language skills
- parents spend less time reading to boys to their sons/mothers tend to read to their children, reading may then be seen as a feminine activity
- boys leisure activity’s such as football develop communication and language skills contrasted by girls who develop a bedroom culture which involves staying in and talking to friends