Functional Ability by SCI Flashcards
C1-C3: movements
Capable to speak, chew, sip, blow
How does a pt with C1-C3 SCI breathe?
Phrenic n stimulator or portable ventilatory
C4: movements
Capable of respiration and scapular elevation
How does a pt with C4 SCI cough?
Glossopharyngeal breathing to cough
C4: Wc
Chin control to adjust wc
C5: movements
- Elbow: flexion/supination
2. shoulder: ER, Abd to 90, limited flexion
How does a pt with C5 SCI cough?
Manual assistance of cough
C5: new ability
Can drive c van lift
C6: Movements
Shoulder: flexion, ext, IR, adduction
Forearm: pronation
Wrist: extension
How does a pt with C6 involvement cough?
Independent manual cough technique
C6: new ability
Can driving with hand controls
C7: Movements
- elbow extension
- wrist flexion
- finger/thumb extension
C7: devices
Manual wc with friction hand rims
Button hook for independent dressing
C8: Movement
Thumb flexors
C8: New Ability
Up/down curbs c manual wc
T1-T5: Movement
Full UE (finger intrinsic), trunk control, increased respiratory reserve
T6-T8: activities
Swing to gait in parallel bars c bilateral KAFOs and walker c supervision
T9-T12: activities
Swing through gait with KAFOs and walker/forearm crutches
T12-L3: Movements
hip flexion/adduction
knee extension
T12-L3: activities
4 point gait with KAFOS/forearm crutches with slightly variable surfaces
L4-L5: New mm
Posterior tibialis, quads, tib anterior