G202.1 Knox Key System Flashcards
G202.1 Knox Key System p1
Approved user:
Member of a first responder agency approved by AFD to utilize box key system.
all uniformed AFD and ATCEMS for both master keys
ESDs are only approved for access to gate master key
G202.1 Knox Key System p2
What are the two options for securing master keys?
- Secured within retention device, for example on a AFD unit.
- Maintained within the lock safe at AFD Prevention
G202.1 Knox Key System p2
Each retention device shall be equipped with ___master keys these keys shall be engraved and will remain with that apparatus _______
throughout their serviceable life
G202.1 Knox Key System p2
Should Knox box master keys be transfer unit to unit during reserve apparatus change outs?
No Knox box keys stay with their apparatus.
G202.1 Knox Key System p2
What are the two Knox box master keys?
Gate “G” key- master key that is used to open Knox gate or Knox padlocks within the city of Austin
Building “B” key- master key used to access Knox box that contain building access keys w/i the city of Austin
G202.1 Knox Key System p2
In participating ESD jurisdictions Knox boxes may be opened with the
G key
G202.1 Knox Key System p2
To open a Knox Gate the user will insert the G key into the switch and turned the key to the _______ position.
Emergency, when done return to normal operation
G202.1 Knox Key System p2
What key is used with Knox Door Key Switches, and what happens when they are activated?
The B key is used to activate Knox Door Key Switch, once activated all magnetically secured doors will open.
switch must returned to normal position after operations are done
G202.1 Knox Key System p3
What is a Knox padlock, what is it used for?
A removable lock was shackle that can be used to secure date. Opened with the G key
G202.1 Knox Key System p3
Knox Road blocking bollard
Large diameter metallic barrier that raises and lowers into the ground, when activated changes vehicle access.
activated through G Key
G202.1 Knox Key System p3
Knox Key Security Retention Device
Mechanical device mounted to interior of apparatus locks master keys into secured keyways. If only 1 keyway exist the B key will be secured. If two key ways exist both B and G keys will be secured.
G202.1 Knox Key System p3
How many digits are the Knox Key Retention Device Personal Identification Number?
Six digits
G202.1 Knox Key System p3
Who assigns and manages Knox Key Retention Device PINs?
Communication section
G202.1 Knox Key System p3
Master key cable locks
Each pair of master keys are cabled together using an approved master key cable lock.
Each cable lock is engraved with unique serial number that is recorded and maintained within the Knox Data collection system.
If the cable becomes damaged or broken or needs to be cut replacement cables will be installed in a new serial number recorded.
G202.1 Knox Key System p3-4
Knox data collection system
Data collection system maintained by AFD and used to record the following:
- results of weekly master key inspections
- number/location all Knox Secure System in CoA
- ESD master key inventory and audit results
G202.1 Knox Key System p4
Vehicle identification number
COA fleet is assigned with unique vehicle identification number. number begins with the last two digits of year of vehicle manufacturer followed by a single letter in at least three more numbers. This VIN number will be engraved upon the units to assigned master keys.
(Last 2 digits of year)-(letter)-(at least 3numbers)
G202.1 Knox Key System p4
If assigned master key is broken or damaged what is done?
Prevention has stock spare master keys locked in a safe. Each engraved with the word “spare” followed by unique number assigned sequentially. spare keys will only be used/deployed until a new and properly identified/engraved key can be ordered and installed.
G202.1 Knox Key System p4
How are AFD spare Knox keys managed?
Prevention is responsible for routine inspection and audit all spare keys.
G202.1 Knox Key System p4
ESD master keys are engraved with ______
EST identifier (ESD number) followed by unique sequential numbered identifier. Travis County ESD’s are approved access to G key only, and prevention will do an annual audit recording findings in Knox data collection system.
G202.1 Knox Key System p4-5
Process for use master keys
- Battery switch on, status LED will be green, key locked
- when pin correctly entered here audible click, green status light turns red, master key unlocked
- enter six digit pin followed by #, Amber keypad will blink as numbers entered, mistakes? hit# restart. only five attempts.
- once removed strobe will flash blue. Problems? complete Comm service request.
- to re-secure insert key turn to the right, audible click key locked, red light turns green, blue strobe stops
- for maintenance or issues complete a Comm Service Request through fire depot.
G202.1 Knox Key System p5
Retention device, master keys, and cable lock shall be inspected _____
Weekly, on Wednesday before 1500
G202.1 Knox Key System p5
Who is responsible for reviewing the results of operations division’s inspections to identify reporting anomalies?
On-duty shift commander, review due by 1900 each Wednesday
G202.1 Knox Key System p6
If anomaly is detected during weekly inspections what will the shift commander do?
Contact appropriate personnel to address any anomaly, it can’t be corrected ( missing/stolen key) in the shift commander will make notification
G202.1 Knox Key System p6
For vehicles and apparatus unassigned operations who’s responsible for identifying anomalies?
Fire marshal, each Wednesday before 1600
G202.1 Knox Key System p6
Any city of Austin apparatus or vehicle not regularly staffed but with the retention device installed must also have their weekly inspection completed by 1500. Who is responsible for the completion of the weekly inspection report?
AFD operation support, appropriate staff section supervisor, other designated Austin Travis County EMS personnel
G202.1 Knox Key System p6
What should happen when an apparatus or vehicle leaves the care/custody of city of Austin (for maintenance etc.)?
Master keys must be removed and returned to prevention
G202.1 Knox Key System p6
What happens if the master key or master key cable lock is broken or damaged?
Member identifying issue should contact prevention and request a spare key/cable lock through fire depot.
prevention staff shall retrieve broken items and record information in the Knox data collection system.
If master key is broken or damaged prevention will contact Knox vendor and request replacement key with proper engravings
G202.1 Knox Key System p7
If a Knox gate/box/switch/bollard/padlock is found to be broken or damaged user will contact ____
Prevention via request on fire depot
G202.1 Knox Key System p7
If any master keys believed to be lost or stolen the approved user shall immediately notify ____.
On-duty/on-call AFD arson investigator