G4 Parotid, Temporal, TMJ Flashcards
Parotid gland swelling will push the ear superolateral, as seen in this illness.
The superficial temporal and maxillary vv form the _____ vein. It passes thru the Parotid gland and then splits into 2 divisions that drain into EJV and IJV.
The two branches of the terminal bifurcation of the External Carotid artery are _____ and _____
Superificial temporal a.
Maxillary a.
3 structures that pass thru parotid gland:
- Facial n.
- Ext. Carotid a.
- Retromandibular v.
Contents of Temporal Fossa:
- Temporal fat pad
- Temporalis m. (Covered by thick temporal fascia)
- Neurovasculature (CN V3)
Branch of CN V3. Provides sensory innervation to TMJ and lateral scalp. Travels with Superficial temporal a/v; runs deep to parotid gland and post to TMJ. Carries p-symp fibers from CN IX into parotid.
Auriculotemporal n.
Neurovasculature found in the Temporal Fossa:
- Auriculotemporal n.
- Ant and Post Deep Temporal nn.
- Superificial, Middle, and Deep temporal arteries
Borders of infratemporal fossa:
Lat- Ramus of mandible
Med- Lateral pterygoid plate
Ant- Maxilla
Post- Tympanic plate, mastoid and styloid processes
Roof- greater wing of sphenoid, temporal bone, Foramen ovale, Foramen spinosum
Infratemporal Fossa Contents:
- Muscles- temporalis, medial/lateral pterygoid mm
- A/V- Maxillary; pterygoid plexus of veins
- Nerves- CN V3, Posterior Superior Alveolar n. (V2), Chorda tympani n. (CN VII), otic ganglion, lesser petrosal n.
CN V3 divides into Anterior and Posterior divisions, describe them:
Ant- small, mainly motor (1 sensory branch- Buccal n.)
Post- larger, mainly sensory (1 motor branch- Mylohyoid n.)
CN V3 Branches-
- Auriculotemporal N. (sensory)
- Masseteric and Deep temporal (Ant/Post) nn. (Motor)
- Med/Lat Pterygoid nn. (Motor)
- Buccal n. (Sensory)
- Inferior Alveolar and Lingual nn. (Sensory)
- Meningeal branches (sensory)
Nerves of Mastication:
- Masseteric n. -supplies masseter m. (Thru mand notch)
- Deep Temporal nn.- supply temporalis m. (Passes deep to it)
- Med/Lat Pterygoid nn.
Special sensory branch of CN VII. Joins lingual n posteriorly. Supplies p-symp innervation to lower 2 salivary glands and taste fibers from anterior 2/3 tongue.
Chorda Tympani n. (CN VII)
______ _____ articular capsule surrounding joint.
Movements: _____ and _____
Relatively lax
Protrusion at TMJ is caused by:
Lateral Pterygoid assisted by medial pterygoid