G & D: physical development Flashcards
Describe the physical growth for infants
- continuous rapid growth; birth-weight doubled by 6 months & tripled by 1 year
- height by 30cm (1 ft) during 1st year
- posterior fontanel closes 2-4 months
- teeth start to erupt at 6 months
Describe the physical growth for toddlers
- rate of growth slows & appetite decreases; birth-weight x4 by 3 yrs;
- reaches half adult height by 3 yrs
- anterior fontanel closes between 1-2 yrs
- completion of 20 deciduous teeth erupted by 3 yrs;
- proportions change with longer legs, smaller head; potbellied appearance with wide stance
Describe the physical growth for preschoolers
- slow steady growth; weight gain 1.5-2.5 kg/year.
- height gain 4-6 cm/yr
- becomes slimmer, taller & more child-like in proportion
Describe the physical growth for school agers
- slow steady growth with growth spurts in later stage (girls may have growth spurt 9-10 yrs; boys 10-11 yrs)
- weight gain 1.4-2.2 kg/yr
- height gain 4-6 cm/yr
- first deciduous tooth lost ~6yrs & permanent teeth erupt (22-26/32 teeth by age 12)
- maturing of immune system & organs
Describe the physical growth for adolescents
- rapidly changing body with variation in age of growth spurt; growth spurt associated with physical pubertal changes (see Tanner stages)
- girls gain 7-25 kg; boys gain 7- 29 kg
- girls grow 2.5-20 cm; boys grow 11-30cm
- final eruption of permanent molars (now have 32 teeth) growth stops with closure of epiphyseal lines of long bones
What are the fine motor skills of an infant?
holds hand in fist 0-1 month
plays with own fingers by 2-4 months
holds bottle by 4-6 months
pincer grasp well developed by 8-10 months
What are the fine motor skills of a toddler?
can scribble & undress self by 1-2 years
can draw a circle & dress self by 2-3 years
What are the fine motor skills of a preschooler?
uses scissors
draws 6-part person
eats with fork, spoon & knife
brushes teeth
buttons & able to tie shoes by 6yrs
What are the fine motor skills of a school ager?
plays card & board games
does crafts
What are the fine motor skills of a adolescent?
what are the gross motor skills of an infant?
lift head when prone 0-1 month
turn from side to back by 2-4 months
sits without support by 6-8 months
crawls or pulls body on floor with arms by 8-10 months
stands alone & walks holding onto furniture by 10-12 months
What are the gross motor skills of a toddler?
runs & walks up & downstairs by 1-2 yr
jumps, kicks & throws ball overhand by 2-3 years
What are gross motor skills of a preschooler?
rides tricycle
What are gross motor skills of a school ager?
rides 2 wheel bike
jumps rope
What are gross motor skills of an adolescent?
lack of coordination during growth spurt
muscle development continues
What is the sensory ability of an infant?
follows objects in line of vision at 0-1 month
turns head towards sound at 2-4 months
watches falling object at 4-6 months
recognizes own name at 6-8 months
may say one word in addition to “mama” & “dada” at 8-10 months
plays peek-a-boo at 10-12 months
what is the sensory ability of a toddler?
visual acuity 20/50 by 1-2 yr
What is the sensory ability of a preschooler?
can learn letters and numbers
What is the sensory ability of school age?
reads, progressively longer concentration
What is the sensory ability of an adolescent?
well developed