Function And Joints Of Skeletal System Flashcards
8 functions:
Protection of vital organs
Reduce friction
Weight bearing
Shape + support
Blood cell production
Attachment for muscles
Bones protect many vital organs eg. Cranium protects the brain
Mineral storage
Bones store vital minerals eg calcium and lipids stored in diaphysis and RBCs stored in epiphysis
Reduce friction
Synovial fluid released. Sesamoid bones eg. patella provide smooth surface for tendon to slide over
Weight bearing
Lumbar vertebrae’s purpose is to bear the weight of the body
Skeleton acts as levers to allow movement
Shape + support
Mainly from our axial skeleton
Blood cell production
RBCs, WBCs and platelets produced in red bone marrow. Found in flat bones and epiphysis in long bone
Attachment for muscles
Tendons attach muscle to bone allowing movement. Muscles attach to flat bone eg. Scapula
Function of long bone
Movement, support, RBC production. Stores blood cells and minerals
Eg. Femur, humerus
Functions of short bone
Fine movement, shock absorption, stability, weight bearing
Eg. Carpals, tarsals
Functions of flat bone
Protection for vital organs, muscle attachment
Eg. Sternum, scapula, cranium
Functions of irregular bone
Protect spinal chord, movement
Eg vertebrae
Functions of Sesamoid bone
Protection, reduce friction
Eg patella
3 main types of joint
Immovable joint
Slightly moveable
Synovial joint
Immoveable joints
Bones can’t move. They overlap and are held together by a tough fibre and has no joint cavity.
Eg cranium
Slightly moveable joints
Bones can only move a little
Held together by ligaments and joined by cartilage
Eg ribs/vertebrae. In ribs to allow us to move
Synovial joints
Bones move freely
Eg hips, shoulders, knees
Joint capsule
Strengthens the joint so it doesn’t pull apart
Synovial membrane
Encloses fluid and secretes synovial fluid
Articular cartilage
Prevents friction between and cushions end of bones
Synovial fluid
Viscous liquid that lubricates the joint, reduces friction
Small synovial fluid filled sac, cushion between bones and tendons
Strong tissue that holds bones together. They add stability to joints
Hinge joint
Little movement
Eg elbow, knee, ankle
Eg extension at knee when kicking football
Ball + socket joint
Lots of movement
Eg shoulder, hip
Eg circumduction in shoulder when bowling in cricket
Condyloid joint
More movement than hinge joint
Up, down, side to side movement
Eg wrist, knuckles
Gliding joint
Movement between the surfaces is very small
Eg carpals, tarsals
Eg shooting in netball
Pivot joint
Pivot like movement
Atlas + axis of neck
Moving your head from side to side
Saddle joint
Greater freedom of movement to condyloid joint
Eg joints of thumb
Important in racket sports - forehand shot in table tennis
Upward movement of the ankle
Eg downward movement of squat
Plantar flexion
A movement that points the toes downwards by straightening the ankle
When ballet dancers go en pointe
Lateral flexion
The movement of bending sideways eg at the waist
Eg a boxer bending at the waist to slip a punch
Horizontal flexion
Bending the elbow while the arm is infront in your body
Eg when taking bat back in table tennis
Horizontal extension
Straightening the elbow when the arm is in front of your body
Eg when you play the backhand shot in table tennis
Hyper extension
Movement beyond the normal anatomical position in a direction opposite to flexion
Eg in the preparation phase to kick a football
Movement away from the body’s vertical midline
When you take your arms up in a star jump
Movement towards the body’s vertical midline
When you lower the arms in star jump
Horizontal abduction
Bringing your arm across your body away from the midline (flexion)
Eg when you take the discus back
Horizontal adduction
Bringing your arm across the body to an anterior position (extension)
Eg when you throw discus
Circular movement that results in a conical action
Eg butterfly in swimming
Circular movement of a limb
Eg at shoulder joint during tennis serve
Pivot joint at neck
Articulating bones
Shoulder- scapula, humerus
Elbow- humerus, radius, ulna
Hip- femur, pelvis
Knee- femur, tibia
Ankle- tibia, fibula, tarsals
Wrist- radius, ulna, carpals