Anaheim Campus Flashcards
a person who helps someone such as a criminal to do something wrong
شریک جرم
accomplice (əkʌmplɪs) n.
the act of closing a company by selling the things that belong to it, in order to pay its debts :
Hundreds of small businesses went into ? (= were closed ) .
liquidation n.
involvement in a crime, together with other people
Jennings denied ? in the murder.
complicity n.
to say publicly that you no longer have a political or religious belief that you had before
انکار کردن
recant / rɪkænt / verb
گناهکار, مقصر
deserving blame
Both parties were held to be to some extent ?.
culpable / kʌlpəb ə l / adjective
اعتراف کردن
to admit, especially to the police, that you have done something wrong or illegal
Edwards ?ed to being a spy for the KGB.
confess / kənfes / verb
confession n.
مدعی شد که فریب خورده که مواد رو جابجا کنه
trick somebody into doing something
He claimed he was tricked into carrying drugs.
مقصر دونستن
to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad :
Don’t ? me – it’s not my fault.
I ? his mother. She does everything for him.
blame verb
blame somebody/something for something
مقصر دونسته شد و به زندان افتاد
he was found culpable and jailed.
to decide unfairly that a type of person has particular qualities or abilities because they belong to a particular race, sex, or social class Homeless people are ?d as alcoholics or addicts.
stereotype verb
اوباش و ارازل
a criminal, often a young person, who does violent or illegal things SYN gangster
hoodlum n.
بدشانس، بی چاره
literary unlucky :
The ? passengers were stranded at the airport for three days.
hapless / hæpləs / adjective [ only before noun ]
someone who is guilty of a serious crime SYN criminal :
By law, convicted ؟s (= criminals who are sent to prison ) may not own or use guns.
felon / felən / noun
پايمال شدن، لغو کردن
to officially end a legal agreement, practice etc :
Both governments voted to ? the treaty.
abrogate / æbrəɡeɪt / verb
abrogation n.
an ? crime, fact etc is one that someone says has happened or is true, although it has not been proved
? offense/crime/incident etc
their ? involvement in international terrorism
alleged / əledʒd / adjective
اتهام، عقیده
a very strong belief or opinion
religious/political etc ?s
a woman of strong political ?
conviction / kənvɪkʃ ə n / noun
پیشنهاد کردن
to suggest something as a plan or course of action
the changes currently ?d by the local planning authorities
the ?d budget cuts
propose / prəpəʊz/ verb
حق دادن
to give someone the official right to do or have something
be ?d to (do) something
Full-time employees are ?d to receive health insurance.
entitle / ɪntaɪtl / verb [ transitive often passive ]
on (the) grounds of something
شما بازداشتید؟ به چه جرمی؟
You are under arrest. On what grounds?
مانع جلو راه ایجاد کردن
to prevent something or make something impossible :
rules that ? experimentation in teaching methods
? somebody from doing something
Age alone will not ? him from standing as a candidate.
preclude / prɪklud / verb [ transitive ]
تصويب کردن
to defend or support a law, system, or principle so that it continues to exist :
a committee that aims to ? educational standards
OPP overrule (رد کردن)
uphold / ʌphoʊld / verb ( past tense and past participle upheld / -held / ) [ transitive ]
ویرانی و خرابی
a situation in which there is a lot of damage or a lack of order, especially so that it is difficult for something to continue in the normal way SYN chaos
cause/create ?
A strike will cause ? for commuters.
havoc / hævək / noun [ uncountable ]
someone who travels a long distance to work every day
commuter / kəmjutər/ noun [countable]
پریشان حال
so upset and worried that you cannot think clearly :
Relatives are tonight comforting the ? parents.
distraught / dɪsstrɒt / adjective
a baseball player who hits the ball a very long way
slugger / slʌɡər / noun
if a situation or type of behaviour is ? of something, it shows that a serious problem exists.
? of
The rise in unemployment is ? of a general decline in the economy.
2 medical showing that someone has a particular illness
symptomatic / sɪmptəmætɪk/ adjective
پوچ بی محتوی very stupid or without much meaning : Most pop lyrics are pretty ?. an ? remark — ?ly adverb : Dave smiled ?ly.
inane / ɪneɪn / adjective
کار مفت
a job which you get paid for even though you do not have to do very much work
sinecure /sɪnɪkjʊr / noun
a ? action is shocking because it is done in a way that is easily noticed and shows no respect for laws, truth etc
? abuse/violation/breach etc
? violations of human rights
flagrant / fleɪɡrənt / adjective
an opinion about whether a person, group, or idea is good or bad that influences how you deal with it → discrimination
political/gender/racial etc ?
political ? in the press
Students were evaluated without ?.
? against/towards/in favour of
It’s clear that the company has a ? against women and minorities.
bias / baɪəs / noun [ singular, uncountable ]
اداره کردن
to be in charge of a formal event, organization, ceremony etc :
I shall be pleased to ? at your meetings.
Mr Justice Waller, ?ing judge for the north east
? over something phrasal verb
preside / prɪzaɪd / verb [ intransitive ]
گول زدن
to trick or deceive someone
? somebody into doing something
Consumers are being ?d into buying faulty electronic goods.
dupe informal verb [ transitive usually passive]
to trick someone, especially by telling them something that is not true : I’m pretty good at judging people; I didn’t think he was trying to ? me.
con informal
انرژی دادن
? somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verb
informal to make something or someone more active or interesting :
The team needs a few new players to ? it up.
pep - up / pep / verb ( past tense and past participle pepped , present participle pepping )
informal physical energy :
an enthusiastic player, full of ?
→ ? talk
pep noun [ uncountable ]
متوقف کردن
to officially end a law, system etc, especially one that has existed for a long time :
Slavery was ?ed in the US in the 19th century.
abolish / əbɒlɪʃ / verb [ transitive ]
Slavery = بردگی
محروم کردن
? somebody of something phrasal verb
to prevent someone from having something, especially something that they need or should have :
A lot of these children have been ?d of a normal home life.
deprive / dɪpraɪv / verb
لغو کردن
1 law to officially state that something has no legal force :
The election results were ?ied because of voter fraud.
خنثی کردن
2 formal to make something lose its effect or value SYN cancel out :
Recent inflation could ? the economic growth of the last several years
nullify /nʌlɪfaɪ / verb ( past tense and past participle nullified , present participle nullifying , third person singular nullifies ) [ transitive ]
nullification n.
با تقوی و فضیلت
formal behaving in a very honest and moral way OPP wicked :
a ? man
Sue considered herself very ? because she neither drank nor smoked.
virtuous / vɜrtʃuəs/ adjective
dishonest, illegal, or immoral behavior, especially from someone with power :
officials charged with bribery and ?
The investigation uncovered widespread ? within the police force.
corruption / kərʌpʃ ə n / noun [ uncountable ]
bribery = رشوه خواری
فساد در جنوب کشور خیلی رایجه
Corruption was rife in the south of the country
rife = مملو، متداول
1 the person who is guilty of a crime or doing something wrong → victim :
Police finally managed to catch the ?.
2 informal the reason for a particular problem or difficulty :
High production costs are the main ?.
culprit / kʌlprət, kʌlprɪt / noun [ countable]
doing something as much as possible SYN keen :
an ? collector of old jazz records
an ? reader
avid /ævɪd / adjective [ only before noun ]
avidly adv.
1 something that is ? looks very expensive and is designed to make people think that its owner must be very rich :
She carried her car keys on an ? gold key ring.
an ? display of wealth
2 someone who is ? likes to show everyone how rich they are :
He was vain and ?.
ostentatious / ɑstənteɪʃəs / adjective
ostentatiously adverb
vain = تازه به دوران رسیده
ثابت قدم ماندن
to continue trying to do something in a very determined way in spite of difficulties – use this to show approval :
It can be tricky at first, but ?.
? with
He ?d with his task until he had succeeded in collecting an armful of firewood.
? in (doing) something
She had ?d in her claim for compensation.
persevere / pɜrsəvɪr / verb [ intransitive ]
persevering adjective
محدود كردن، دست و پا رو بستن
1 to restrict someone’s freedom and prevent them from doing what they want :
?ed by family responsibilities
غل و زنجیر کردن
2 to put chains around a prisoner’s hands or feet SYN chain
fetter / fetər / verb [ transitive usually passive ] literary
اعتراض كردن با صداي بلند
to speak loudly, sometimes with actions, so that people notice you
He ? against the decision
declaim / dɪkleɪm / verb
declamation / dekləmeɪʃ ə n / noun
با سخن به کسی حمله کردن
? against somebody/something phrasal verb
to criticize someone or something strongly
inveigh / ɪnveɪ / verb
a large basket that you put dirty clothes in until they can be washed SYN laundry basket British English
مانع شدن
to make it difficult for someone to do something :
She tried to run, but was ?ed by her heavy suitcase.
An attempt to rescue the men has been ?ed by bad weather.
hamper / hæmpər / verb
نمونه کامل
someone who is perfect or is extremely brave, good etc – often used humorously
? of
a ? of virtue
paragon / pærəɡən $ -ɡɑn / noun [ countable ]
عشایر - کوچ نشین
a member of a tribe that travels from place to place instead of living in one place all the time, usually in order to find grass for their animals
if you speak with ?, you say something in a way that is rough or severe, showing that you are feeling impatient
asperity /æsperɪti/ noun [ uncountable ] formal
a word or short phrase used to describe someone, especially when praising them or saying something unpleasant about them :
He hardly deserves the ? ‘fascist’.
epithet / epɪθet / noun [ countable ]
بحث برانگیز و جنجالی
causing a lot of disagreement, because many people have strong opinions about the subject being discussed:
the ? issue of welfare reform
a highly ? (= very ?) plan to flood the valley in order to build a dam
He is a ? figure (= person who does ? things ) in the art world.
controversial AC / kɒntrəvɜrʃ ə l/ adjective
someone who is being kept in a prison
inmate / ɪnmeɪt / noun [ countable ]
(law) a problem or complaint that a person or company brings to a court of law to be settled SYN lawsuit :
Johnson has filed ? against her.
a civil ?
suit / sut / noun [ countable ]
اطاعت نکردن، نقض کردن
to disobey or do something against an official agreement, law, principle etc :
34 protesters were arrested for ?ing criminal law.
regimes that ? human rights
violate AC / vaɪəleɪt / verb [ transitive ]
حسن، شایستگی
an advantage or good feature of something
-? of
The film has the ? of being short.
The ? of the report is its realistic assessment of the changes required.
The great ? of the project is its flexibility and low cost.
Each of these approaches to teaching has its ?s.
Tonight’s meeting will weigh up the relative ?s of the two candidates.
merit / merɪt / noun [ countable ]
محکوم کردن to prove or officially announce that someone is guilty of a crime after a trial in a law court OPP acquit ? somebody of something She was ?ed of shoplifting. ? somebody on something He was ?ed on fraud charges . a ?ed murderer
convict / kənvɪkt / verb [ transitive ]
گناه، بزه، جرم an illegal action or a crime : His solicitor said he committed the ? because he was heavily in debt. ? against sexual ?s against children
offense / əfens / noun [ countable ]
آزاد کردن
release to allow someone to leave prison or somewhere they have been kept as a prisoner SYN release :
He expects to be ?d quite soon.
The terrorists have at last agreed to ? the hostages.
? somebody from something
She was ?d from prison last week.
free verb ( past tense and past participle freed , present participle freeing ) [ transitive ]
القاء کردن، سرغیرت آوردن
to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to do something :
We need someone who can ? the team.
? somebody to do something
He ?d many young people to take up the sport.
? somebody to something
I hope this success will ? you to greater efforts.
?d by the sunny weather, I decided to explore the woods.
inspire / ɪnspaɪr / verb [ transitive ]
ماورای تصور
having very exciting special qualities that are better than anyone or anything else :
an ?d leader
an ?d performance
inspired / ɪnspaɪrd / adjective
when people are made to obey a rule, law etc :
law ?
enforcement / ɪnfɔrsmənt / noun [ uncountable ]
اذیت و آزار، تعرض
when someone behaves in an unpleasant or threatening way towards you :
African-Americans have been complaining about police ? for years.
harassment / hærəsmənt, həræsmənt / noun [ uncountable ]
تحمل کردن
1 [ transitive ] to be in a difficult or painful situation for a long time without complaining :
It seemed impossible that anyone could ? such pain.
? doing something
He can’t ? being apart from me.
In everyday English, people usually say stand rather than ?:
I couldn’t stand the pain.
2 [ intransitive ] to remain alive or continue to exist for a long time :
friendships which ? over many years
endure / ɪndjʊə / verb
formal a lack or loss of the things that everyone needs, such as food, warmth, and shelter :
the ?s of wartime
privation / praɪveɪʃ ə n / noun [ uncountable and countable ]
مدینه فاضله
an imaginary perfect world where everyone is happy
utopia / jutoʊpiə / noun [ uncountable and countable ]
سرکوب کردن، کنترل خودش
1 to stop yourself from doing something you want to do :
Brenda ?ed the urge to shout at him.
I ?ed a smile.
2 if someone ?es upsetting feelings, memories etc, they do not allow themselves to express or think about them:
He had long ago ?ed the painful memories of his childhood.
3 to control a group of people by force → suppress, oppress :
The police were widely criticized for their role in ?ing the protest movement.
repress / rɪpres / verb [ transitive ]
خونسرد و ریلکس
calm and not easily excited or worried :
The taxi driver, a ? man in middle age, showed no surprise at this request.
phlegmatic / fleɡmætɪk / adjective
phlegmatically / -kli / adverb
نزاع و دعوا 1 an angry argument or disagreement ? with Jacob left after a ? with his wife. ? about/over They had a ? about some girl. ? between
bitter (= involving strong feelings of anger or hatred ) They are locked in a bitter ? over ownership of the land.
quarrel / kwɒrəl / noun [ countable ]
پرتاپ کردن
1 [ transitive always + adverb/preposition ] to throw something with a lot of force, especially because you are angry :
Demonstrators were hurling bricks through the windows.
He ?ed a chair across the set, smashing lamps and vases.
2 [ intransitive and transitive ] American English informal to vomit
hurl / hɜrl / verb
زننده، بسیار بد، غیراخلاقی 1 informal extremely unpleasant or bad SYN horrible : This coffee tastes really ?. a ? smell She has a ? temper . 2 ? or immoral : a ? act of betrayal
vile / vaɪl / adjective
— vilely adverb
— vileness noun [ uncountable ]
قابل بحث و گفتگو
things that are ? are not certain because people have different opinions about them SYN arguable :
a ? point
it is ? whether/how etc
It’s ? whether this book is as good as her last.
Whether the object was used for rituals is highly ?.
debatable AC / dɪbeɪtəb ə l / adjective
شایعه، درخت انگور
1 hear something on the ? to hear about something because the information has been passed from one person to another in conversation :
I heard about his resignation on the ?.
2 a climbing plant on which grapes grow SYN vine
grapevine / ɡreɪpvaɪn / noun [ countable ]
one of the people who live in a particular place :
a city of six million ?s
inhabitant / ɪnhæbɪtənt / noun [ countable ]
? people or things have always been in the place where they are, rather than being brought there from somewhere else SYN native
؟ to
Blueberries are ؟ to America.
the many ؟ cultures which existed in Siberia
indigenous / ɪndɪdʒ ə nəs / adjective formal
1 friendly and preferring to be with other people SYN sociable OPP solitary
he was a popular and ? man.
2 technical ? animals tend to live in a group OPP solitary
— ?ly adverb
— ?ness noun [ uncountable ]
gregarious / ɡrɪɡeəriəs / adjective
محل سکونت
the natural home of a plant or animal :
watching monkeys in their natural ?
The grassland is an important ? for many wild flowers.
habitat / hæbɪtæt / noun [ uncountable and countable ]
نگاه سرسری
done very quickly without much attention to details
? glance/look
Even a ? glance at the figures will tell you that sales are down.
? examination/inspection
a ? examination of the evidence
— ?ily adverb
cursory / kɜrs ə ri / adjective
1 arranged or organized in a sensible or neat way OPP disorderly
in (an) ? something
The tools were arranged in ? rows.
She needs to organize her ideas in a more ? way.
2 peaceful or well behaved OPP disorderly
in (an) ? something
The elections were conducted in an ? fashion .
They waited in a dignified and ? manner outside the church.
— ?iness noun [ uncountable ]
orderly / ɔrdərli / adjective
متفاوت و متمایز
1 clearly different or belonging to a different type :
two entirely ? languages
? types/groups/categories etc
There are four ? types.
? from
The learning needs of the two groups are quite ? from each other.
2 as ? from something used to make it clear that you are not referring to a particular kind of thing, but to something else :
a movie star, as ? from an actor
distinct / dɪstɪŋkt / adjective
someone who becomes involved in a place or group where they should not be or they are not wanted
interloper / ɪntərloʊpər / noun [ countable ]
1 someone who opposes or fights against people in authority :
Anti-government ?s attacked the town.
? forces/soldiers
the ? leader
2 someone who refuses to do things in the normal way, or in the way that other people want them to :
Alex has always been a bit of a ?.
rebel / reb ə l / noun [ countable ]
دفع کردن، رد کردن، راندن
1 if something or someone repulses you, you think that they are extremely unpleasant SYN disgust :
The very thought of his cold clammy hands ?d me.
2 to fight someone and successfully stop their attack on you :
Government troops ?d an attack by rebel forces.
3 to refuse an offer of friendship or help in a way that is rude
— ? noun [ singular ]
repulse / rɪpʌls / verb [ transitive ] formal
پر، انباشته
1 formal full of something
? with
Literature is ? with tales of power.
replete / rɪplit / adjective [ not before noun ]
نکات ظریف و دقیق
a very slight, hardly noticeable difference in manner, color, meaning etc → subtlety :
He was aware of every ? in her voice.
? of
the painting’s delicate ?s of color, tone, and texture
— ?d adjective :
a skilful and ?d performance
nuance / nuɑns / noun [ countable ]
1 a woman at a party, meal etc who has invited all the guests and provides them with food, drink etc → host
2 a woman who introduces and talks to the guests on a television or radio show → host
3 a woman who shows people to seats in a restaurant in the US
4 a woman whose job is to entertain men at a nightclub
hostess / hoʊstɪs / noun [ countable ]
به سرعت حرکت کردن
to move quickly with short steps, especially because you are in a hurry :
People were ?ing off to work.
— ? noun [ singular ]
scurry / skɜri / verb ( past tense and past participle scurried , present participle scurrying , third person singular scurries ) [ intransitive always + adverb/preposition ]
شتاب زده و عجول
1 done in a hurry, especially with bad results SYN hurried :
He soon regretted his ? decision.
a ? breakfast
2 be ? to do something too soon, without careful enough thought :
Let’s not be ? – sit down for a moment.
hasty / heɪsti / adjective
توانمند، حاصلخیز، بارور
1 a ? artist, writer etc produces many works of art, books etc :
Handel’s ? output of opera
2 an animal or plant that is ? produces many babies or many other plants
— ?ally / -kli / adverb
prolific / prəlɪfɪk / adjective
دیوار و پناه، کناره های کشتی
1 something that protects you from an unpleasant situation
? against
a ? against dictatorship
2 ?s [ plural ] the sides of a boat or ship above the deck
3 a strong structure like a wall, built for defence
bulwark / bʊlwərk / noun [ countable ]
نشسته و بی تحرک،
1 formal spending a lot of time sitting down, and not moving or exercising very much
? life/job/lifestyle etc
health problems caused by our ? lifestyles
sedentary / sed ə nteri / adjective
زنبور نر، صدای زیر ممتد
1 [ singular ] a continuous low dull sound
? of
the steady ? of traffic
2 [ countable ] a male bee that does no work
drone noun
زنبور نر، صدای زیر ممتد
1 [ singular ] a continuous low dull sound
? of
the steady ? of traffic
2 [ countable ] a male bee that does no work
drone noun
زنبور نر، صدای زیر ممتد
1 [ singular ] a continuous low dull sound
? of
the steady ? of traffic
2 [ countable ] a male bee that does no work
drone noun
hatch 1 / hætʃ / verb ( also hatch out ) [ intransitive and transitive ]
به روزنه تو هواپیما و کشتی هم می گویند که برای بارگیری استفاده می شه
1 if an egg ?es, or if it is ?ed, it breaks, letting the young bird, insect etc come out :
The eggs take three days to ?.
hatch 1 / hætʃ / verb ( also hatch out ) [ intransitive and transitive ]
به روزنه تو هواپیما و کشتی هم می گویند که برای بارگیری استفاده می شه
1 if an egg ?es, or if it is ?ed, it breaks, letting the young bird, insect etc come out :
The eggs take three days to ?.
hatch 1 / hætʃ / verb ( also hatch out ) [ intransitive and transitive ]
به روزنه تو هواپیما و کشتی هم می گویند که برای بارگیری استفاده می شه
2 ? bricks/carpet/concrete/cables etc to put or fasten bricks, a carpet etc in the correct place, especially on the ground or floor :
The carpet was ?id last week.
The project involved ?ing an oil pipeline across the desert.
lay 2 S1 W2 verb ( past tense and past participle laid / leɪd / )
3 bird/insect etc [ intransitive and transitive ] if a bird, insect etc ?s eggs, it produces them from its body :
The flies ? their eggs on decaying meat.
A cuckoo is able to ? in a range of different nests.
lay 2 S1 W2 verb ( past tense and past participle laid / leɪd / )
2 ? bricks/carpet/concrete/cables etc to put or fasten bricks, a carpet etc in the correct place, especially on the ground or floor :
The carpet was ?id last week.
The project involved ?ing an oil pipeline across the desert.
lay verb ( past tense and past participle laid / leɪd / )
3 bird/insect etc [ intransitive and transitive ] if a bird, insect etc ?s eggs, it produces them from its body :
The flies ? their eggs on decaying meat.
A cuckoo is able to ? in a range of different nests.
lay verb ( past tense and past participle laid / leɪd / )
? somebody/something ↔ out phrasal verb
1 spread to spread something out :
? out the map on the table and let’s have a look.
lay verb ( past tense and past participle laid / leɪd / )