Gen and Cong Abnormalities Flashcards
mendelian disorder
single gene mutations
AD disorders
affects non-enzyme proteins
affects key structural proteins
AR disorder
largest category of mendelian disorders expression more uniform complete penetrance common loss of function of enzyme protein inborn errors of metab
X-linked disorders
recessive (almost all)
dominant –> Vit D -resistant rickets
accumulation of substrate
enzyme defect leading to metabolic block –> dec amount of end product
alpha-1-antitrypsin def
failure to inactivate tissue-damaging substrate
Familial Hypercholesterolemia
reduced synthesis or function of LDL receptors
most frequent mendelian disorder
Cystic fibrosis
defective system for Cl- xsport
Sickle cell disease
alter nonenzyme protein structure
mutation in globin genes affect amount of globin chains synth
Osteogenesis imperfecta
collagen structural defect
Muscular dystrophy
Dystrophin structural defect
hereditary spherocytosis
spectrin structural defect
G6PD deficiency
gen determined adverse reaction to drugs (fava beans)