G12 Larynx Flashcards
3 Regions of the Larynx:
- Laryngeal Vestibule (area superior to vestibular folds)
- Laryngeal Ventricle (area between vestibular folds and vocal folds)
- Infraglottic Cavity (area inferior to vocal folds)
The thyroid and cricoid cartilages are made of ____ cartilage.
Epiglottic, corniculate, and cuneiform cartilages are made of _____ cartilage.
The epiglottis is anchored to the thyroid cartilage anteriorly by the ______
Thyro-epiglottic ligament
Paired, minor, horn-shaped cartilage that rests on apices (top) of arytenoid cartilage within aryepiglottic folds:
Also, what paired cartilage rests above this cartilage within the aryepiglottic folds?
Corniculate Cartilage
Cuneiform Cartilage
The Vestibular ligament is also called the _____
False Vocal Cord
Paired, minor, rounded cartilages. Lie in posterior fold of thyrohyoid membrane = lateral thyrohyoid ligament. Not always present.
Triticeal Cartilage
The cricothyroid joint provides _____ movement and tilting of ____ cartilage.
Movement of this joint (caused by cricothyroid muscles) helps to _____ the vocal ligaments
Lengthen (increase tension of)
The _____ run just posterior to the cricothyroid joint
Inferior laryngeal nn. (From recurrent laryngeal n which is a branch of vagus n)
The vocal ligament is also known as the _____
True Vocal Cord
Superior opening (inlet) of larynx
Space between vestibular folds is the _____
Space between vocal folds is the _____
Rima vestibuli
Rima glottidis
In forced inspiration, the vocal folds are ____, the rima glottidis is ____, and the vestibule is ____.
Wide open
In phonation (creation of sound), the vocal folds are ______ and _____ as air is forced between them; the vestibule is _____.
Stridulating (tense and vibrating)
In forced closure, the vocal folds and vestibular folds are ____, the rima glottidis and vestibule are ____.
Aspiration of foreign bodies causes something like food to enter the ___ and lodge in the ____. May seal off larynx. Requires Heimlich maneuver or cricothyrotomy.
Contraction of posterior crico-arytenoid causes _____(action) of _____(structure).
Rima glottidis
(ONLY MUSCLE to open airway)
Action of transverse arytenoid muscles:
Adduction of vocal ligaments
The oblique arytenoid muscle helps to close the _____
Epiglottis/Aryepiglottic folds (like a sphincter)
Action of thyroarytenoid muscles
Shortening (relaxation) of vocal ligaments
Spasmodic closure of glottis. Life-threatening as breathing becomes impossible. May be caused by irritating chemicals, pharmaceutical side effects, etc.
____ supplies upper larynx with blood. Is a branch of ____.
____ supplies lower larynx. Is a branch of _____.
Superior Laryngeal a.
Superior Thyroid a.
Inferior Laryngeal a.
Inferior Thyroid a.
Superior laryngeal n gives rise to _____ and _____ nn.
Internal laryngeal
External laryngeal
This nerve pierces the thyrohyoid membrane
Internal laryngeal n.
This nerve runs superficial to cricothyroid m.
External laryngeal n.
This nerve descends to circle under aorta (L) or subclavian (R) and then ascends larynx.
Recurrent Laryngeal n.
This nerve runs posterior to cricothyroid joint
Inferior laryngeal n.
Injury to ____ causes sensory loss to superior larynx (may enable food to more easily enter larynx). Injury to ____ paralyzes mm ipsilateral, therefore paralysis of vocal fold ipsilateral (hoarseness of voice; bilateral-total loss)
Internal Laryngeal nn
Inferior Laryngeal nn