Fresh and Saltwater Systems (based on study guide) Flashcards
What is the difference between indirect and direct use of water? Provide examples for both.
Direct water use refers to the water use by the person them self. Indirect water use refers to the water use in the production chain of products bought by other people.
Direct- Bathing, cooking, drinking
Indirect- Producing Steel, Processing Wood for paper.
How do tides work? (be prepared to draw a picture)
- The side closest to the moon feels a strong pull from the moon creating a bulge.
- The opposite side of the Earth also has a smaller bulge due to the moon pulling on Earth.
- The two bulges on both sides of Earth are the high tides.
- The other sides on earth are the low tides.
- There are two high tides and two low tides a day.
What is the difference between a short-term and long-term change? Provide 2 examples of each.
Short-term-A sudden change in population that does not happen yearly (ex. algae blooms, fertilizer runoff), it does not last too long (1year)
Long-term-A change that does not happen yearly and has long lasting effects (ex. coral bleaching, climate change)
How do water bodies affect climate?
If the water is warmer, the climate will be warmer with more precipitation.
If the water is cooler, the climate will be cooler with little precipitation.
What is hard water?
water with a high concentration of mostly calcium and magnesium, can sometimes include iron. Soap does not bubble up in hard water (soap test)
what is soft water?
Water containing little or no calcium or magnesium content is considered soft water.
What is Salinity?
The amount of dissolved salts in a body of water
What are the different characteristics of streams?
there are 9
speed of flow quantity of water stream shape stream slope riverbed shape stream width stream bank sediment size sediment amount
What is diversity in an ecosystem?
The variety of different species in an ecosystem, may also be used to describe variety in a population or species.
What is the most diverse ecosystem?
Tropical Forests
What is fertilizer runoff?
the residue from excess fertilizer that finds it’s way into bodies of water. This causes algae blooms.
What is sediment load?
Sediment load is a geologic term referring to the solid matter carried by a stream.
How much water does industry use?
How much water does agriculture use?
How much water does domestic use?
What are three human activities that affect water bodies?
pollution, fertilizer runoff, waste, untreated sewage, etc.
what are the zones in a lake? (be prepared to draw a diagram)
Littoral, Limetic, Euphoric, Profundal
what are the zones in an ocean? (be prepared to draw a diagram)
Intertidal Zone, Continental Shelf, Oceanic Zone
Zone of Light penetration, zone of no light penetration
What is potable water and where is it found?
Potable water is water that is safe for human consumption. It can be found at water treatment plants, glaciers, etc.
What is wave action and how does it work?
Waves are changes in pattern that move along the water surface. A wave moves along the surface of the water, but the water itself moves only in a tiny circle in one place. Most waves are caused by wind.