Anaheim Campus2 Flashcards
صرفه جو
1 careful to buy only what is necessary OPP extravagant:
As children we were taught to be ? and hard-working.
He led a remarkably ? existence.
2 a ? meal is a small meal of plain food SYN simple OPP extravagant :
a ? breakfast
frugal / fruɡ ə l / adjective
— frugally adverb
— frugality / fruɡæləti, fruɡælɪti / noun [ uncountable ]
ضد و نقیض، کاملا برعکس
formal the complete opposite of something
? of
This is not democratic. It is the ? of democracy.
antithesis / æntɪθəsəs, æntɪθɪsəs / noun ( plural antitheses / -siz / ) [ countable ]
بی رحم
1 making someone suffer or feel unhappy :
Sometimes life seems unbearably ?.
2 deliberately hurting people or animals OPP kind :
The prisoner was a hard ? man.
? jokes about mothers-in-law
cruel / kruəl / adjective
to do something that is morally wrong or illegal → commit :
Who could have ?d such a dreadful crime?
perpetrate / pɜrpətreɪt/
perpetration n.
a clever trick used to deceive someone :
Agnes tried to think of a ? to get Paul out of the house.
ruse / rus, ruz / noun [ countable ]
showing a lot of skill :
a great performance from a ? actor
He won the race with ? ease (= very easily).
De Gaulle conducted his strategy with ? skill .
consummate / kɑnsəmət / adjective [ only before noun] formal
belonging or relating to the countries that fought with Britain, the US etc in the First or Second World War :
an ? bombing raid (حمله ناگهانی)
? forces
2 (be) ? to/with something formal to be related to something or to be very similar :
Anthropology is closely ? to the field of psychology.
allied / ælaɪd, əlaɪd / adjective usually Allied [ only before noun ]
Very smart
1 an ? plan, idea, or object works well and is the result of clever thinking and new ideas :
Many fish have ? ways of protecting their eggs from predators.
an ? device
2 someone who is ? is very good at inventing things or at thinking of new ideas
— ?ly adverb
ingenious / ɪndʒiniəs / adjective
formal a secret trick or slightly dishonest way of doing something, or the use of this
by ?
Sereni was lured to Moscow by ?.
subterfuge / sʌbtərfjudʒ / noun [ uncountable and countable ]
1 to invent a clever story, excuse, or plan, especially in order to deceive someone :
John ?ed an elaborate excuse for being late.
concoct / kənkɑ:kt / verb [ transitive ]
Not true, containing or based on false ideas :
Such an argument is misleading, if not wholly ?.
— ?ly adverb
fallacious / fəleɪʃəs / adjective formal
[ countable ] a false idea or belief, especially one that a lot of people believe is true SYN misconception :
It’s a common ? that a neutered (اخته) dog will become fat and lazy.
fallacy / fæləsi / noun ( plural fallacies )
a very slight, hardly noticeable difference in manner, color, meaning etc → subtlety :
He was aware of every ? in her voice.
? of
the painting’s delicate ?s of color, tone, and texture
— ?d adjective :
a skilful and ?d performance
nuance / nu:ɑns / noun [ countable ]
to move quickly with short steps, especially because you are in a hurry :
People were ?ing off to work.
— ? noun [ singular ]
scurry / skɜri / verb ( past tense and past participle scurried , present participle scurrying , third person singular scurries ) [ intransitive always + adverb/preposition ]
? ideas, plans, attitudes etc are only just starting to develop
inchoate / ɪnkoʊət / adjective formal
? behaviour shows that you care about and will help other people, even though this brings no advantage for yourself OPP selfish :
Were his motives entirely ??
— ?ally / -kli / adverb
altruistic / æltruɪstɪk◂ / adjective
1 a number of things that have been hidden, especially weapons, or the place where they have been hidden
? of
a ? of explosives
a large arms ?
cache / kæʃ / noun [ countable ]
a small group of people who enjoy doing the same things together, and do not like including others → clique
coterie / koʊtəri / noun [ countable ] formal
to make someone responsible for doing something important, or for taking care of someone
? something/somebody to somebody
She ?ed her son’s education to a private tutor.
be ?ed with something/somebody
I was ?ed with the task of looking after the money.
entrust / ɪntrʌst / verb [ transitive ]
1 to make something more beautiful by adding decorations to it SYN decorate, adorn
? something with something
The dress was ?ed with gold threads.
2 to make a story or statement more interesting by adding details that are not true SYN embroider :
She gave an ?ed account of what had happened.
— ?ment noun [ uncountable and countable ]
embellish / ɪmbelɪʃ / verb [ transitive ]
greed :
the ? of some businessmen
cupidity / kjʊpɪdəti, kjʊpɪdɪti / noun [ uncountable ] formal
extremely angry, especially because you think you have been treated unfairly SYN furious :
an ? customer
irate / aɪreɪt◂ / adjective
happening by chance, especially in a way that has a good result :
The meeting with Jack was ?.
— ?ly adverb
fortuitous / fɔ:rtu:ɪtəs / adjective formal
? behaviour is very bad and deserves criticism :
I find their behaviour morally ?.
reprehensible / reprɪhensɪb ə l / adjective formal
showing the main parts of something in a simple way :
a ? diagram of DNA
schematic AC / skɪmætɪk / adjective
a long and complicated series of events, or a description of this :
The whole ? began back in May.
? of
She launched into the ? of her on-off engagement.
saga / sɑɡə / noun [ countable ]
a very high degree of skill in performing
Although the ? of workers are remarkable, the queen bee is really the main story.
virtuosity / vɜrtʃuɑ:sɪti / noun [ uncountable ] formal
a person, group, or organization that you compete with in sport, business, a fight etc SYN competitor :
This gives the company a competitive advantage over its ?s.
? for
his chief ? for the job
He finished 39 seconds ahead of his main ?.
rival / raɪv ə l / noun [ countable ]
when someone says or does something in a way that shows a lack of respect for other people and is likely to offend them → audacity :
He actually had the ? to tell her to lose weight.
temerity / tɪmerəti / noun [ uncountable ] formal
showing or concerning sexual love :
She resisted his ? advances .
He was always boasting about his ? adventures
— ?ly adverb
amorous / æmərəs / adjective formal
1 a soldier, plane etc that is sent to search the area in front of an army and get information about the enemy :
He sent three ?s ahead to take a look at the bridge.
2 ( also talent ?) someone whose job is to look for good sports players, musicians etc in order to employ them :
He was spotted by a ?at the age of 13.
scout / skaʊt / noun [ countable ]
1 formal the babies of animals or plants SYN offspring
2 someone’s children – used humorously SYN offspring, descendant
Sarah with her numerous ?
progeny / prɑ:dʒəni / noun [ uncountable ]
1 a large group of insects, especially bees , moving together
2 a crowd of people who are moving quickly
? of
?s of tourists jostled through the square.
swarm / swɔ:rm / noun [ countable ]
great courage, especially in war :
medals awarded for ?
deeds of ?
valor / vælər / noun [ uncountable ] literary
law an official paper that is a record of an agreement, especially an agreement concerning who owns property:
a mortgage ?
deed / di:d / noun [ countable ]
1 the ? something used when you describe something using part of a well-known expression :
The store had everything including the ? kitchen sink.
2 well known by a lot of people :
His modesty is ?.
proverbial / prəvɜ:rbiəl / adjective
حدس زدن
formal to guess that something is true, using the information you know already
? that
When he came in, he didn’t look up, so she ?d that he was in a bad mood.
— ? noun [ uncountable and countable ] :
Charles was glad to have his ? confirmed.
surmise / sərmaɪz / verb [ transitive ]
كلاه برداري كردن
to get money from someone by deceiving them SYN cheat
? somebody out of something
a businessman who ?d investors out of millions of pounds
— ?r noun [ countable ]
swindle / swɪndl / verb [ transitive ]
Lively (جذاب يا پرانرژي) in appearance or manner
In order to perpetrate the swindle, the ? Confidence man adopted an amorous approach toward the wealthy widow.
jaunty / dʒɑ:nti / adjective
1 an adventure or experience that are exciting, foolish or contain some risk :
their dangerous ? in the Great War
escapade / eskəpeɪd / noun [ countable ]
many and of different kinds :
The reasons for this situation are ?.
manifold / mænɪfoʊld / adjective formal
Showing great care, attention or effort SYN meticulous
? in
He was ? in his attendance at church.
Even young children worked ?ly for a reward.
assiduous / əsɪdʒuəs / adjective formal
— assiduity / æsədjuəti, æsɪdjuəti $ -du- / noun [ uncountable ]
بی عیب و نقص
without any faults and impossible to criticize SYN perfect :
She has taught her children ? manners.
a bar with ? service
impeccable / ɪmpekəb ə l / adjective
صحت و اعتبار
the quality of being real or true
? of
Archaeological evidence may help to establish the ? of the statue.
authenticity / ɒ:θentɪsɪti / noun [ uncountable ]
full of problems etc :
1 ? with problems/difficulties/danger etc
Their marriage has been ? with difficulties.
2 full of anxiety or worry SYN tense :
a ? atmosphere
a ? situation
Julie sounded rather ?.
fraught / frɒ:t / adjective
to secretly make clever and dishonest plans to get or achieve something SYN plot
? to do something
She ?d to kill him with poison.
? against
He became aware that people were ?ing against him and called an emergency meeting.
— ?r noun [ countable ]
scheme verb [ intransitive ]
good at finding ways of dealing with practical problems:
a woman who is energetic and ?
— ?ly adverb
— ?ness noun [ uncountable ]
resourceful AC / rɪzɔ:rsf ə l / adjective
1 be ?ed with/by something to have a lot of problems because of a particular thing :
a company ?ed with debt → un?
2 be ?ed with something to be carrying something heavy
burden verb
1 old-fashioned to hurt someone badly so that they cannot walk properly SYN disable :
She was ?d in a car accident.
2 to damage something badly so that it no longer works or is no longer effective :
Industry is being ?d by high interest rates.
cripple 2 verb [ transitive ]
to completely destroy a town or building :
In 1162 Milan was ?d to the ground by imperial troops.
raze / reɪz / verb [ transitive usually passive ]