Fundamentals: Hygiene Flashcards
Factors that influence a personal preference for hygiene
Social practices, personal preferences, body image, socioeconomic status, health benefits and motivation, cultural variables, developmental stage, physical condition.
Common skin problems
Dry skin, acne, skin rashes, contact dermatitis, abrasion.
How to administer hygiene with dry skin:
bathe less frequently and rinse the body of all soap bc residue left on the skin can cause irritation and breakdown. Add moisture to the air through the use of a humidifier increase fluid intake when the skin is dry. Use moisturizing cream to aid healing (eucerin). Use creams to clean skin that is dry or allergic to soaps and detergents.
How to administer hygiene with acne.
Wash hair and skin thoroughly each day with warm water and soap to remove oil use cosmetics sparingly bc oily cosmetics or creams accumulate in pores and tend to make condition worse. Implement dietary restrictions if necessary. Use prescribed topical antibiotics for severe forms of acne.
How to administer hygiene with skin rashes
wash the area thoroughly and apply antiseptic spray and lotion to prevent further itching and aid in the healing process. Apply warm or cold soaks to relieve inflammation if indicated.
How to administer hygiene with contact dermatitis
avoid causative agents (example: cleansers and soaps)
How to administer hygiene with abrasion
be careful not to scratch the patient with jewelry or fingernails. Wash abrasions with mild soap and water. Dry thoroughly and gently. Observe dressings or bandages for retained moisture bc it increases risk of infection.
thickened portion of epidermis consists of mass or horny, keratotic cells. Usually flat and painless and are found on undersurface of foot or on palm of hand.
Friction and pressure from ill-fitting or loose shoes cause keratosis. They are usually seen mainly on or between toes over bony prominences. They are usually cone shaped, round, and raised. Soft corns are macerated.
Plantar warts
fungating lesion appears on sole of foot and is caused by the papilloma virus.
Tinea pedis
athletes foot is a fungal infection of the of the foot, scaliness and cracking of skin occur between the toes and on the soles of feet. Small blisters containing fluid appear.
Ingrown nails
the toenail or fingernail grows inward into soft tissue around the nail. Ingrown nails often result from improper nail trimming.
Foot odors
foot odors are the result of excess perspiration that promotes microorganism growth.
Bad breath
scaling of scalp is accompanied by itching. In severe cases, dandruff is on the eyebrows.
Small, grey-brown parasites burrow into the skin and suck blood.
Lice, tiny grayish-white. Parasitic insects that infest mammals.
Pediculosis capitis:
Parasite is on scalp attached to hair strands. Eggs look like oval particles similar to dandruff. Biles or pustules may be observed behind the ears and at the hairline.
Pediculosis corporis
Parasites tend to cling to clothing, so they are not always easy to see. Body lice suck blood and lay eggs on clothing and furniture.
Pediculosis pubis
parasites are in pubic hair. Crab lice are greyish white red legs.
Alopecia occurs in all races. Balding patches are in the periphery of the hair line. Hair becomes brittle an broken.
Oral problems
patients who are unable to use heir upper extremities because of paralysis, weakness, or restriction; dehydration; inability to take fluids of food by mouth (NPO); presence of nasogastric or oxygen tubes; mouth breathers; chemotherapeutic drugs; over the counter lozenges, antacids, radiation therapy to head and neck, immunosuppressants, altered blood clotting, diabetes mellitus
skin problems
immobilization, reduced sensation because of stroke, spinal cord injury, diabetes or local nerve damage; limited protein or calorie intake and reduced hydration; excessive secretions or excretions on the skin from perspiration, urine, watery fecal matter, wound drainage, presence of external devices, vascular insufficiency.
Foot problems
patients who are unable to bend over or have reduced visual acuity
Eye care problems
reduced dexterity and hand coordination
Types of baths
complete bed bath, partial bed bath, bag bath, sitz bath
complete bed bath
bath administered to totally dependent patient in bed
partial bed bath
bed bath that consists of bathing only body parts that would cause discomfort if left unbathed (hands, face, axillae, and perineal area. Also washing back and giving back rub.
Bag baths
series of unwashed clothes and no rinse liquid cleanser. Place wash cloth in bad with water and cleanser.
Sitz bath
shallow bath that cleanses the perineum.
Guidelines that nurses need to follow regardless of the bath type
Provide privacy, maintain safety, maintain warmth, promote independence, anticipate needs.
who are patients at risk for breakdown in the perineal area
male patients who are uncircumcised, patients who have indwelling catheters, and patients recovering form rectal or genetal surgery or childbirth.
benefits of back rubs
promotes relaxation, relieves muscular tension, and decreases perception of pain.
Guidelines when advising patients with peripheral neuropathy or vascular insufficiency about foot care
- inspect feet daily
- Wash feet daily in luke warm water
- Wear well fitting shoes and clean dry socks
- Keep skin soft and smooth by applying lotion
- If you can see and reach toe nails, trim them straight across
- Keep blood flowing or feet by putting them up and wiggiling toes
- Protect the feet from hot and cold
Denture care
dentures need to be cleaned on a regular basis to avoid gingival infection and irritation
How should shaving be performed
shave facial hair after the bath or shampoo; avoid causing discomfort, gently pull the skin taut and use short, firm razor strokes in the direction the hair grows.
Describe basic eye care for a patient
cleansing the eyes involves simply washing with a clean wash cloth moistened in water. Never apply direct pressure over the eyeball because it causes serious injury when cleansing eye. Obtain a clean wash cloth and cleanse from the inner canthus to the outer canthus. Use a different section of the washcloth to each eye.
In-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids
Newest, smallest, and least visible. It fits entirely in the ear canal
In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids
fits into the external ear and allows for more fine tuning; it is powerful and easy to adjust
Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids
hooks around and behind the ear and is connected to an ear mold, it allows for fine tuning and is useful for patients with progressive hearing loss.
Fowler position
head of bed raised to angle of 45 degrees or more. Semi-sitting position, foot of the bed may also be raised at the knees
Semi-fowler position
head of bed raised approximately 30 degrees; inclination less than fowler position; foot of bed may also be raised at knees
Trendelenburg postion
entire bed frame tilted with the head of bed down
Reverse trendelenburg bed position
entire bed frame tilted with foot of bed down.
Flat bed position
entire bed frame horizontally parallel with the floor