Frases Preposicionales Flashcards
common ´phrases
Translate to Spanish:
a bordo de
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about, concerning, as to, on, over.
acerca de
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after (time, not location)
después de
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(2 options)
en contra de / contra
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alrededor de
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at the disposal of
a disposición de
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at the forefront of
al frente de
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because of (3options)
a causa de / por causa de / por razón de
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before (in time, not location)
antes de
Translate to Spanish:
behind, after
(location - 3 options)
detrás de (behind + hidden)
atrás de (behind, position)
trás de (chasing/looking for)
Translate to Spanish:
besides, in addition to, as well as
además de
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by means of
(3 options)
por medio de (by means of; through; per)
a punta de (on the point of)
mediante (through; by means of)
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contrary to
al contrario de
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due to the lack of, in the absence of
a falta de
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except for
fuera de
Translate to Spanish:
far from
lejos de
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in agreement with
de acuerdo con
Translate to Spanish:
in case of
en caso de
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in charge of
a cargo de
Translate to Spanish:
in exchange or trade for
a cambio de
Translate to Spanish:
in front of
(4 options)
delante de (before, ahead of) / al frente de (in charge of) / en frente de (opposite) / enfrente de (also in opposition to)
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in the direction of
con rumbo a
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in the middle of
en medio de
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in the shape of
en forma de
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in the style of, in the manner of
al estilo de
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(2 options)
adentro de
por dentro
Translate to Spanish:
instead of
en vez de
en lugar de
Translate to Spanish:
cerca de
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on the condition that
bajo condición de que
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on the verge of
a punto de
Translate to Spanish:
on the way to
en vías de
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on top of
encima de
sobre de
Translate to Spanish:
enfrente de
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opposite, towards
frente a
Translate to Spanish:
afuera de
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roughly equivalent to the English suffix “-proof”
a prueba de
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through, across
a través de
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underneath, under
abajo de / debajo de
Translate to Spanish:
with the exception of, except for
a excepción de
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for the purpose of
with with the goal or intent of
in order to
a fin de
con el objectivo de
Translate to Spanish:
dentro de
Translate to Spanish:
about to
a punto de
Translate to Spanish:
después de
Translate to Spanish:
along , throughout
a lo largo de
Translate to Spanish:
alrededor de
Translate to Spanish:
at the end of
al cabo de
Translate to Spanish:
at the level of
al nivel de
Translate to Spanish:
at the moment of
a la hora de
Translate to Spanish:
behind, after
(2 options)
detrás de / tras de
Translate to Spanish:
mas allá de
Translate to Spanish:
despite, in spite of
a pesar de
a despecho de (not common in México)
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dressed as
vestido/a de
Translate to Spanish:
far from
lejos de
Translate to Spanish:
halfway through
a mediados de
Translate to Spanish:
in favor of
a favor de
Translate to Spanish:
in general, generally
por regla general
por lo general
Translate to Spanish:
in place of
en lugar de
Translate to Spanish:
in search of
en busca de
Translate to Spanish:
in the manner of
a modo de
Translate to Spanish:
in the middle of
en medio de
Translate to Spanish:
in the opinion of
a juicio de
Translate to Spanish:
in the place of
en lugar de