Gastro Flashcards
What’s the rule for PBC?
The M rule:
anti-Mitochondrial ab M2
Middle aged females
Early signs - asymptomatic eg raised ALP on routine LFTs, fatigue pruritis
Suggestive of?
What other conditions is PBC associated with?
Sjogren’s syndrome (seen in up to 80% of patients)
rheumatoid arthritis
systemic sclerosis
thyroid disease
When for liver transplant in PBC?
Bilirubin >100
Histology showing:
inflammation in all layers from mucosa to serosa
goblet cells
Suggestive of?
Diarrhoea, weight loss, arthralgia, lymphadenopathy, ophthalmoplegia - what condition? cause? more common in who?
Whipples disease - Infection by tropheryma whipplei
More common in HLA B27 +ve and middle aged MEN
jejunal biopsy shows deposition of macrophages containing Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) granules - which disease?
Whipples disease
Severity of UC flare ups?
mild: < 4 stools/day, only a small amount of blood
moderate: 4-6 stools/day, varying amounts of blood, no systemic upset
severe: >6 bloody stools per day + features of systemic upset (pyrexia, tachycardia, anaemia, raised inflammatory markers)
Mx of severe UC colitis?
Admission + IV steroids
(IV ciclosporin if CI)
If no improvement in 72h consider adding IV ciclosporin / surgery
Flushing, diarrhoea, bronchospasm, tricuspid stenosis, pellagra
Diagnosis? ix? mx?
Carcinoid syndrome
Ix - Urinary 5-HIAA + plasma chromogranin A y
Mx - Somatostatin analogue (octretride)
- Cyproheptadine may help with diarrhoea
biospy shows pigment laden macrophages in someone having diarrhoea is suggestive of? Colonscopy findings?
Laxative abuse (esp Senna)
Colonoscopy - dark-brown discolouration in the proximal colon (Melanosis coli)
What needs to be offered to everyone with Coeliac, how often and why?
Pneumococcal vaccination 5 yearly due to functional hyposplenism
Grading of hepatic encephalpathy?
Grade I: Irritability
Grade II: Confusion, inappropriate behaviour
Grade III: Incoherent, restless
Grade IV: Coma
Prophylaxis of hepatic encephalopathy?
Lactulose (increased excretion and metabolism of ammonia)
Can also add Rifaximin (Modulates gut flora -> decreased ammonia production)
Suspected pathophysiology of hepatorenal syndrome?
Sphlanchnic vasodilation -> underfilling of kidneys
Noticed by juxtaglomerular apparatus -> RAAS activation -> Renal vasoconstriction (doesn’t counterbalance enough)
Difference between Type 1 and 2 Hepatorenal syndrome?
Type 1 - rapidly progressive - v. poor prognosis
Type 2 - slowly progressive - poor prognosis but better than type 1
Electrolyte abnormalities in refeeding syndrome?
Hypophosphataemia (HALLMARK)
-> muscle weakness inc cardiac (-> cardiac failure) and diaphragm (-> resp failure)
Hypomagnesaemia (can lead to trosades de pointes)
Abnormal fluid balance
Mode of transmission - C Diff
Faecoral via ingestion of spores
Markers of pancreatitis severity?
age > 55 years
elevated LDH and AST
mx of eosinophilic oesophagitis?
Dietary modification + topical steroids
Oesophageal dilatation - reduces sx associated with strictures
Signs of life threatening C Diff? Mx?
Partial or complete ileus
Toxic megacolon, or CT evidence of severe disease
Mx: Oral Vanc + IV Metro
What bloods in Coeliac?
TTG ab
IgA - if IgA deficiency gives false +ve
(Can also look at anti-fliadin and anti-casein ab)
villous atrophy
crypt hyperplasia
increase in intraepithelial lymphocytes
lamina propria infiltration with lymphocytes
Drug causes of cirrhosis?
Drug causes of cholestasis +- hepatitis?
combined oral contraceptive pill
antibiotics: flucloxacillin, co-amoxiclav, erythromycin* (reduced w erythromycin stearate)
anabolic steroids, testosterones
phenothiazines: chlorpromazine, prochlorperazine
rare reported causes: nifedipine
Iron studies:
transferrin saturation > 55% in men or > 50% in women
raised ferritin (e.g. > 500 ug/l) and iron
low TIBC
Suggestive of? Which marker is most sensitive and specific for the condition?
Transferrin sat > ferritin
- in early disease ferritin is usually normal
Liver and neurological disease -> diagnosis?
Tx for Wilsons?
Currently - Pencillamine (chelates copper)
Future - Trientine HCl (also chelating agent)
Tetrathomolybdate also under ix for possible use
What is angiodysplasia thought to be debatably associated with?
Adverse effects of PPIs?
hyponatraemia, hypomagnasaemia
osteoporosis → increased risk of fractures
microscopic colitis
increased risk of C. difficile infections
Ix of small bowel bacterial overgrowth syndrome? similar to which other condition in presentation?
H breath test
Similar to IBS in presentation
Dysphagia, aspiration pneumonia, halitosis
Suggestive of which disease?
Pharyngeal pouch
How is SBP diagnosed?
Paracentesis with neutrophils >250 cells/ul
raised ALP/GGT and associated hyperbilirubinemia suggests?
Cholestatic picture
Which investigation is best for local staging of oesophageal / gastric ca?
Endoscopic USS
What drug can be useful if someone has had multiple episodes of C. Diff in the past?
Bezlotoxumab - Mab targeting C Diff toxin
H. pylori post-eradication therapy test?
Urea breath test
Where is Gastrin secreted from?
What does it do?
G cells in antrum of the stomach
Increases acid secretion by gastric parietal cells, pepsinogen and IF secretion, increases gastric motility, stimulates parietal cell maturation
Where is CCK released from?
What does it do?
I cells in upper small intestine
Increases secretion of enzyme-rich fluid from pancreas, contraction of gallbladder and relaxation of sphincter of Oddi, decreases gastric emptying, trophic effect on pancreatic acinar cells, induces satiety
Where is Secretin released from?
What does it do?
S cells in upper small intestine
Increases secretion of bicarbonate-rich fluid from pancreas and hepatic duct cells, decreases gastric acid secretion, trophic effect on pancreatic acinar cells
Where is VIP released from?
What does it do?
Small intestine, pancreas
Stimulates secretion by pancreas and intestines, inhibits acid secretion
Where is somatostatin released from?
What does it do?
D cells in the pancreas & stomach
Decreases acid and pepsin secretion, decreases gastrin secretion, decreases pancreatic enzyme secretion, decreases insulin and glucagon secretion
inhibits trophic effects of gastrin, stimulates gastric mucous production
What does a high SAAG tell us?
Indicates portal HTN
Scoring system for likelihood of appendicitis?
Alvarado score
What is the scoring system for prognosis in liver cirrhosis?
What is the scoring system used in end-stage liver disease?
MELD score