GEI Exam 2 Flashcards
study of human populations (traits such as births, deaths, disease, and age ratio)
demo means…
graph means…
population at agricultural revolution (~10,000 B.C.)
5-10 million
population by industrial revolution (~1800)
~1 billion
Type of growth human population is experiencing
Main factor to increased population rate in past 200 years
reduced death rate
What other factors (other than reduced death rate) have increased population growth?
antibiotics and vaccines, better sanitation, technology, advances in agriculture
Do MDCs or LDCs use more resources typically?
Is population growth rate typically higher in MDCs or LDCs?
- 1979-2015
- imposed fines for urban couples to have more than 1 child
- sex-selective abortions and female infanticide
China’s 1-child policy
2 children per 1 woman
replacement rate
Graphs that show proportions of a population in different age classes
age structure diagrams
Countries with diagrams with steep sides has…
rapid growth rate
- shows how birth rates and death rates change over time as a country goes through industrialization and development
- 4 stages
demographic transition model
number and abundance of species in a habitat
Biodiversity can involve… (3 things)
- number of species in a location
- number of individuals of each species (species abundance)
- genetic diversity
variety of genes present in a population
genetic diversity
Where is biodiversity greater? Why?
- near the equator
- latitude: greater solar energy, longer seasons
- age of ecosystem: less recovery from Ice Age
Threats to biodiversity
habitat loss, overharvesting, invasive species, climate change
altering a habitat for human use, killing or displacing native species
e.g. deforestation, clearing prairies, damming rivers
habitat loss
e.g. western Atlantic cod populations
e.g. humpback and right whales
e.g. global pet trade
extinct species that lived on Mauritius until sailors found them and hunted them to extinction since the species had no natural predators
dodo bird
extinct relative to manatee that lived along NW coast of North America (hunted down in 27 years)
Stellar’s sea cow
extinct species once common in North America that migrated in millions until overhunting and habitat loss
passenger pigeon