Benign RBC Disorders Flashcards
Normal component of BM
50% cellular
50% fat
Normal constit of cellular marrow
65% granulocytes
25% RBCs
10% lymphs, monos, and precursors
Neutrophilic leukocytosis
acute bacterial inf
sterile inflamm d/t tissue necrosis (MI, burns)
Eosinophilic leukocytosis
allergic disorders parasitic inf drug reactions collagen vascular disorders / some vasculitides atheroembolic disease (xsient) certain malig
Basophilic leukocytosis
rare –> ind of myeloproliferative disease
chronic infections bacterial endocarditis rickettsiosis, and malaria collagen vascular diseases (e.g. SLE) IBD
Neoplastic prolif of RBCs
Polycythemia vera
Sites of hematopoiesis
3rd wk –> yolk sac in mesoderm
3rd month of fetal life –> liver
4th month –> BM
by 18yo –> restricted to long bones and axial skeleton
- first recognizable cell of RBC lineage
basophilic normoblast
- baso cyto d/t ribosomes and active protein synth
polychromatophilic normoblast
- cyto more pink d/t Hb
more condensed chromatin
- orange/red cyto
non-dividing nucleus
- anucleate RBC
methylene blue stain to see ribos
erythropoieting receptor on erythroid precursor cells
Acute anemia of blood loss
loss of blood volume
hemodilution –> shift of water from interstitial fluid
reduction on O2 triggers erythropoietin prod
reactive thrombocytosis and leukocytosis
reticulocyte count inc 10-15% after 7d
Chronic anemia of blood loss
blood loss exceeds regenerative capacity OR
iron preserves are depleted
Morpho features of Hemolytic anemias
inc normoblasts in BM
reticulocytosis in periph blood
Intravascular Hemolytic Anemia
mechanical injury, C' fixation, or exogenous toxic factors hemoglobinemia hemoglobinuria jaundice and hemosiderinuria low haptoglobin
Extravascular hemolysis
injury to red cells, rendered “foreign”, or becoming less deformable
Hereditary Spherocytosis
- -AD
- -intrinsic defect in red cell membrane
- -def in spectrin –> reduced membrane stability and spontaneous loss
- -inc osmotic fragility
- -spherocytes are less deformable
G6PD deficiency
abnormal HMP shunt or glutathione metab X-recessive heinz bodies --> bite cells hemoglobinuria chronic non-spherocytic hemolytic anemia
Sickle Cell Disease
–pt mutation = valine for glutamic acid @ 6th position of beta-globin chain
deoxygenation = HbS aggregate, polymerize, and sickle
inc Hb release –> inc bilirubin
capillary stasis and thrombosis
Sickle Cell Disease pathology
BM : erythroid hyperplasia can experience extra medullary hematopoiesis adults have small spleen cor pulmonale leg ulcers pigment gallstones infarction secondary to vasc occlusion
Sickle Cell aplastic crisis
Parvovirus B19
infects RBC progenitor and interrupts production
Chronic Sickle Cell –> Bone
widening of medullary space
thinning of cortex
sparse trabecular pattern
Chronic Sickle Cell –> GU
anoxic renal medulla
Chronic Sickle Cell –> Spleen
multiple infarcts –> autosplenectomy
Chronic Sickle cells –> liver
intrahepatic cholestasis
Chronic sickle cell –> heart
flow murmurs
chronic sickle cell –> pulmonary
chronic sickle cell –> retina
retinal vessel destruction
chronic sickle cell –> CNS
children = 8% risk of stroke
Sickle C Disease
equal amounts of HbS and HbC
mild to mod hemolytic anemia / target cells
painful crisis occurs
splenomeg / hematuria / avascular necrosis
retinal detachment and prolif retinopathy
Sickle Beta Thalassemia
mod severe hemolytic anemia
primarily HbS on electro
15-30% HbA
mild anemia
hypochromic, microcytic red blood cells, basophilic stippling
expanded marrow cavity from massive erythroid hyperplasia
Beta Thalassemia minor
Hb 10-13g/dL
slightly elevated RBC count
MCV 60-70 fL
inc in HbA2
Beta Thalassemia major
severe childhood anemia Hb very low (3 gm/dL) hypochromic, anisoctytosis, poikilocytosis, etc slightly inc HbA2 the rest is HbF
Hydrops fetalis syndrome
deletion of all four alpha globulin genes
see Hb Barts on electro
Alpha thalassemia trait
deletion of two alpha glob genes
mild microcytic anemia
normal to elevated RBC count
Autoimmune hemolytic anemias
positive Coombs test
warm type : spherocytes
cold type: autoagglutination
Warm type immunohemolytic anemia
most common
Cold type immunohemolytic anemia
IgM type mycoplasma inf mono flu HIV
Drug induced immune hemolytic anemia
PCN –> Ab against membrane/drug complex
Phenacetin –> deposition of complex
Methyldopa –> autoimmune process