Fungal diseases Flashcards
What is Symbiosis?
An interaction between two species.
What is Mutualism?
It is a symbiotic interaction where both organisms benefit.
What is Parasitism?
A symbiotic interaction where one organism benefits and the other organism is harmed.
What is Commensalism?
A symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits and the other is unaffected.
What is Amensalism?
A symbiotic relationship where one organism is harmed and the other is unaffected.
What are pathogens?
Parasites that cause disease.
What is the difference between Parasites and Saprophytes?
Parasites: Host is living.
Saprophytes: The host is dead organic matter.
What are facultative saprophytes?
Parasites but saprophytes occasionally.
What are facultative parasites?
Saprophytes but parasites occasionally.
What are Biotrophs, Necrotrophs, and Hemibiotrophs?
Biotrophs: Live and reproduce in living organisms.
Necrotrophs: L ive and reproduce on dead host.
Hemibiotrophs: Can live on living hosts but end up killing the host and living on dead tissue.
What is the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
Eukaryotes have a membrane bound nucleus and Prokaryotes do not.
What is a heterotroph?
It is an organism that cannot produce their own food.
Are fungi unicellular or multicellular?
How many known fungus species are saprophytic?
More than 100,000
How many fungus species cause disease in humans?
How many fungus species cause disease in plants?
What is the mycelium?
The mass of hyphae constituting the body of the fungus.
What is Hyphae?
Individual branches of the mycelium.
What do fungal cell walls consist of?
Glucans and Chitin.
What is the Thallus?
The vegetative body of a fungus.
How do spores produce?
Sexually and asexually.
Name that 3 structures within the Hyphae.
- Stroma
- Sclerotium
- Long-lived hyphae
What is the Stroma?
Compact mass of hyphae cells
What is the sclerotium?
It is a compact mass of hardened fungal mycelium containing food reserves. This structure is resistant to unfavorable weather conditions.
What are long-lived hyphae?
They are transport systems of the fungus.
How many types of long lived hyphae are there?
What are the two types of asexual spores in fungi?
Conidia and Sporangia.
What are the three types of sexual spores in fungi?
- Zygospores
- Ascospores
- Basidiospores
What are resting spores?
These are spores designed to survive extreme weather.
Name 2 resting spores.
Chlamydospores and Sclerotia.
What is an ascus?
It is a sac like structure in which ascospores develop. Usually cylindrical.
What is plasmogamy?
Fusion of cells WITHOUT fusion of nucleus.
What is Karyogamy?
Fusion of cells WITH fusion of nucleus.
What does Homothalic mean?
Capable of sexual reproduction on the same organism with both sexual organs present on the same thallus.
What does Heterothalic mean?
Capable of sexual production only if genetically different mycelia is present.
What is sporulation?
It is the formation of spores.
What do you call a hyphae that is separated?
What do you call hyphae that is not separated?
What are the three transporter systems of hyphae?
- Runner Hyphae
- Mycelial strands
- Rhizomorphs
What are the three Hyphal adaptations in biotrophs?
- Appressoria
- Haustoria
- Penetration pegs.