G301.1 Emergency Operations/Disaster Staffing Plan Flashcards
G301.1 Emergency Operations/Disaster Staffing Plan p1
The Emergency Operations/Disaster Staffing & Resource Plan also known as Resource Condition or ReCon is modeled after _____.
The national Defense Condition system (DefCon)
G301.1 Emergency Operations/Disaster Staffing Plan p2
What happens when AFD changes ReCon?
- Dispatch announces change to all stations
2. When time, Dispatch contacts Shift Commander apprise of conditions, the SC will make action as needed
G301.1 Emergency Operations/Disaster Staffing Plan p2
How many ReCon levels are there?
5, the level status determines if additional units have been staffed/available for emergency.
G301.1 Emergency Operations/Disaster Staffing Plan p2
What are trigger mechanisms?
indicators of the need to put additional resources in service. These can be automatic initiated by dispatch or at SC discretion.
G301.1 Emergency Operations/Disaster Staffing Plan p2-3
What is the communication process?
- Dispatch monitors conditions (number and severity of active incidents and number of units available) and initiating escalation of ReCon when trigger dictates. let SC know.
- When trigger dictates ReCon level escalation Dispatch notifies SC and if conditions warrant escalation.
- Moving up ReCon Dispatch broadcast info to all stations.
G301.1 Emergency Operations/Disaster Staffing Plan p3
In the ReCon plan what is fleet responsible for?
maintaining a list of non-Ops vehicles and response capabilities and their status.
G301.1 Emergency Operations/Disaster Staffing Plan p4
What is ReCon 1
AFD maintain average response time/service levels
no shortages
everything as usual
G301.1 Emergency Operations/Disaster Staffing Plan p4-5
ReCon II
Conditions favorable for rapid change
Anticipate inability to maintain routine service
possible need for more units
1.*at or below 50% engine resources - automatic
2. Command Staff shortage- less than two available for call
3. Foreseeable extraordinary service demand ie storm
as deemed by SC
4. As deemed by SC
a. training/elective activities cancelled at discretion of SC
b. scheduled OOS reviewed by SC
c. Aerials start to do medicals, keep engines free
d. staff reserve units w/ on duty relief
e. check ready reserves
f. prepare or 3
G301.1 Emergency Operations/Disaster Staffing Plan p5
How will SOP be modified during ReCon 2
- at large incident when 1 engine left in staging, call another alarm discontinued
- ReCon2 > companies should not be held in reserve
- Out of city mutual aid may be stopped, up to Command Staff.
G301.1 Emergency Operations/Disaster Staffing Plan p5-6
Captain 14*
Recon III
Extraordinary conditions exist/imminent
Cannot maintain routine service levels
*Additional resources needed
- at or below 35% Engine resources
- Simultaneously escalating multiple alarms
- CAD/Radio outage
- No available on duty Command Staff
- as deemed by SC
a. initiate callbacks as necessary
b. *establish city wide IC and request EOC
c. alert mutual aid agencies of possible need
d. alert EMS,APD
e. Formal notification via OEM
f. Prepare for 4
G301.1 Emergency Operations/Disaster Staffing Plan p6
What are some of the things that can occur at Recon3? (14)
- Command of AFD may be at EOC, when activated
- SC may activate Department operations out of CTECC, and the city divided into sectors with appointed commanders.
- Dispatch may designate Communications Coordinator, coordinates comms between EOC, DOC, Command Staff
- SC may initiate Callback, must designate a number
- lower ranks/staff/cadets all considered for callback
- companies should stock up on medical supplies at station, may not get back home
- recalled FFers, informed of where to report with PPE
- if 100% callback order PIO issues media page to help
- SC may callback civilians for admin functions ie Finance officer
- All vehicles capable of code 3, marshaled for use
- reserve units put in service, when equipped/staffed
- demobilization plan developed
- dispatch may run dispatching over radio, monitor a talk group
- all leave may be cancelled except in extreme cases
G301.1 Emergency Operations/Disaster Staffing Plan p7
What SOG changes can happen at ReCon3? 8
- Engine company alarm response may be one less than normal, except for one unit calls.
- Aerials will take medicals at Mutli-company stations, preserve engines
- Notify EMS for ReCon3, stop responding to lower priority calls, continue on life- threatening
4.Use of Staff, Cadets, or police considered. - Mutual response out of the city may be discontinued
- At Box Alarms, return engines to service asap, overhaul down to one engine.
- New priority for keeping units available, Eng highest priority to keep available:
Eng/quint-AFR-Command-Rescue-Aerial-other units - new priority list used for dispatch
G301.1 Emergency Operations/Disaster Staffing Plan p6
What is the Communications Coordinator responsible for?
Who assumes, this role before it is officially staffed?
Communications coordinator is responsible for :
- ensuring adequate staffing for dispatch
- monitoring area-wide coverage and available resources
- liaison between EOC, DOC, Command Staff, Dispatch
- Communication request go through CC
Until one appointed, role filled by Fire Dispatch Super
G301.1 Emergency Operations/Disaster Staffing Plan p7
What is the priority for keeping units in service at ReCon3?
Engine/Quints ARF units Command Units Rescue/Haz-Mat Units Aerial Companies Other units
G301.1 Emergency Operations/Disaster Staffing Plan p8
ReCon IV-Severe
Extraordinary conditions exist, expected to continue/escalate
Cant maintain acceptable level of service w/ resources
Resources from mutual aid needed
- at or below 20% Engine reserves (automatic)
- as deemed necessary by SC
a. Request assistance from mutual aid companies
b. Temporarily re-assign non-operations FFers
c. Alert metro/state/federal agencies of possible need for assistance
d. Formal notification through OEM
e. Prepare for level V, review Associated activates
G301.1 Emergency Operations/Disaster Staffing Plan p8-9
What are the associated Activities with ReCon IV?
- Structure fires dispatched as Light Box, could just be one company.
- Mutual aid companies can be used where appropriate
- Structure Fires will be defensive unless they can be safely handled by available personnel
- Sector/Division commander may request additional resources, but prob not available
- Non-ops functions may be reassigned to ops temp, not dispatch
- Marshaling areas established by SC, as gathering points for mutual aid, callback personnel, special equipment. Marshaling area supervisors est by SC
- Staff vehicles may be taken to marshaling areas
- Apparatus parked and unused on scene will be taken by callback personnel. after released by IC
- If marshaling areas not est mutual aid mat be directly assigned
- Both individual FFers and companies will be logged in through Marshaling area. MAS shall determine the companies capabilities including #of personnel, type of equipment, interchangeability of equipment/air bottles, personnel training
- mutual aid companies may include responding to alarms, preforming task from SC, if need to go home check out with SC
- demobilization plan
G301.1 Emergency Operations/Disaster Staffing Plan p10
ReCon V
Still cant meet essential needs
Internal and Mutual aid resources committed/exhausted
- 0% engine companies resource available
- Mutual aid committed /exhausted
- As deemed necessary by SC
Associated Activities
a. Request assistance from metro/state/federal/etc
b. Review pervious level Associated activities
c. Seek “State of Local Disaster” declaration
d. Implement an alternative work shift to maximize use of personnel
e. Pursue Private contractor help
f. Issue general call for volunteer assistance from public
Level IV protocol for Box/multi-alarms cont
Update demobilization plan
Once at V stay there till III can be obtained.
Officer responsible fro tracking external offers for assistance should be appointed to organize the collection of extra local aid