Gastric Secretion and pancreatic secretion lecture 4 and 5 Flashcards
B12 absorption in SI
TF HCL dissolves insol Ca and Na
F Ca and Fe
mucus forms paste with HCO3 prevents killing of stomach cells line stomach lumen wall all the above
all the above
tf stomach is an exocrin organ
which cells only exists in fundus and body parietal cell chief cell g cell
parietal cell
tf chief cell exist in all parts of stomach and make HCL and IF
F they make pepsinogen
tf hcl is made against a small conc gradient
F a huge
made by stomach and cleaved to pepsin when sees HCL
tf pepsin breaks down proteins such as glyc
F breaks down aromatic AA
which cell stimulates Pareitla cells to make HCL
G cell by making gastrin
tf fundus and body make up the pyloric gland
F oxythic gland
pyloric gland
makes up antrum of stomach
exchanger on serosal side of Par cell Na/ K K/ H HCO3/Na
Na/ K
TF in the par cell H+ is made from metabolism of CO2 and H20
Describe the route of K+ in the parietal cell
exchange with Na on serosal side once n cell goes down conc gradient into lumen then flows back into par cell because H+ goes down its conc. gradient(they r exchanged)
in the parietal cell of stomach during production of HCL HCO3 accum on the serosal side HCO3 acum on the lumen side HCO3 andHCL cotransport to lumen side
HCO3 accum on the serosal side(cap)
tf production of HCL dilutes NACL
alkaline tide
stomach acidified and HCO3 in blood
HCL production—- the — concentration
dilute the NaCl

Which cell turns off HCL production in stomach
D cell
Enterchromatin cell
makes histamine
andstim Par cell
SM plexus
act by vagus and stimulates
G cell, enterchrom.cell and Par cell
interfering with Histamine will turn of HCL production in stomach
block H2 receptor on par cell
interfring with which pump in the luminal side of stomach will stop HCL procution
H/K exchanger
HCO3/CL exchanger
Na/K exchanger
H/K exchanger
other two are on serosal side
tf D cell sense ph<2
turns of HCL formation
tf in cephalic phase d cell turn off
happens in gastric phase when food comes in and binds H+ ions
raises the Ph–> d cell off
in the gastric phase what hormone triggers g cells to make gastrin
Pepsin inc to yield AA and peptides
h binds to food and is bufered
gastric phase
intestinal phase is triggered when
food enters SI
roles of secretin
trigger D cell to make somatostain
trigger liver to make HCO3
forms GIP
trigger D cell to make somatostain
competitive inh of gastrin
turns stomach activity off
glucose binds to receptors in
SI and forms GIP during intestinal phase
TF glucose tells pancreas to make insulin during gastric phase
during intestinl phase
When small amt of fod is ungested
ph is high
ur in the gastric phase
vagal activity is stimulated
vagal activity is stimulated
tf pnacreas only secretes enzyme
f enzyme and fluid
pancreas doesnt make fluid
duodenal ulcer
too much HCL eating wall of SI
TF Pancreas secrete HCL in it lumen and HCO3 in its serosal side
oppp of stomach
they make bicarb and reabsorb H+
how are pancreas nd sal. glands same
as solution passes down duct and HCO3 secreted with CL absorbed.
BOth soln are bicarb rich
centroacinar cells
make bicarb and part of pancreas
acinar cells
make enzyme in the pancreas
CL pumps
transfer fluid in pancreas
tf Bicarb production dilutes Na in pancreatic secretion
Cl diluted Na stays constant
makes trypsin from trypsinogen
stim centroacinar cels and duct cells to makes bicarb
tf secritin is made in the pancreas
F in the SI
tf prox SI cells only make secretin
what stimular creats secretin in SI
low ph
what does CCK do
inh gastrin function and inc acinar cells pancreas
bind receptors on pancreas to make HCO3
which of the follwoing does CCK not triggers
interferance with gastrin
tf secretin will cause pancreas to relase enzymes
fatty meal
CCK inc
gb contract bile salt released
Secretin and CCK
higher HCO3 production
AA and HCL
higher HCO3 production
which of following isnt function of CCk
gd contract
enzyme made and released from pancreas
interfere with gastrin function
bicarb secretion from pancrease
bicarb secretion from pancrease
1,4 cleavage
tf enteropepsidase cleaves elastase
trypsin does
polarized pump cell on one side
pancreat acinar cells and ducts