Breast Flashcards
Things to look for in breast exam
- assymetry
- scars
- implants
- tethering
- nipple eversion/inversion
- nipple discharge
- colour
- peau d’orange
- paget’s disease of the nipple
what is peau d’orange
irregular patch of skin assoc with inflammatory breast cancer
what is paget’s disease of the nipple
erythematous, scaly rash of nipple
how to assess a breast lump
- location
- size
- shape
- consistency
- margins
- mobile or fixed
- tenderness
- skin colour
- nipple discharge
what does assessment of a breast lump entail
triple assessment
- clinical
- imaging
- histology
signs suggestive of breast cancer
- Lumps that are hard, irregular, painless or fixed in place
- tethered lumps
- Nipple retraction
- Skin dimpling or oedema (peau d’orange)
what is fibroadenoma
common benign tumours of stromal/epithelial breast duct tissue
- smooth and mobile
- 20 to 40 yrs
- painless
- well circumscribed
- <3cm
what is fibrocystic breast changes
- response to oestrogen and progesterone to become fibrous and cystic
- benign
- lumpiness
- breast pain/tenderness
- fluctuation of breast size
Mx of fibrocystic breast change
- supportive bra
- avoid caffeine
- apply heat to the area
- hormonal treatments (danazol and tamoxifen)
What are breast cysts
- benign individual fluid filled lumps
- 30-50yrs
- smooth, well circumscribed, mobile lump
- possibly fluctuant
what is fat necrosis
benign lump formed by localised degeneration and scarring of fat tissue in the breast
can be assoc with oil cyst
no increased risk of cancer
trigger for fat necrosis
presentation of fat necrosis
painless, firm, irregular, fixed in local structures, dimpling or nipple inversion
what is a lipoma
benign tumours of adipose tissue
soft, painless, mobile, no skin changes
conservative mx
what is a galactocele
- in lactating women after stopping breastfeeding
- breast milk filled cysts that occur when the lactiferous duct is blocked, preventing the gland from draining milk.
- firm, mobile, painless lump, beneath the areola
- benign
- resolve without mx
what is a phyllodes tumour
rare tumours of connective tissue of the breast
40-50 yrs
large and fast growing
benign, borderline or malignant
Mx- surgical removal
what is mastalgia
breast pain
cyclical or non-cyclical
what is cyclical breast pain
- related to hormonal fluctuations
- more common
- bilateral and generalised pain
- heaviness
- aching
what is non-cyclical breast pain
- 40 to 50yrs
- more localised
can be caused by: - medications (contraceptives)
- infection (mastitis)
- pregnancy
what do you need to exclude with mastalgia presentation
- cancer
- infection (mastitis)
- pregnancy
Mx of mastalgia
- supportive bra
- avoid caffeine
- heat
- hormonal treatments (danazol and tamoxifen)
what is gynaecomastia
enlargement of the glandular breast tissue in males
causes of gynaecomastia
- prolactinoma
- dopamine antagonists (antipsychotics)
- idiopathic
- physiological
- obesity
- testicular cancer (leydig)
- hyperthyroidism
- hCG secreting tumour
- testosterone deficiency
- Klinefelter’s
- anabolic steroids
- spironolactone
- alcohol, opiates & weed
Mx of gynaecomastia
treat underlying cause
if persistent
- tamoxifen
- surgery
what is galactorrhoea
breast milk production not associated with pregnancy or breastfeeding. Breast milk is produced in response to the hormone prolactin
causes of hyperprolactinaemia
- idiopathic
- prolactinoma
- endocrine disorder: hypothyroidism and PCOS
- antipsychotic meds
other sx assoc with galactorrhoea
Prolactin suppresses gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) by the hypothalamus, leading to reduced LH and FSH release.
- Menstrual irregularities, particularly amenorrhoea
- Reduced libido
- Erectile dysfunction
- Gynaecomastia
conditions that cause non milk nipple discharge
- Mammary duct ectasia
- Duct papilloma
- Pus from a breast abscess
what is mammary duct ectasia?
benign condition where there is dilation of the large ducts in the breasts
inflammation –> intermitten discharge (white, grey, green)