Fromm Flashcards
Fromm’s basic thesis
Modern people have been torn away from their pre historic union with nature and also with one another yet they gave the power of REASONING, FORESIGHT, and IMAGINATION
What makes us the freaks of the universe?
Combination of lack of animal instincts and presence of rational thougt
Contributes to the feelings of loneliness, isolation, and homelessness
Self awareness
To escape from feelings of loneliness, isolation, and homelessness
People strive to become reunited with nature and with their fellow human being
Erich Fromm was influenced by
Karl Marx and Karen Horney
Erich Fromm’s theory/humanistic psychoanalysis emphasizes influence on
Influence of sociobiological factors, history, economics, and class structure
Humanistic psychoanalysis- erich fromm assumes that
Separation from the natural world has produced feelings of loneliness and isolation. This condition is called basic anxiety
Human’s separation from the human world has produced feelings of loneliness and isolation. This condition is called
Basic anxiety
Humanistic psychoanalysis looks at people from
Historical and cultural perspective
Humanistic psychoanalysis puts less concern on ____ and more concerned on___
Less concern on individual and more on characteristics common to culture
What happens humans emerged as separate specie in animal revolution
They lost most of their instincts and gained an increase in brain devt that permitted SELF AWARENESS, IMAGINATION, PLANNING, and DOUBT
What makes us different from all other animals
we have a weak instincts such as self awareness, imagination, planning, and doubt
Growth of leisure time and personal freedom has resulted in
Feelings of anxiety, isolation, and personal freedom
Feelings of isolation has been unbearable that leaves people with two alternatives such as
To escape freedom into interpersonal dependencies
To move to self realizatiob through productive love and work
Fromms basic assumption is that individual personality__
can be understoood only in the light of HUMAN HISTORY
Human situation/personality must be based on
Anthropologic-philosophical concept of human existence
Fromm believed that humans, unlike other animals have been “torn away” from their pre historic union with nature.
They have no powerful instincts to adapt to a changing world instead they acquired the facility to reason. This condition is called
Why do people experience human dilemma? -fromm
Because they have become separate from nature yet they have the capacity to be aware of themselves as isolated beings.
Accdg to fromm human’s ability is both ___
Human’s ability to reason is both a blessing and a curse.
It permits people to survive
Forces people to solve life/death situation and self realization
How do people react with existential dichotomy
They react relative to culture and individual personality
First and most fundamental dichotomy -fromm
Life and death
Existential dichotomies
Life and death
Self realization
People are ultimately alone, yet we cannot tolerate isolation
Fromm’s human needs
Relatedness Transcendence Rootedness Sense of identity Frame of orientation
Accdg to fromm people are motivated by
Physiological needs - hunger sex safety but wont resolve human dilemma
Existential needs emerged from
Emerged from evolution of human culture, growing out of their attempts to find an answer to their existence to avoid getting insane
One impt diff betweeb mentally healthy individual versus neurotic or insace
They find answer to their existence that corresponds to their total human needs
Drive for union with another person or other person
Basic ways to relate to the world
Submission is
Becoming part of something bigger than himslef and experiences his identity in connection with the power to which he has submitted
Submit to another or to a group to become one worh the world
Seek power with domineering people
Power seekers
Seek relationship with submissive partners
When a submissive person and a domineering person find each other they establish
Symbiotic relationship - one that is satisfying to both partners
Symbiotic relationship
Blocks growth toward integrity and psychological health
Live on each other and from each other satisfying their craving of closeness yet suffering from lack of inner strength and self reliance which would require freedom and independence
People in symbiotic relationship are
Drawn by desperate need of relatedness. Which will never be satisfied
Would constantly seek for power and submission which make them more dependent and less of an individual
The only route by which a person can become united with the world and at the same time achieve individuality and integrity
Union with somebody or something outside oneself under the condition of retaining the separateness and integrity of ones own self
Involves sharing and communion with one another yet it allows a person the freedom to be unique and separate.
Allows the person to satisfy the need for relatedness without surrendering integrity and independence
Two people become one yet remain two
Common elements of genuine love
The urge to rise above a passive and accidental existence and into realm of purposefulness and freedom
To kill for reasons other than survival
Malignant aggression
Need to eastablish roots or to feel one at home again in the world
People who strive rootedness through fixation are
Afraid to take the next step of birth.
Deep craving to be mothered
Fromm is matriarchal
True influence by johann jakob bachofen
Fromms view od oediius complex
Desire to return to mothers womb or breast or to a person with mothering function
Capacity to be aware of ourselves as a separate entity
Sense of identity
What is self identity’s concept
“I am I” “I am the subject of my actions”
Healthy people accdg to Fromm
Less need to conform to the herd
Less ned tingige up their sense of self
They do not have to surrender their freedom and individuality to fit in necuase they possess sense of identity
Being spit off from nature, human needs road map. This make their way through the world
Enables people to organize the various stimuli that impinge on them
Frame of orientation
Without road map people would be
Confused and unable to act purposefully and consistently
Those who lack frame of orientation
Nevertheless strive to put the events into reliable framework to make sense
Summary of Fromm’s human needs
See notebook
incestuos feelings accdg to fromm
based in the deep seated craving to remain in or return to all enveloping womb or to the all nourishing breast.
Johann jakob bachofenn’s view in contrast to freud
Mother was the central figure in these ancient social groups
Human needs aim
Moving people toward reunion with the natural world
Lack of satisfaction in the human needs
Fullfilment postice or negatively
Reason is
Both a blessing and a curse
being free from the security of being one with the mother
Burden of freedom
Burden of freedom results in
Basic anxiety
Basic anxiety is
Feeling of being alone in the world
Produces frightening sense of isolation and aloneness
People free from freedom through
Mechanism of escape
Mechanism of escape
mechanism of escape are the____ unlike horney’s neurotic trend
Driving forces in normal people both individual and collectively
Tendency to give up the independence of ones own individual self to fuse ones self with somebody/something outside oneself IN ORDER TO ACQUIRE THE STRENGTH THE INDIVIDUAL IS LACKING
Need to unite with a powerful partner
2 forms of need to unite woth powerful partner/authoritarianism
Results in feelings of powerlessness, weakness, and inferiority.
Aimed at joining oneself to a powerful institution/person
Often disguised as love or loyalty but it will never contribute to independence or authenticity
Unlike masochism it is socially harmful
aimed at reducing basic anxiety through achieving unity with another person/persons.
3 kinds of sadistic tendencies
- Need to make others dependent on oneself and to gain power over the weak
- Compulsion to exploit others, to take advantage of them, or to use them for one owns benefit or pleasure
- Desire to see other suffer physically or psychologically
Seeks to do away with other people
By destroying people and objects, a person or a nation attempts to restore lost feelings of power .
By destroying other persons or nations, destructive people eliminate much of the outside world and thus acquire PERVERTED ISOLATION
Try to escape from a sense of aloneness and isolation by giving up their individuality and becoming whatever people desire them to be.
Seldom express their opinions, cling to expected standards of behavior, and ofteb appear stiff and automated
How can people break feeling of conformity and powerlessness
Achieving self realization
Positive freedom
Spontaneous and full expression of both their rational and emotional potentials
Represents a successful solution of human dilemma of being part of the world yet separate from it
Positive freedom
Through positive freedom and spontaneous activity
People overcome the terror of aloneness
Achieve union with the world
Maintain individuality
Twin components of postive freedom
Through this humans unite with one another and with the world without sacrificing their integrity.
In fromms theory, personality is reflected into one’s _
Character orientation
A person’s relatively permanent way of relating to people and things
Fromm’s denition of personality is
Totality of inherited and acquired psychic qualities which are characteristic of one individiual and which make the individual unique
Most impt of the acquired qualities of personality
The relatively permanent system of all non instinctual strivings through which man relates himself to the human and natural world
Character is substitute for instincts
Instead of acting accdg to their instinct they act accdg to their character
By acting acting accdg to character, humanns behave efficiently and consistently
2 ways of relating to the world
Assimilation/acquiring and using things
Socialization/ relating to self and othersp
Non productive orientations
Feel that the source of all good lies outside themselves and that the only way they can relate to the world is
TO REceive things
Including love, knowledge, material posession
They want to be showered with love ideas and gift
Receptive character
What are the positive and negative qualities of receptive people
+ loyalty acceptance trust
- passivity submissive lack of self confidence
Believes that the source of good lies outside themselves
They take aggresively take what they want rather than passively receive it
They prefer to steal and plagiarize rather than createp
Exploitative characterr
What are the postice and negative qualityies of exploitative character
- egocentric conceited arrogant seducing
+ impulsive proud charming self confident
Seek to save what they which they have already obtained
They hold everything inside and do not let go of anything
Keep money feelings thoughts to themselves
They tend to live in the past and are repelled to anuthing new
Hoarding character
Hoarding character is similar to freud’s___
Anal character.
They are excessively orderly, stubborn, miserly
Although hoarding character is similar to freuds anal this is not__
A result of sexual drives but rather part of their general interest in all that is not alive including feces
Postice snd nega traits of hoarding char
+ orderliness cleanliness punctuality
- rigidity sterility obstinacy compulsivity lack of creativeness
See themselves as commodities with their personal values dependent on their exchange value that is their ability to sell themselves
Must see themselves as being in constant demand they must make others believe that they are skillful and salable
They adjust personality to what is currently in fashion
Iam as you desire me
Marketing character
Postice and negativd traits of marketing char
+ changeability open mindedness adaptability generosity
- aimlessness oppurtunism inconsistency wastefulness
How does one solve human dilemma
Unite with the world and with others while retaining uniqueness and individuality
Dimension of productive orientation
Biophilic individuals wants to influence through
Psychologically disturbed people are incapable of
Failed to establish union with others
3 severe personality disorders or SYNDROME OF DECAY
Malignant narcissism
Incestuous symbiosis
Necrophilous person revolves around
Pre occupation with guilt about previous transgressions
People who are fixated on themselves are likely to internalize experience and to dwell on bot physical health and moral virtues
Moral hypochondriasis
Extreme dependence on the mother or mother surrogate
Exagerated form of the more common and more benign mother fixation
Originates in infancy
Incestuous symbiois
Syndrome of growth
Positive freedom
Fromms psychoterapy
Accurate communication
Patients come for theraphy to satisfy basic human needs
Whare are the basic human needs
Relatedness Transcendence Rootedness Sense of identity Frame of orientation