G2 Anterior Cervical Triangle, Cervical Viscera, Root Of Neck Flashcards
Posterior Cervical Triangle boundaries:
- Anterior- SCM
- Posterior- Trapezius m.
- Inferior- middle 1/3 of clavicle
Anterior Cervical Triangle boundaries:
- Lateral- Anterior border of SCM m.
- Superior- Inferior border of mandible
- Medial- midline of neck
Platysma m. Innervation:
CN VII (Cervical branch of facial n.)
Anterior cervical triangle can be subdivided into 4 smaller triangles:
- Submental triangle
- Submandibular triangle
- Muscular triangle
- Carotid triangle
Two muscle groups of anterior cervical triangle:
- Suprahyoid mm.
2. Infrahyoid mm.
Suprahyoid muscles (elevate hyoid bone):
- Stylohyoid m.
- Digastric m.
- Mylohyoid m.
- Geniohyoid m.
Stylohyoid m.
Pulls hyoid bone upward in posterosuperior direction
Facial n. (CN VII)
Digastric m.
Mandible fixed- raises hyoid
Hyoid fixed- lowers mandible
Ant. Belly- CN V3 (mandibular branch)
Post. Belly- CN VII
Mylohyoid m.
Supports/elevates floor of mouth; elevates hyoid
CN V3 (mand branch)
Geniohyoid m.
Mandible fixed- elevates and pulls hyoid forward
Hyoid fixed- pulls mandible downward and inward
Branch from anterior ramus of C1 carried via hypoglossal n. (CN XII)
Infrahyoid mm. (“Strap muscles”):
- Omohyoid m.
- Sternohyoid m.
- Thyrohyoid m.
- Sternothyroid m.
Sternohyoid m.
Depresses hyoid bone after swallowing
Anterior rami of C1-C3 via ansa cervicalis
Omohyoid m.
Depresses and fixes hyoid bone
Anterior rami of C1-C3 via ansa cervicalis
Thyrohyoid m.
Depresses hyoid.
Hyoid fixed- raises layrnx
Fibers from anterior ramus of C1 carried via hypoglossal n. (CN XII) (nerve to thyrohyoid m.)
Sternothyroid m.
Draws larynx (thyroid cartilage) downward
Anterior rami of C1-C3 via ansa cervicalis
This vein drains the anterior neck; located in the midline. Empties into subclavian v or external jugular v.
Anterior Jugular v.
Vein that connects common facial v with the anterior Jugular v.
Communicating Branch
This vein is formed by superficial temporal v and maxillary v. Divides into anterior and posterior divisions.
Retromandibular v.
The anterior division of Retromandibular vein and facial vein join to form:
Common facial vein
The posterior division of retromandibular vein and posterior auricular vein join to form:
External jugular v.
This vein originates at angle of eye. Receives tributaries from veins draining face. Drains into internal jugular v.
Facial v.
Drains blood from skull, brain, superficial face, cervical viscera. Traverses neck within carotid sheath.
Internal jugular v.
The internal jugular v joins with subclavian v to form _____
Brachiocephalic v.
The Right Common Carotid a. Comes from the _____
The Left Common Carotid a. Comes from the _____
Brachiocephalic trunk
Arch of aorta
The _____ carotid a. Gives off no branches in neck while the ____ carotid a. Gives off branches immediately after bifurcation from common carotid a.
1st anterior branch of external carotid a. Gives off superior laryngeal a.
Superior thyroid a.
Superior laryngeal a. Pierces the _____ together with internal branch of superior laryngeal n.
Thyrohyoid membrane
2nd anterior branch of external carotid a arises at level of greater horn of hyoid bone. Passes deeply into muscle of tongue.
Lingual a.
3rd anterior branch of external carotid a. Crosses inferior border of mandible to supply face
Facial a.
1st posterior branch of external carotid a. Arises close to bifurcation of common carotid a. Ascends to supply pharynx and tonsils.
Ascending pharyngeal a.
2nd posterior branch of external carotid a. Passes deep to posterior belly of digastric m. Ascends to supply neck and scalp. Sends off muscular branch to SCM
Occipital a.
3rd posterior branch of external carotid a. Supplies scalp posterior to ear.
Posterior Auricular a.
Carotid Sheath contents:
- Carotid a. (Common carotid a., internal carotid a., carotid sinus)
- Internal jugular v.
- Vagus n. (CN X)
This nerve travels transversely across middle of SCM to provide cutaneous innervation to skin overlying anterior cervical triangle.
Transverse cervical n. (C2-C3)
This nerve innervates infrahyoid mm. The superior root is from ___ fibers of anterior rami. The inferior root is from ____ of anterior rami.
Ansa Cervicalis
Submental triangle
Inferior- Hyoid bone
Lateral (R)- Anterior belly of digastric m.
Lateral (L)- Anterior belly of digastric m.
Mylohyoid m.
Submental lymph nodes
Small veins
Submandibular (Digastric) triangle
Superior- Inferior border of mandible
Anterior/inferior- anterior belly of digastric m.
Posterior/inferior- posterior belly of digastric m.
Submandibular gland/lymph nodes, marginal mandibular branch of facial n., CN XII, mylohyoid n., facial a./v.
Muscular triangle
Superior- hyoid bone
Lateral- Superior belly of omohyoid m., anterior border of SCM m.
Medial- midline of neck
Omohyoid, sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid mm.
Thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, trachea, esophagus, common carotid a., internal jugular v.
Carotid triangle
Superior- Stylohyoid m., posterior belly of digastric m.
Posterior- anterior border of SCM m.
Anteroinferior- superior belly of omohyoid m.
CN X, laryngeal nn., CN XI, CN XII, ansa cervicalis.
Common, internal, external carotid aa., branches of external carotid a.
All branches of veins -> IJV
Emergency procedure to establish airway (cuts cricothyroid membrane)
Creation of midline incision in trachea and insertion of tube to enable ventilation. Performed in cases of airway obstruction.
Tracheotomy (Tracheostomy)
1st branch off external carotid a. Supplies superior pole of lateral lobe of thyroid gland.
Superior Thyroid a.
Branch off thyrocervical trunk (from subclavian a.). Supplies inferior pole of lateral lobe of thyroid gland.
Inferior Thyroid a.
Small artery occasionally found arising from brachiocephalic trunk or arch of aorta. Ascend anterior surface of trachea to supply thyroid gland.
Thyroid ima a.
The superior thyroid and middle thyroid vv. Drain into the _____. The inferior thyroid v drains into _____.
Internal jugular v.
Brachiocephalic vv.
Excision of part/most of thyroid gland:
Junction between thorax and neck, lies superior to superior thoracic aperture.
Root of the neck
The vertebral artery enters transverse foramen of ___ and passes up to ___
Provides all parasympathetic innervation to neck.
Vagus n. (CN X)
The ___ recurrent laryngeal n loops around ___ subclavian a.
The ___ recurrent laryngeal n loops below and behind arch or aorta.
Major lymphatic channel that drains lymph from left upper limb, head, neck, thorax, abdomen, lower limbs. Drains into left venous angle.
Thoracic Duct
Junction between left internal jugular v. And left subclavian v.
Left venous angle
Drains lymph from right upper limb, head, neck, and thorax. Drains into right venous angle.
Right lymphatic duct