1000 words Flashcards
the ? son of a wealthy landowner (lazy)
eagerness and energy (with great ?)
سرود ملی
سرود تو کلیسا
سرود کریسمس
آهنگ خواب بچه
national anthem
hymn (spell: him)
unpleasant wet and cold weather
inclement weather
talkative (a ? old man)
1- lemon/orange ? پوست لیمو و پرتقال
2) اشتیاق و شوق gusto, eagerness
conversations about the most ? subjects
ordinary and not interesting, trivial
banal bəˈnɑːl
حرفهای بی مزه تکراری
one ? after another about …
his comments are ?
if an excuse, an argument, someone’s behaviour etc is ? , it has been used so often that it no longer has any effect and is annoying
wearing thin. That joke is wearing a bit/little thin now, Stuart
praiseworthy; a ? attempt; the ? performances
laudable ˈlɒːdəb ə l
The star player was fined $ 100 when he ? from the training camp?
(went away without permission)
took French leave
Hey John, don’t do a French Leave after work, we’re all going to happy hour.
The ? girl on the phone answered most of my questions
liking to talk a lot in a friendly way
These were ? people, well able to deal with the press and media
(able to talk easily and effectively about things, especially difficult subjects)
Cathy’s a real ?.
informal someone, especially a child, who talks a lot
if your teeth are ?, you are so cold or frightened that your teeth are knocking together
I had ? politics/ religion.
deliberately avoid doing or using something
eschewed اجتناب کردن
a ? note at the end of the letter
having a meaning that is mysterious or not easily understood; ? remark/comment/statement etc
an ? collector of old jazz records
an ? reader
(doing something as much as possible SYN keen)
He’s really ? about his new job. | An ? crowd cheered the team onto the pitch
(showing a lot of interest or excitement about something)
He stormed out in a fit of ?
Nothing can put an avid viewer into a ? more quickly than missing an important contest
(a feeling of being annoyed or upset, especially because someone has ignored you or insulted you)
pique piːk
It is the ? who eschews the amateur variety and watches only the professional games
John, a ? who played seven muscial instruments, couldn’t get a spot in the school band because he didn’t play any single instrument well.
(someone who is not serious about what they are doing or does not study a subject thoroughly) ناشی
dilettante ˌdɪlɪˈtɑːnti
The ? fan will watch only his home team play
not usual
atypical eɪˈtɪpɪk ə l
a rather ? suburban house
enthusiasts will continue to view the most ? contests
(looks very ordinary and is not at all interesting or unusual)
nondescript ˌnɑːndəˈskrɪpt
Pigs are ? feeders. Kids can have ? appetites; a ? reader; Anne has always read ?ly
(eating or wanting large quantities of food)
voracious vɔːˈreɪʃəs
an ? action is done without thinking about what harm it might cause
? attacks/killing/violence/bombing
terrorists responsible for ? killing
the ? use of chemical fertilizers
indiscriminate ˌɪndɪˈskrɪmɪnət
بی برنامه
a ? place, team etc is used by or includes people of both sexes
be ? in history/tradition/politics etc to have a lot of a particular quality :
a town ? in history
Leave the tea bag to ?
(to put food in a liquid and leave it there, so that it becomes soft or has the same taste as the liquid, or so that it gives the liquid its taste)
She ignored his ? and walked away
The programme caused a storm of ?
The announcement was met with howls of ?
someone who likes reading very much
the realities of modern ?
chemical/nuclear/germ etc ?; trench/jungle/mountain etc ?; guerrilla ?
(the activity of fighting in a war – used especially when talking about particular methods of fighting)
fighting from long holes dug into the ground
trench warfare
someone who fights in a war
Come on in – you’re ?! I was ? in/with sweat. chips ? in/with vinegar
(very wet – used about a person or area after a lot of rain or water has fallen on them )
drenched drentʃt
It absolutely poured with rain and we got ?. | His shirt was ? with blood
(very wet all the way through – used especially about people and their clothes)
The game was cancelled because the field was ?
used about ground that has water on its surface because it is so wet that it cannot take in any more
a modest and ? man ; A good leader is ? enough to get advice from experts.
(believing that you are not more important, better, or cleverer than other people, and therefore not expecting to be treated in a special way) فروتن
humble ˈhʌmb ə l
The worlds of science-fiction ? with wonders; The forests ? with deer, birds, and squirrels; Examples of this ? in her book
(to exist in very large numbers)
abound əˈbaʊnd
a statement about what you think will happen in the future SYN forecast
prognostication / prɒɡˌnɒstəˈkeɪʃ
an older married woman
a woman who is in charge of women and children in a school or prison
matron / ˈmeɪtrən
Ray’s very ? and even likes baking cakes
(someone who is ? enjoys spending time at home and doing work in the home )
? animals are able to work for people or live with them as pets
domesticated / dəˈmestəˈkeɪtəd
1 robot
2 someone who seems unable to feel emotions or to think about what they are doing
automaton / ɔːˈtɒmətən
Three armed groups are ?ing for power.
Inevitably, fights break out between the members of ?ing groups
(to compete against someone in order to gain something)
contend / kənˈtend
Some astronomers ? that the universe may be younger than previously thought
(to argue or state that something is true SYN insist)
contend / kənˈtend
He ?s that he didn’t see anything. | She ?s to be a descendant of Charles Dickens
(to say that something is true, even though it has not been proved)
Her family began to ? the countryside for a suitable house.
scour / skaʊr
Ada was ? the pans
to clean something very thoroughly by rubbing it with a rough material SYN scrub
scouring out
The walls were black with
Management ? the idea of job-sharing
to like someone or something
is disposed to
bison / ˈbaɪs ə n
Hundreds of innocent civilians had been ? by government troops
(killed a lot of people in a cruel or violent way )
We got ?ed, 110-54
to defeat an opponent in a sport or game by a large number of points SYN hammer
Hitler’s goal was to ? the Jews
kill large numbers of a particular group, so that they no longer exist