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جان کلام the main idea and meaning of what someone has said or written. the — of. The — of his argument is that full employment is impossible. Don’t worry about all the details as long as you get the — (= understand the main meaning ) of it.
1 an increase in something. — in. an — in sales. 2 a feeling of happiness and hope
قطب جنوب
the study of the forming and movement of the large sheets of rock that form the surface of the Earth
plate tectonics noun [ uncountable ]
رد کردن نظریه to show that something is wrong or not true OPP prove. These figures — Smith’s argument.
پیچیدگی 1 having a lot of small parts or details put together in a complicated way SYN intricate. pure silks embroidered with — patterns
carefully planned and organized in great detail SYN complex. a very — telecommunications network
water that has frozen into a solid state : — cubes in her Coke | the — on the lake
an area of thick ice that permanently covers the North and South Poles : We all know that the polar — are melting because of global warming.
ice cap
a very large mass of ice floating in the sea, most of which is under the surface of the water : The ship sank after hitting an — in the North Atlantic.
a large mass of ice which moves slowly down a mountain valley : The high mountain — of South America and Asia are melting at an alarming rate.
frozen balls of ice which fall like rain from the sky : — as big as marbles flattened the crops.
a thin coating of white powder-like ice that forms on the ground and plants, or the weather conditions in which this powder appears : There was — on the ground.
a long thin pointed piece of ice that hangs from a roof or other surface : There were — hanging down from the side of the house.
an area of ice that is very difficult to see on a road : Driving conditions are dangerous, with — in many areas.
black ice
to remove something from a surface using the edge of a knife, a stick etc : — the carrots and slice them thinly.
تراشیدن یه چیزی از روی یه چیز دیگه
scrape something off/into etc something.
to make a noise by rubbing roughly against a surface. Chairs — loudly as they stood up. — (something) on/down/against something. He opened the gate quietly, trying not to let it — on the gravel.
عملی dealing with problems in a sensible practical way instead of strictly following a set of ideas. Williams took a more — approach to management problems.
pragmatic adjective
سخن something you say. Politicians are judged by their public —. 2 [ uncountable ] the action of saying something
utterance noun formal
1 an opinion that is stated publicly SYN stand. — on What is your — on environmental issues? — against a strong — against abortion. take/adopt a —. The President has adopted a tough — on terrorism.
stance noun
the opinions and feelings that you usually have about something, especially when this is shown in your behaviour : As soon as they found out I was a doctor, their whole — changed. — to/towards. The people have a very positive — to life.
attitude noun
an — situation is one that is unusual or amusing because something strange happens, or the opposite of what is expected happens or is true. Your car was stolen at the police station! How —! It’s — that her husband smoked for thirty years, and yet she’s the one who died of lung cancer.
ironic adjective
using words that are the opposite of what you really mean, often in a joking way. — comments. When I told Lucy I loved her book, she thought I was being —. → sarcastic
saying things that are the opposite of what you mean, in order to make an unkind joke or to show that you are annoyed : Was she being —? — remark/comment/question. He can’t help making — comments. — manner/smile/laugh etc. ‘I thought so,’ she said with a — smile.
sarcastic adjective
گلچین کردن a short piece taken from a book, poem, piece of music etc SYN extract.— of/from. An — of the speech appeared in the Sunday paper.
excerpt noun [ countable ]
[ usually before noun ] of a good enough standard or quality. a — salary. Don’t you have a — jacket?. a house with a — -sized yard. Their in-flight magazine is halfway — (= quite good ) .
decent adjective
following moral standards that are acceptable to society — citizens/people/folk etc. The majority of residents here are — citizens. a — burial. Paul visited the local bars more frequently than was — for a senior lecturer. The chairman did the — thing (= did what people thought he ought to ) and resigned.
[ usually before noun ] treating people in a fair and kind way : I decided her father was a — guy after all. It was — of you to show up today.
good enough - often used when something reaches a fairly good standard, but is not of a high standard : Her grades are —. | For a beginner, this camera produces — results.
(spoken) not bad, but not very good : The meal was —, but rather expensive. | ‘How was the film?’ ‘It was —.’
all right/OK
plan, to think carefully about how you are going to do sth and plan a good way of doing it: UN negotiators have —ed — a set of compromise proposals. We need to — how to get there.
work (something) out
گریز زدن to talk or write about something that is not your main subject. Do you mind if I — for a moment? After several long — he finally reached the interesting part of the story.
digress verb [ intransitive ] digressions
1 to make something continue to exist or happen for a period of time SYN maintain. She found it difficult to — the children’s interest. He was incapable of —ing close relationships with women. the policies necessary to — economic growth. 2 to suffer damage, an injury, or loss of money. Two of the firefighters —ed serious injuries. Some nearby buildings —ed minor damage. The company has —ed heavy financial losses this year.
sustain verb [ transitive ]
تخصیص دادن to use a particular amount of time for something, or give a particular share of money, space etc to someone or something SYN allocate. — something to something/somebody. Try and — two or three hours a day to revision. Each school will be —ted twenty seats. — somebody something. Everyone who works for the company has been —ted ten shares.
allot verb ( past tense and past participle allotted , present participle allotting )
پشیمان شدن to feel sorry about something you have done and wish you had not done it. Don’t do anything you might —. — doing something. I — leaving school so young. — (that). He was beginning to — that he’d come along.
regret verb ( past tense and past participle regretted , present participle regretting )
سرفصل a set of instructions or an explanation in a book, examination paper etc. 2 a title under which particular things are mentioned or discussed. The names were listed under the — ‘Contributors’.
rubric noun [ countable ]
جامع سرجمع considering a person or thing as a whole, rather than as separate parts. a — approach to design. 2 — medicine/treatment/healing etc medical treatment based on the belief that the whole person must be treated, not just the part of their body that has a disease
holistic adjective
to tell another person the information that has been told to you : She’s with a client at the moment, but I’ll — her. | If I get any news, I’ll —.
pass a message on to somebody ( also pass it on informal ) pass it on
to give someone all the necessary information about a situation, so that they can do their work : Police officers were —ed before going out to arrest the suspects.
(formal) to tell someone about a series of events : The guide —ed the history of the castle, from the 1300s onwards.
نظر کسی رو به چیزی جذب کردن to tell someone about something that they did not know about, but which they need to know about : I wanted to (2) your attention. | She was the first person to study the effects of pesticides, and to (3) people’s attention.
bring something to sb’s attention (2)bring the matter to (3)bring them to
(informal) to tell someone about things that have happened recently, especially at work : Can you (2) on the progress we’ve made while he’s been on holiday?
fill somebody in (2)fill Robert in
to write a short piece of information quickly. Let me — your number and I’ll call you tomorrow.
jot something ↔ down phrasal verb
بینش و بصیرت a sudden clear understanding of something or part of something, especially a complicated situation or idea. — into. The article gives us a real — into the causes of the present economic crisis. The research provides new —s into the way we process language. the ability to understand and realize what people or situations are really like : a woman of great —
an opinion that everyone in a group agrees with or accepts SYN agreement. — on/about. a lack of — about the aims of the project. — that. There is a — among teachers that children should have a broad understanding of the world.
to provide new information about something, making it easier to understand :
research findings that (1) the origin of our universe
The numerous biographies of Baldwin (2) the subject.
cast light on/onto something
(1) cast new light on
(2) cast little light on
to make people feel less certain about something : Her documentary (1) Gilligan’s conviction.
cast doubt(s) on something (1) casts serious doubt on
to read or look at something very carefully for a long time : She was (1) a book.
pore over something phrasal verb
(1) poring over
حکایتی consisting of short stories based on someone’s personal experience. His findings are based on — evidence rather than serious research.
to invent a new word or expression, especially one that many people start to use :
The word ‘aromatherapy’ was —ed in the 1920s.
to suddenly feel so frightened that you cannot think clearly or behave sensibly, or to make someone do this:
He started to — when he saw the gun.
Don’t —! We’ll soon get you out of there.
— somebody into doing something
The protests became more violent and many people were —ed into leaving the country.
— to something very similar to something :
Something — to panic overwhelmed him.
akin (formal)
محبت كرديد امروز تشريف اورديد.
It was decent of you to show up today.
to gradually start using a new system, law, process etc:
The new tests will be —d — over the next two years.
phase something ↔ in phrasal verb
to gradually stop using or providing something:
The subsidy for company cars is to be —d — next year.
phase something ↔ out phrasal verb
unusual or strange and often amusing :
He has a wonderful whimsical sense of humor.
whimsical adjective (for example: whimsical illustration)
تیپ خاص کارهای هنری، مقالات، موزیک و غیره
He has written novels in several —s, most notably science fictions.
genre (ژانرا تلفظ می شود)
طرفدار ورزش یا افراد خاص
Groups of football —s began heading towards the ground. He’s a big — of Elvis Presley.
fan معنی پنکه هم می دهد
(formal) to grow or develop quickly :
the —ing market for digital cameras
burgeon / bɜdʒ ə n $ bɜr- / verb [ intransitive ]
پی بردن to form an opinion that something is probably true because of information that you have
— something from something
A lot can be —red from these statistics.
— that
From the evidence, we can — that the victim knew her killer.