Bandura Flashcards
humans have the flexibility to learn a bariety of behaviors in diverse situations
Learning by observing others
Vicarious learning
Human action is a result of interaction between behavior, environment, and personal factors
People have the capacity to regulate their lives
Triadic reciprocal causation model
2 environmental forces in triadic reciprocal model
Chance encounter
Fortuitous events
Humans have the capacity to exercise control over the nature and quality of their lives
Agentic perspective
confidence in oneself that they can perform behaviors that will produce desires outcomes
Self efficacy
People are able to rely on others for goods and services
Procy agency
People’s shared beliefs that they can bring about change
Collective efficacy
Attempt to refulte behavior when people find themselves in morally ambigous situations
Moral agency
Allows people to learn without performing ang behavipr
Much more efficient that direct experience
Observational learning
core of observational learning
Involves adding and subtracting from the observed behavior and generalizing from one observation to another
Involves symbolically representing information and storing it for use at future time
Several factors that determine whether a person will learn from a model
Characteristics of model - high status
Ccharacteristics of observer - lack status
consequence of behavior being modeled may have an effect on the observer - the greater the observation the more likely it will acquire
Processes governing observational learning
Behavioral production
___ Can lead to aquisition of learning
Performance is facilitated by ___ to enact particular behavior
Attention and representation
Allows people to acquire new patterns of complex behavior through direct experience by thinking about and evaluating consequences of behavior
Enactive learning
Three functions pf consequenxes
Informs us the effects of our actions
Motivate our anticipatory behavior
Serve to reinforce behavior
2 major kinds of learning
Observational learning
Enactive learning
Unintended meeting of persons unfamiliar to each other
Chance encounter
Environmental experience that is unexpected and unintended
Fortuitous events
Humans have the capacity to control over their own lives
Social cognitive theory
Active process of exploring, manipulating, and influencing thw environment in order to attain desired outcomes
Human agency
6 corollaries of mastery experiences
- Successful performance raises self efficacy in proportion to difficulty of the task
2 task successfully accomplished by oneself are more efficacous than than those with help pf ptjers
3 failure is most likely to decrease efficacy when we know that we put forth our best effort
4 failure under conditions of high emotional arousal or distress is not self-debilitating as failure under maximal conditions
5 failure prior to establishing a sense of mastery is more detrimental to feelings of personal efficacy than later failure
6 occassional failure has little effect on efficacy