Gastro Flashcards
what is portal hypertension
increased resistance and pressure in the portal system due to fibrosis affecting the blood flow through the liver
blood test to show liver function
common causes of live cirrhosis
- alcohol
- hepatitis B
- hepatitis C
rarer causes of liver cirrhosis
- autoimmune hepatitis
- haemochromatosis
- Wilson’s disease
- A1AD
- CF
- drugs (methotrexate, amiodarone, sodium valproate)
signs of liver cirrhosis
- cachexia
- jaundice
- asterexis
- splenomegaly
- hepatomegaly
- ascites
- spider naevi
- excoriations
- small nodular liver
non-invasive liver screen
- hepatitis B and C serology
- autoantibodies
- immunoglobulins
- caeruloplasmin (wilson’s)
- A1AT levles
- ferritin and tansferrin
autoantibodies related to the liver
- antinuclear antibodies
- smooth muscle antibodies
- antimitochondrial antibodies
- antibodies to liver kidney microsome type 1
Urea and creatinine
ELF (enhance liver fibrosis)
what is AFP for
hepatocellular carcinoma
USS of liver cirrhosis
nodular surface
corkscrew appearance of arteries
enlarged portal vein
how to assess stiffness of the liver
transient elastography
what is the MELD score
model for end stage liver disease. gives an estimate 3 month mortality
what is child pugh score
assess severity of cirrhosis and prognosis.
A albumin
B bilirubin
C clotting (INR)
D dilation
E encephalopathy
mx of liver cirrhosis
treat cause
monitor and manage complications
liver transplant
complications of cirrhosis
- Malnutrition and muscle wasting
- Portal hypertension, - oesophageal varices and bleeding
- Ascites and SBP
- Hepatorenal syndrome
- Hepatic encephalopathy
- Hepatocellular carcinoma
where does the portal vein come from
superior mesenteric and splenic veins
prophylaxis of oesophageal varices
variceal band ligation
mx of bleeding oesophageal varices
broad spectrum abx
endoscopy and band ligation
next step if ligation doesn’t work for varices
- Sengstaken-Blakemore tube
- Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS)
what is ascites
- fluid in the peritoneal cavity
- increased pressure in portal system causes fluid to leak out of capillaries and organs
type of ascites in cirrhosis
transudative (low protein content)
mx of ascites
- low sodium
- aldosterone antagonists
- paracentesis
- proph abx
-TIPS - liver transplant
what is Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
infection in ascitic fluid and peritoneal lining without clear source
common organisms of SBP
- Ecoli
- Klebsiella pneumoniae
diagnosing SBP
abdominal pain
paracentesis: neutrophil count > 250 cells/ul
Mx of SBP
- sample ascitic fluid
- IV broad spec abx (e.g. piperacillin with tazobactam)
most common organism in peritonitis secondary to peritoneal dialysis
Staphylococcus epidermidis
what is hepatorenal syndrome
impaired kidney function caused by changes in the blood flow to the kidneys relating to liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension
portal hypertension causes the portal vessels to release vasodilators, which cause significant vasodilation in the splanchnic circulation
= reduced BP, so kidneys use RAS to vasoconstrict
types of hepatorenal syndrome
type 1: rapid onset hepatorenal syndrome (less than two weeks) (typically post GI bleed)
type 2: more gradual decline in renal function and is generally associated with refractory ascites
mx of hepatorenal syndrome
- vasopressin analogue: terlipressin
- 20% albumin
what is hepatic encephalopathy
build up of neurotoxic substances that affect the brain (ammonia)
presentation of hepatic encephalopathy
reduced conciousness and confusion
grading of hepatic encephalopathy
Grade I: Irritability
Grade II: Confusion, inappropriate behaviour
Grade III: Incoherent, restless
Grade IV: Coma
mx of hepatic encephalopathy
- lactulose
- abx (reduce bacteria producing ammonia) usually rifaximin can also use meomycin and metronidazole
- nutritional support
stages of alcohol related liver disease
- Alcoholic fatty liver
- alcoholic hepatitis
- cirrhosis
complications of alcohol during pregnancy
- Fetal alcohol syndrome
- miscarriage
- preterm delivery
complications of alcohol
- Alcohol-related liver disease
- Cirrhosis and its complications (e.g., hepatocellular carcinoma)
- Alcohol dependence and withdrawal
- Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
- Pancreatitis
- Alcoholic cardiomyopathy
- Alcoholic myopathy, with proximal muscle wasting and weakness
- Increased risk of CVD
- Increased risk of cancer, particularly breast, mouth and throat cancer
examination findings with excess alcohol
- tremor
- smell of alcohol
- slurred speech
- telangiectasia
- bloodshot eyes
Ix for alcoholic liver disease
- raised MCV
- AST: ALT 1.5:1
- raised ALT, AST, GGT, ALP, Bilirubin
- low albumin
- increased PT
- deranged U&E in hepatorenal syndrome
Mx of alcohol related liver disease
- stop drinking
- detox regimen
- thiamine and high protein diet
- corticosteroids to reduce inflammation
- treat complications
- liver transplant
- pentoxyphylline sometimes used
questionnaires for alcohol dependence
Alcohol withdrawal sx
- 6-12 hours: tremor, sweating, headache, craving and anxiety
- 12-24 hours: hallucinations
- 24-48 hours: seizures
- 24-72 hours: delirium tremens
what is delirium tremens
medical emergency
extreme excitability of the brain and excessive adrenergic activity
presentation of delirium tremens
- Acute confusion
- Severe agitation
- Delusions and hallucinations
- Tremor
- Tachycardia
- Hypertension
- Hyperthermia
- Ataxia (difficulties with coordinated movements)
- Arrhythmias
Mx of alcohol withdrawal
- chlordiazepoxide
- pabrinex
- thiamine
what is wernicke-korsakoff syndrome
excess vit b1 (thiamine) deficiency
features of wernicke’s encephalopathy
- confusion
- oculomotor disturbances
- ataxia
features of korsakoff syndrome
- memory impairment
- behavioural changes
- often irreversible
stages of NAFLD
- NA steatohepatitis
- fibrosis
- cirrhosis
- middle age
- obesity
- poor diet and activity
- T2DM
- high cholesterol
- high BP
- smoking
- metabolic syndrome (HTN, obesity and diabetes)
Ix for NAFLD
- raised ALT
- USS increased echogenicity
- ELF (>10.51 advanced fibrosis, <10.52 unlikely advanced fibrosis)
- transient elastography
- liver biopsy (gold standard)
- weight loss
- healthy diet and exercise
- avoid alcohol and smoking
- control diabetes, BP and cholesterol
- refer
- specialist: vit E, pioglitazone, bariatric surgery and liver transplant
what is hepatitis
inflammation of the liver
Hepatitis A
- contaminated food/water
- faeco-oral route
- pruritis, jaundice, dark urine, pale stool
- vaccine available
- mx- supportive
hepatitis B
blood/bodily fluids
Vaccine available
Mx- supportive/antiviral
most recover in 1-3 months
Hepatitis C
no vaccine
mx- direct acting antiviral
complication of hepatitis C
liver cirrhosis
hepatitis D
always with hep B
no vaccine
Mx- pegylated interferon alpha
hepatitis E
faeco-oral route
no vaccine
Mx- supportive
other causes of hepatitis
- alcoholic
- NA steatohepatitis
- autoimmune
- drug induced (paracetamol)
presentation of viral hepatitis
- asymptomatic
- abdo pain
- flu like sx
- pruritis
- jaundice
hepatic pictures LFTs
high ALT and AST
less of a rise in ALP
types of autoimmune hepatitis
Type 1: women, 40-50, fatigue
Type 2: children, girls, acute hepatitis and jaundice
Ix for autoimmune hepatitis
- high AST and ALT
- minimal ALP change
- raised IgG
- liver biopsy
Type 1:
- ANA, anti smooth muscle antibody, anti-SLA/LP
Type 2:
- Anti-liver kidney microsomes-1, anti-liver cytosol antigen type 1
Mx of autoimmune hepatitis
- high dose steroids
- immunosuppressants (azathioprine)
- liver transplant is end stage liver disease
what is haemochromatosis
iron storage disorder
HFE gene on Chr 6
Presentation of haemochromatosis
- > 40y/o
- fatigue and joint pain
- bronze skin
- Testicular atrophy
- Erectile dysfunction
- Amenorrhoea
- Cognitive symptoms (memory and mood disturbance)
- Hepatomegaly
diagnosis of haemochromatosis
- serum ferritin
- transferrin
- genetic testing
- liver biopsy
causes of raised serum ferritin
- Haemochromatosis
- Infections (it is an acute phase reactant)
- Chronic alcohol consumption
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
- Hepatitis C
- Cancer
Complications of haemochromatosis
- Secondary diabetes (iron affects the functioning of the pancreas)
- Liver cirrhosis
- Endocrine and sexual problems (hypogonadism, erectile dysfunction, amenorrhea and reduced fertility)
- Cardiomyopathy (iron deposits in the heart)
- Hepatocellular carcinoma
- Hypothyroidism (iron deposits in the thyroid)
- Chondrocalcinosis (calcium pyrophosphate deposits in joints) causes arthritis
Mx of haemochromatosis
- venesection
- monitor serum ferritin
- monitor and treat complications
what is wilson’s disease
accumulation of copper particularly in liver
features of wilson’s
- teenagers/young adult
- Kayser Fleischer rings
- chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis
- neuro: tremor, dysarthria, dystonia, Parkinsonism
- psych: abnormal behaviour, depression, cognitive impairment, pyschosis
- haemolytic anaemia
diagnosis of wilson’s
- low serum caeruloplasmin
- 24hr urine copper assay
- liver biopsy
- MRI brain (double panda sign)
- negative coomb’s test
- genetic testing
Mx of wilson’s
copper chelation with:
- penicillamine
- trientine
other mx
- zinc salts
- liver transplant
organs affected in A1AD
- lungs: COPD and bronchiectasis. reduces elasticity
- liver: dysfunction, fibrosis, cirrhosis
chromosome effected in A1AD and inheritance
SERPINA1 gene Chr 14
Autosomal co-dominant
less commonly associated conditions with A1AD
- panniculitis
- granulomatosis with polyangiitis
how to diagnose A1AD
- genetic testing
- low serum A1A
assess lung/liver damage:
- CXR, CT thorax, Pulm FT
- liver biopsy
Mx of A1AD
- stop smoking
- symptomatic mx
- organ transplant
- monitor for complications
- screen family
- can give IV A1A, not by NICE
what is PBC
attack small bile ducts in liver –>obstructive jaundice and liver disease
where is bile produced
where is bile stored
gall bladder
Cause of itching and jaundice
itching- raised bile acids
jaundice- raised bilirubin
cholesterol deposits
presentation of PBC
- white woman 40-60
- fatigue
- pruritis and excoriations
- GI sx and abdo pain
- jaundice
- pale, greasy stool
- dark urine
- xanthelasma
- hepatomegaly
Ix for PBC
- raised ALP (obstructive)
- AMA (most specific)
Mx of PBC
- ursodeoxycholic acid (protects cholangiocytes from inflammation)
- obeticholic acid
- replace fat soluble vitamins
- immunosuppression
- liver transplant
complications of PBC
- vitamin defeciency (A,D,E,K)
- osteoporosis
- hyperlipidaemia
- sjogren’s
- connective tissue diseases
- thyroid disease
what is PSC
inflammation of of the bile ducts
stiffening/hardening of bile ducts
what is PSC associated with
ulcerative colitis
risk factors for PSC
- male
- 30-40
- UC
- FH
Presentation of PSC
- RUQ pain
- pruritis
- fatigue
- jaundice
- hepatosplenomegaly
Ix for PSC
- raised ALP
- p-ANCA
- Anti-smooth muscle antibodies
- MRCP (shows strictures)
- colonoscopy (for UC)
Mx of PSC
- no treatments
- ERCP for strictures (+abx)
- liver transplant in advanced
- colestyramine for pruritis
complications of PSC
- biliary strictures
- acute bacterial cholangitis
- cholangiocarcinoma
- cirrhosis
- fat soluble vit deficiency
- osteoporosis
- colorectal cancer in UC
what is IgG4 related sclerosing cholangitis
like PSC but has elevated IgG4.
responds well to steroids