Canola black leg disease Flashcards
What is the scientific name for Canola?
Brassica Napus
How much has canola contributed to the Canadian economy?
29.9 billion
What are the two major diseases in Canola?
- Blackleg
- Sclerotinia Stem rot
What kind of a fungal species causes blackleg?
Ascomycete fungal species
Which part of the plant does blackleg occur at?
leaf lesions, stem lesions and stem canker
China is the only country to have one blackleg species. Which blackleg species is this?
L. biglobosa
What are a few symptoms of blackleg?
- STEM Canker
- Dry rot or canker at the base of the stem.
- Plants ripen prematurely.
- Lodging
- Seeds shrivel and pods shatter easily.
What is a sign of blackleg?
Black dots
What is the difference between large black dots and small black dots?
Small black dots are Pycnidia (Asexual fruiting body)
Large black dots are Pseudothesia (sexual fruiting body)
What is a symptom of Verticillium?
Hollow stem
What is another name for blackleg?
Root canker
What are the two things we need to study and manage diseases?
- Disease Triangle
- Disease Cycle
How can you alter host to manage disease triangle?
- Crop rotation
- Resistance Host
How can you take care of pathogens to manage the disease triangle?
- Take care of primary inoculum
- Take care of secondary inoculum
What kind of an environment does blackleg thrive in?
- 5 - 20 degrees is optimal for pseudothecia growth.
- Wet humid environment increase the severity due to increased dispersal of conidia by rain splash.
- Wounds in plants increase severity.
Briefly describe blackleg disease cycle
In the spring pseudothesia release ascospores. Cotyledons and young leaves show legions with pycnidia. Pycnidiospores are released and spread through rain splashes. Fungus grows from younger leaves to stems internally. This can lead to the lodging of the plant. The fungus overwinters on stubble.
Name 3 black leg management strategies.
- Crop rotation (4 years)
- Fungicide application
- Gene Resistance
When does incompatible interaction between plant and pathogen happen?
When plat can recognize the pathogen.
Why do we not use plants with the same R gene resistance for extended periods?
Because pathogens are smart and they can evolve different ways of infecting the plant. We call this R gene breakdown.
Why are different R gene cultivars used?
Different R gene cultivars create immunity towards different pathogen genes. We use different R gene cultivars so the pathogen is not able to evolve as easily and this prevents R gene breakdown.