what is social control
- through different subject choices, women have less access to top jobs: very few women go into stem subjects
- male gaze and sexual double standards make sure women are seen as sexual objects and further controls them
- working class girls may develop heterosexual identity, having a boyfriend helps them win symbolic capital yet might hinder their chances of getting educational capital, limits career prospects and chance of being financially independent
what is secondary socialisation
-girls and boys being socialised into different gender identity’s
-girls are encouraged to be passive and communicative, boys are pushed into most prestigious subjects like maths and science
-boys therefore more likely to gain entry to best university’s and best jobs, reinforces patriarchy
what is specialist skills
-skills passed on are gendered
-boys taught skills needed to preform instrumental roles are they are usually the main earner in family’s
-girls usually take the lead in childcare and domestic work subjects that relate to this are things such as health and social care
what is sifting and sorting
- the schools preparing girls and boys for different jobs in society and in the family
what is a statistic for alevel subjects chosed
physics at alevel 70% of students are boys
english at alevel 70% are girls
what is the glass ceiling
boys are able to get the best and most powerful jobs in society even though girls get better results
what is the hidden curriculm according to feminsts
pupils are taught ti accept patriarchy and adhere to their gender scripts
what is a criticsm of feminists view on education
-GIST and WISE have been put into place to over come gender stereotypes
-success of girls shows that the system cant be completely against them
what is postmodernists view on education
education needs to meet the needs of a diverse society and that traditional approaches (functionalism and Marxism) fail to appreciate this
what is a metanarrative
that there isnt one big story that explains the role of education in society and that barriers like class gender and ethnicity no longer exist
what do post modernists think about the curriculum
there isnt a single defiitive curriculum that should be followed in all schools
what do postmodernists see about the economy changing
we dont need to produce workers for an assembly line role and that society needs active and creative workers and not passive and docile ones
what does kenneth thompson argue
in a pm society schools can break free from the oppressive uniformity where all schools where expected to be the same
what would a pm society education system look like
- education diverse and customised to each leaners need
- education controlled by local community’s
-learning being flexible e.g online - learner is active, learns through own experiences